Asymmetrical Slasher Series General /assg/

Please tell me I'm not weak! Piggy edition

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical multiplayer slasher game where 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

>What is Last Year?
In development. Class based with weaker killers. Beta Delayed yet again. (Possibly not real)

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (DbD)

>Skill Check Simulator (DbD)
Eaten by the Entity

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gotta pick this one cause no nea allowed

No drug addicts allowed in this thread. That means you nea and quentin posters.

Oh shit, that was actually Dwight in the RBT wasn't it? Kinda nice to see them put older characters in the shorts, even if it's just a preview for the next chapter

Excessive pallets ruin this game
Fix this

After a successful Nurse blink strike, the Nurse now does the standard post-hit weapon-cleaning animation, and then immediately goes into the blink stun animation once it is complete.

Nerfed nurse
Are you for fucking real
Are they trying to destroy their own game this much by completely eliminating everyone who would want to play killer?

Nurse was never a popular choice of killer.

Whelp back to hillbilly

Not only does that prove there is no reason to nerf her but she was objectively the best killer
Now there is even more favor for survivors to pallet loop because even if you get hit you know she'll go through a double stun.

>survivor is Tapp
But he's getting too old for this shit.

this is nuts holy shit

>What other licensed heroes would you like to get for DBD?
>Mccote: The Hunter from Left 4 Dead.

I dont know how to feel about this

I guess his gimmick could be similar to Michael's, with a stalking type of deal. And of course pouncing on a survivor could be a type of one hit KO? Or at least can be unless another survivor could come up and free them, like in L4D

When I think of the Hunters 'gimmick' it was 2000 hour Hunters doing parkour and hitting you from the top of the map for 90% of your health on a pounce.
Thats why I'm a bit scared. A hunter with the ability to completely ignore the environment would be fun to play as but an utter nightmare to fight against.

It wouldn't be too different from nurse or huntress.

Any video of Amanda?
I dont think you understand what I mean. Then again half my childhood was Left 4 Dead, so it just brings about a whole new level of terror to me.

Don't forget hes also been ping ponging around for 30 seconds and then lights himself on fucking fire if he can't get a high incap pounce for that big boy damage over time

>Burning Hunters combined with Spitters

Just you wait. :^)

Don't even fucking remind me of that shit. Although it's funny to think of how much people complain about how bad DBD's community is when the L4D one was complete and utter garbage.

So I figure that Tapp won't get too much fanart, poor guy. But what about Amanda? And better question is: with the pig mask on or off?

So who was it who leaked the photos? A dev, right?

>tfw the frogs nerfed her in development
This is a new record for them

>complaining about the jigsaw boxes being highlighted
>forget that you need to find the correct box for it to unlock the RBT

how are people this retarded?

>So I figure that Tapp won't get too much fanart
RIP the user crying for qt survivor. Tapp does have the least inspired design, but their hands were pretty much tied. Amanda has cute squeaks as killer, so she'll probably popular with the Nurse/Huntress lewd fanartists.

Because most people that do the rageposting on steam/plebbit or even here are unaware of this.

He's also an older black guy, so I can't imagine Tapp getting much from the Japanese/Korean fan artist. Amanda is a given though

Well, it seems I'll learn Huntress instead.

But its also the fact that the trap needs to be activated by the gens. So instead of having 2 minutes to find the key they have like 4 minutes. Chasing the survivor also stops the activation. That is more than enough time to find the key. To get killed by the RBT you will need to have half of your brain missing.

>black male survivor

Will you buy the dlc the moment it comes out? i know i will

>more aura reading perks

So fucking lazy

No user, that's what happens when the bear trap activates.

So don't trap people at the start of the game. It's obviously a mechanic for mid-to-late game plays, such as not having to pick someone up if you down them near the exit, it's not spammable.

What are the new perks?

Yeah, I will. Even if the new killer sucks, I like her ambush mechanics and the RBT, even if it doesn't seem to be as much of a godsend as many thought it would.

I was waiting for a brown/black male survivors, but I was hoping it'd be a qt, not an old man.

>tfw its not Jeff as the survivor the guy that fucking killed amanda, giving her a full reason to hunt him

That used to be a bug that happened randomly. Glad they made it a feature.

The Saw films are garbage to a degree that they're fun to watch
Which is your favorite Saw movie?

