>Upcoming Games English Evenicle (English) - Likely Early 2018 Sengoku Rance (English) - After Evenicle Rance Quest Magnum (English) - Likely 2019 mangagamer.org/rance/
RPG 3- by the Evenicle team (New IP) Dohna Dohna - by the Rance 03 Team (New IP) Loli MILF Nukige - by the MILF nukige team 'Heartwarming' VN - by the Atlach Nacha writer
Not really. Rather I think it should have used different language as what the creator probably meant is "Do you know Japanese?" and not "Do you know only the English language?". In both cases, there would be no "other" option, but maybe options to tell to what degree you know Japanese or another language other than English.
Colton Bailey
I'm surprised that there are this many non-EOPs actually