old eyosongive.us
reasons to live guy edition
League of Legends General - /lolg/
Reminder to respect your support and protect her.
Fuck your sister
Okay since you asked nicely.
how do i play her
be a slut
Your main
Your rank
Crunchy or Creamy peanutbutter (if allergic, choose anyway)
every fuckin low level game has the same scenario
why couldnt they leave talon alone and nerf zed instead
How to git gud as Brand? I really like him but it's so hard to play against all the mobile champs like Lee, vayne, zed which is in every game.
Be aggressive
then you dont pick him
Wingy Bingy Man
Creamy for eating on things, Crunchy by itself
Last year with the same MMR my team would be S3 to low Gold. Now its a clown fiesta filled with bronze retards like that Volibear who couldnt cs even if i camped Rene for 20 mins
>camping a lane bully when your laner is a useless piece of shit
also buy pink wards
Voli-what? is that a new champion?
Does Frozen Heart trigger Liandries double burn by default or is it a meme and do they need to attack you first? It doesn't trigger shit like Approach Velocity or Cheap Shot so it makes no sense if it does
xth for my wife Syndra
he was going to lose me the game. He kept feeding like an idiot and he refused to end the game when they had 2 inhibs down. I saved bot by counter ganking twice in the first 10 mins and then the only problem was this batshit retarde volibear and karma.
mallet and gauntlet will do it but heart wont unless im wrong and someone can prove im wrong
use the training tool you dingdongs
Not to mention i was running arround warding because THEY COULDNT FUCKING PRESS "4" and Yi was waiting for every chance to buttfuck them brutally
im too lazy
feels fuckin good man lads
I always respect my support with my penis
Then buy pink wards
> playing with my shitty brother in silver
> he gets this clown on the other team
> tell him "tiamat sucks on khaz"
> see he was plat last season
If this is you , probably get the noose
what rank were you last season?
>two maws
>my brother in silver
Frozen Heart doesn't impair movement why would it trigger any of the effects you mentioned?
Diamond 2
I buy pink wards for my bot and top when they are not retarded. When they get their asses pushed in under the tower and the enemy team has 5 people buying pink wards theres no point for me to do so. Its a waste of money since they are gonna get destroyed instantly. Theres also no point buying a sightstone in these matches as a support.
When everyone gets where they belong and i stop teaming up with bronze retards ill buy vision items. For now all i can is ping like a madman to get them to run away and keep ganking while i mentain the highest cs.That and pray to jesus they dont start inting
>Theres also no point buying a sightstone in these matches as a support.
man you're bad
>enemy team is 5 people buying pinks and upgrading trinkets
>yours is all retarded and doesnt know what the "4" button does
Sure your wards will last long and be useful
Silver 3 :(
>>enemy team is 5 people buying pinks and upgrading trinkets
really? looks like they're fucking retards to me
you're not diamond 2 liar
Legit not me
Im gold 3 but we thought it was fucking hilarious watching this plat act like a monkey
They are always slightly less retarded than your team.
mid silver is when zoe stops being cheesy and people actually know how to fight you.
yeah, but you could raise your team's average intelligence by not being a retard and getting wards
I don't like cheesing on her. I like it when I can actually outplay my enemies. I think she's the most fun then.
I'd very much like to eat Evelyn's ass
only when shes on your team
when shes on the enemy team
>mid runs past his minion wave to try to slap zoe
>chunked for 95% of his health forced to take a little nap
>hit with a FREEEEE ignite
but she poops from there
Dont be silly, girls don't poop
Im putting normal wards for them around the point they can get ganked from for as long as im ganking another lane or i am busy getting an objective. When they never leave their happy place under the tower or when they just feed non stop buying pinks is only giving my money to the enemy team.
For example i see bot pinging enemies missing. Even though i had 2 wards and the crab in the river and we saw them going mid. Then they stayed there and started hitting the tower. Meanwhile Xayah is all unaware of this and keeps spamming "enemy missing"
Zoe's blink now stays for a second
If she gets disabled in that time she doesn't go back
You can ward places besides the river bush. You should be using your own vision as well.
fuck you
She's already disabled.
>pick a carry
>my tank literally LITERALLY never initiates
>enemy team has 2 tanks who always find the perfect time to go in and all the damage follow up
>their damage also positions themselves to be peeled
>pick a tank
>all of my carries feed
>no one goes in when i get a good initiate late game
>carries all run from my peeling and then REEE at me for not peeling them from the 15/2/8 kha they created
>literally top damage full tank on team
>zoe w
what's the next hearthstone rng bullshit that rito will add
>start w
>get GLP at level 1
>get TWO teleports in a row from drops
>AND a guard
that match made me really fucking mad
heh.... adios.... kid....!