>cute black male
you're in the wrong thread, fagboy

But dude. Dude. Hunting niggas

>Hangman's Trick - Your ingenious modifications to Hooks prevent tampering and permanent damage. Hooks destroyed by sabotage or sacrifices repair automatically after 30 seconds. Gain a notification when someone starts sabotaging the Hooks.
>Surveillance - Unlocks potential in one's aura reading ablity. The last 1 regressing generator's auras are indicated in white to you for 16 seconds.
>Make Your Choice - When a Survivior rescues another from a hook at least 48 meters away from you, Make Your Choice triggers and applies the Exposed Status Effect on the rescuer for 60 seconds. Make Your Choice has a cooldown of 60 seconds.

>Tenacity - There is nothing stopping you. Your ferocious tenacity in dire situations allows you to craw 30% faster and recover at the same time.
>Detective's Hunch - Unlocks potential in one's aura reading ablity. When completing a Generator, the auras of Generators, Chests and Totems within 32 meters are revealed to you for 5 seconds.
>Stake Out - Getting close to the Killer fills you with determination. For each 15 seconds you are standing within the Killer's Terror Radius and not in a Chase, you gain a Token up to a maximum of 2 Tokens. When Stake Out has at least 1 Token, Good Skill Checks are considered Great Skill Checks are consume 1 Token.

What kind of perks for killers/survivors do people actually want.

Saw 1-3 are the only good ones. The rest are complete garbage.

I'm not a boy, user.

perk info from the console version btw, apparently the DLC got released there early and people already got a hold of some gameplay footage

>And totems

So indirect nerf to totems pretty much even though they where already shit.

>the frogs are asking for like £8 for a killer that is pretty fucking weak and a literally who survivor
are these niggas for real?

>An aura reading perk that highlights EVERYTHING
Yes, frogs. Lets make Hex Totems even more redundantly useless.

It won't really ever be used though. It's like a weaker Plunderer's/Small game/map worked into one.

My pre-release opinions
>Hangman's Trick - seems pretty useless especially since no one runs sabo teams anymore
>Surveillance - really not seeing the usefulness in it at all. Might be good for some character like Nurse or Hag
>Make Your Choice - Seems fucking great, though I play a lot of Leatherface

>Tenacity - anti-slug shit, might work with unbreakable and no mither well, but any killer worth his salt won't let you get away with that
>detective's hunch - seems utterly useless aside from new players. If it does become well used it will only make hex perks even worse
>Stake Out - could be REALLY annoying with those fags that follow the killer around, especially with BNP

her dash attack is pretty strong
>literally who
get out

Nobody likes Tapp. Dr Gordon was what everyone wanted.

I think the main appeal of hangman's trick is gonna be the ability to keep hooks after a sacrifice, since you don't have to worry about saving corner hooks and stuff like that

Full list of addons for Pig.

>disables the survivors ability to see the boxes until trap is activate
That should have been what originally happens

What time is it available tomorrow?

>slow-release toxin
isn't that bad for a rare, if it means active for the entire duration of them having the trap

Amanda seems interesting, first female killer that doesn't move like her pants are full of shit, I like the dash to, power seems weak, especially if the boxes light up without an add-on, the nurse nerf is yet another example of how stupid the developers are and basically cements Billy as the only viable rank 1 choice.

Hard to get excited anymore for anything dbd puts out, the devs are just so aggressively stupid.

why would it be bad

I'm saying it's not bad.

pretty sure this is a bug

why can't we upload pics?
I know everyone cares about pigsaw but anyone knows if pallets are less cancerous now?

Yeah, it seems like since they removed the blink-lunge, they just put in the standard attack animation and forgot to remove the wipe.

Flick was a bug.

>increase # of jigsaw boxes
Why are there 3 addons for this. I’m not sure how this is a good thing.

I think it makes there more possibilities to search to save yourself
Only one jigsaw box has the key you need

As I understand it, and I might be wrong, only one of the boxes is the right one, so a RBT'd survivor has to pick the right one, more boxes means lower chance a given one is the right one

>I know everyone cares about pigsaw but anyone knows if pallets are less cancerous now?
No one really played the game in this patch yet.


Interesting. From what I understood, the boxes all worked but only 1 time then you had to find a new box. The catch was that the aura of the box you used before is still shown, so it’s up to you (& other survivors) to remember which boxes are functional.

