What was the point of forcing everyone to cut their hair the same way?

What was the point of forcing everyone to cut their hair the same way?

It was a move by the Manchu ruling elite to have the Han wear a humiliating sign of obedience.

>humiliating sign of obedience.
I think the hairstyle looks snazzy.

If someone can force you to wear such a cuckish haircut, you know you're a cuck and they're the bull

Manchu interpretation of Chinese custom.
>Hey mang, everyone in China, like, wears their hair the same way.
>They ought to wear their hear like ours since WE EMPEROR NOW.

>mfw this sums up the entirety of Chinese history

Basically Mandate of Heaven if you boil it down to essence.


to arr rook not the same

That last guy looks hot desu
No homo tho

I agree. Yes homo.

Wait, did all women have to have the same hair too?

The Chinese call it the Republican Style. Everyone of the Chinese Nationalist confession wore it, including both sides of the Chink Civil War.

Although the communist one leaves you with a broader forehead.

Nah. The Manchu queue is basically a warrior's haircut and ergo a male thing.

Qing Chinese women had no such requirements and most just braided their hair or adopted that stupid Manchu headress that Amidala wore in Episode 1.

Qing women's wear is absolute dogshit though, though again clothes were required: fashion merely followed the ruling class. Unfortunately for China, Qing is pretty terrible in fashion. Though the military uniforms like in OP's were alright.

That's how I styled my hair from age 11-19. Was I advocating Chinese nationalism without knowing it?

Asian societies value the collective over the individual. Same hair removes helps I'm removing the individual.

>Asian societies value the collective over the individual.
When will this meme end

Uniformity, loyalty, discipline, smartness, solidarity. Same reasons everyone had to wear ties in your school.

The exact same point as prohibition of certain drugs. The exact, precise same point.

Never because it's not a meme.

t. Random user pseudo-sociologist

>Asian societies value the collective over the individual

So you say
>Chinese Merchants ignoring government policy and establishing colonies abroad.
Hor up, so you say
>Japanese Samurai Hero Cults
So you be sayen
>Drunken poetry intensifies

>Without knowing it
Cmon now

Hair is addicting and causes harm to society when used on a significant scale?

There is an interesting thing about Japanese hero cults. These men were only lionized after society had dealt with them.

They were essentially tragic heroes rather than role models.

A similar example, John Brown.

Emperor was going bald and felt self conscious so he made everyone cut their hair like him

Probably when Confucian influence ends IE never.

taht dress is cute, CUTE
nothing wrong with chinese women fashion desu


Qing is literally a downgrade in much of Civilian Fashion.

you knew what you were doing

I'd give her some foreign influence if you know what I mean

Figures #3, 11, 20, 21 cute as fuck.
Everything footbound fucking shit.

They needed to adJUST


Muh Mandate

Pick related is the peak of masculinity. You might not like it, but there it is.


It was to assert dominance over the people and show that they're the ruling Dynasty. Otherwise everyone would've just kept calling them backwards steppe horsefuckers

looks revolutionary as shit, I'd fuck him

Northern Dynasty>Yuan>all else

To persecute black people?

Say it with me

My hairstyle is like that.

It looks like a standard hairstyle to me. Compared to the people around me who have weird shit like Mohawks, bald, braided, etc