I love watching you bronze plebeians whine so much about Zoe even though she's so easily countered just by running cleanse and staying behind minions.
woah.....an assassin....one....shot.....an....a....d....c....woah.....
Got back after 7 years! Completly forgot everything but currently enjoying and doing well with Ashe. How do I get the championship skin? Guessing you can't get it anymore.
Ashe is fun as heck!
lethality shouldnt exist
>run cleanse
>get hit by a bubble
>10 seconds later she bubbles again
N-no not like that
>being this silver
>be cho
>buy locket
>eats you when your burst doesnt pop the locket shield
heh..all too simple...
kill yourself scum
>see cho
>hes unkillable
>Ban Zoe
>Vayne and Nasus go through
>Ban Vayne
>Zoe and Nasus go through
>Ban Nasus
>Zoe and Vayne go through
>Finally get a team with a fucking brain and we all ban Zoe, Vayne and Nasus
>Our mid proceeds to pick Yasuo and feed
farm until 6, only go for super obvious ganks. as soon as you hit 6 you have huge kill pressure, go gank a lane. after 6 keep ganking, try and be everywhere on the map. if someone is overextending or just an easy kill go for it. Try watching a streamer, iwdominate he plays her a lot.
Reminder to BE a respectful, protective support and make calls, but don't flame or beg for attention.
>tfw the people being greedy and chasing kills actually listen, refocus on objectives with you and stick a fat loss to a Lux memeport
>not just playing one of those 3
swallow your pride and climb
I main jungle though. You can bet your ass I would be playing them if I played top/adc/mid.
My husband Kled is so cute and fuzzy! I would snuggle him and pet him for hours!
Finally a support who knows what she wants. I'd have you any day over some lame Janna.
I actually enjoy playing AD carry
It's ok when Kayn does it but when Leblanc does it its "unhealthy"
Hextech or just wait until it's on sale again. I don't know if you can ever get the chroma again.
I'm guessing you play Draven
also you have to be careful because you are very squishy. if your ult is down then you can die very easily
>camping a volibear
I think we all know who to blame here
le volibear is trash xD rito rework plis
How hard do I need to win against him before I can leave top lane? Or do I just stay there until he can kill me?
>doing first clear
>x laner is already half health pinging for ganks while under turret
thats because when you dive someone as kayn its extremely difficult to get out alive, so you have to look for picks in the jungle
while leblanc has it way easier, if she fucks it up its not 100% certain that she dies, with kayn it is
>pushed up
>has almost no mana
>3/4s health
As a matter of fact Draven together with Varus are the only ADs I straight up hate
>not level 3 and ganking top at 2:30
what a scrub
>His opponent is full health
>Every single Top and Mid laner expect to get ganked from topside river 3 mins in
>shit is obviously fucking warded somewhere
>1 gank is never enough you have to pitch a tent there
>enemy shyvanna solos something
>Leash for your jungle at blue
>He goes gromp second
Game was basically done at that point
Don't leave top lane. The most you should do is roam mid and help with baron.
Stop him from free farming at all costs.
>be garen
>push in yoricks shit
>doesnt matter because our leblanc and leona are both 0-7, leona with a whopping three assists
>go bot lane
>its just top and mid feeding instead
>go jungle
>its all three lanes
why can't i get away from this shit?
one game out of ten will be a decently rounded team, and then its back to the same old shit for the other nine
If you have to rely on your team to carry you to win then you are exactly where you belong
im not relying on my team to carry me im relying on them not dying every 90 seconds
it is literally, figuratively, and metaphorically impossible to solo carry a game where everyone but you has managed to feed the enemy team 30 deaths before 20 minutes.
These people should just smite the blue for me and then go afk, at least they would be marginally useful then
>main renekton, nasus and rengar
>people keep calling me a furry
how do i make it stop
GUYS I FIGURED IT OUT! To climb low Elo you have to just play assassins because they force feed you and you power spike earlier then it becomes easier to carry and you still have fun.
If you play control mages it takes longer to scale so you don’t have much fun and your team could int before ur spike and it’s gg.
>Kayn ult ands e
>Extremely difficult
He has tremendous dive and escape capability, compared to pressing leblancs w once it isn't as easy sure but you're joking yourself if you think he is difficult.
if you can't play the game why queue up? go play bots retard
I need farm just like you do to stay relevant and my farm is way more limited than yours plus I have to contest it with the enemy jungler up my ass so excuse me if I don't feel like getting behind to help you stay in the game faggot.
It's pathetic, I wish Riot report system would actually work and ban these apes, where does it say that my role is made to win someone's lane?
hes not hard to play
its the fact that the enemy has an easier time killing him
you stupid cunt