Is this a "made you look" prank?

Refresh Steam

Tapp IS a literally who. I had to google him to remember who he was, and even then, he's still a very minor character in the franchise who makes no impact. Gordon would have been a way better choice. Barring him, Adam or Jeff.

Yeah, I highly doubt I'd see anything.

Why the fuck would you ever use Amanda's Letter

Tapp was one of the few characters that didn’t have the “BUT WHO WAS PIG” twist on him. I’m going to be honest, the only reason why I remember him is because of the Saw game but I like the idea of having more mature adults in the game. Ace is great and Bill kinda sticks out like a sore thumb in a character line up.

wow this killer is underwhelming as fuck.

>that retarded crawling on the floor
pure autism

they should have just done the creeper

The issue here is that Gordon is an apprentice of Jigsaw, and one hunting the other wouldn't make much sense. Maybe Amanda and Hoffman because of their constant clashing, but not Gordon. I think they had to choose someone that just dropped off the radar, where Adam and Jeff are specifically shown being killed, Adam being a mercy kill by Amanda. Tapp faded away after the first film, and was probably a little more recognizable, seeing as he was the protagonist for that Saw game a few years back.
It may not have made much sense, but I would have preferred Pig to not be specifically named Amanda, but could have been any number of Jigsaw's disciples, even the avatar of them.
Just be glad they didn't pull characters exclusively from the Jigsaw film, that would have been a wreck.

Is there a problem with Veeky Forums? I wanted to post a picture but the upload fails.

Is this killer a better myers?
the stealth seems a lot better and she pretty much comes with a BT counter.

I wouldn't mind him at all if he had been a more active character in the films, but choosing him over more recognizable protags makes me wonder if the frogs did it out of laziness (his model is apparently ripped from the Saw game) or because they wanted another black character so Claudette wouldn't be the only one. People bitched about getting Quentin over Nancy, but at least Quentin was a secondary main character who contributed something.

Yes, there is currently a problem with image uploads.

>not wanting to play as based danny glover

I thought it was ripped from the Saw games, but it isn’t. The model in the games is much better looking and if you open up Bill you can tell they made him from scratch.
What I want to know is why he’s called “Detective Tapp” and not by his first name and if he has an alt costume.

>ability is that she can crouch and be a stealthy girl
>players can still see the big fucking red line
>players can hear her breathing and making retarded pig noises
what the fuck is the point in adding an ambush attack if they all know you are fucking there?

I'm THIS close to give up on learning Nurse. I take one step forward and three back when I get a slightly more experienced team than me, or SWF meme teams that literally come at me at every second.
Any tips before I drop her, or before I go full survivor because Killer is becoming more frustrating by the second? Or drop the game entirely?

>I think they had to choose someone that just dropped off the radar, where Adam and Jeff are specifically shown being killed, Adam being a mercy kill by Amanda.
Bill is dead, that doesn't stop him from being playable.

As for the apprentice issue, I kind of like the idea of a survivor having a direct tie to the killer in that capacity, having them be allies in the real world but being forced into enemies in the entity's realm. You could play around with the survivor's perks being set up as direct counters to that killer's by explaining it with that very reason.

could be to drop a survivor when someone sabos hooks and they replenish 30/20/10 i think. So pretty useful imo if you haven't held survivor too long

>probably 50 guys play her
>only 5 are probably really good with her
Thank you based frogs, now there won't be any nurse players.

>every footage from the kiwis show them getting the key first time
i'm inclined to believe that they all have the correct key

git gud shitter

dat first comment tho


diatech is playing the killer right now on twitch if you're interested in seeing the new killer live

Just start playing Billy instead. He's by far the most enjoyable killer if you ask me.

What if we took Amanda and Hoffman for the Survivor and Killer, but they could switch roles? They'd have their own Add-Ons unique in name but not in power. The Entity would be aware of their mutual hatred, and could use it against them to hunt each other down.
Since they would be playing both sides in both scenarios, it mirrors their roles in the film, Amanda being the insider in Saw II, a sort of plant, and Hoffman willingly betraying and murdering his way out of any situation. And we don't know if Hoffman is dead, he was just locked in the bathroom.
The only issue would be if someone is playing as Pig when Amanda/Hoffman would enter the lobby.