League of legends general - /lolg/

Lulu edition


Other urls found in this thread:


worst game on the planet.

xth for showing your support appreciation with your rock hard penis!
for filling their hearts and insides! with gooey liquid gratitude!
for passionate neck bites so they know how much you love their shields and heals!
especially Janna supports

There's lots of sexual furstration in these threads, to the point where there's lots of gay talk from straight dudes. Very similar to prison where the large majority of sex (contrary to popular belief) is consensual and voluntary.

So that confirms it, /lolg/ is a prison and all of your virginities, love for anime and social awkwardness are the bars confining you


/lolg/ saved my life


>no more waifufags


is this the real thread?

Is jungle fiddle good again yet?


All Lulu players should fucking hang.

5 chooses my new PBE name. Make it Akali related

Gold V games look fun. And by fun I mean garbage.


Whore Ninja

>have poke comp
>team keeps trying to hard dive the enemy at full HP
Fuck silver, I thought boosting through plat was bad, but holy shit low elo is just full of mouthbreathers.

>be tanky jungler
>get my bot lane fed
>adc returns the favor by never grouping up and constantly running off alone and dieing when its 30 minutes into the match

xth for jacking off to pokimanes ASMR videos

xth for Swift killing himself swiftly Syndra

>no more images

truly, a blessed timeline.

>he thinks no images will stop the waifus

Outrage my gems

Its now Taric related instead.

A girl and her doge

>no wojaks
Everyone wins.

anybody wanna act as an editor for my smut before i post it

I want Zoe to sit on my face.

xth for my wife Syndra


Official list of best pussies in league

...Depends on the subject matter.

only asmr videos i like are of Asmrdarling and i dont even get that whole tingles shit everyone goes on about. Just seeing her and hearing her voice makes me hard and i always end up jerking it and then falling asleep.

are you faggots doing this because you retards keeeping killing the threads by hitting image limit with shitty waifu pictures

is it g u r o smut?

My soraka didn't take flash and delayed boots. She was banking on her passive giving her enough speed.


>not 5
My current name is "touch my gems" but I don't even play Taric.

Do you pay?

I'll give you 12% of what lolg gives me for posting it.

>touch my gems
I'm the guy that gave you that name 2 years ago.

how are people doing these dot art things?

xth for impregnation and MATING PRESS!

Weird, I created the account a few months ago.

why can't I post pics?

>play Darius
>enemy top picks Nasus
>he's duo with the enemy Vi
>I make sure to keep her top lane
>our draven pops off as a result
>"foolishly" engage on the nasus while i knew vi was near
>he withers me in anticipation of Vi
>get my combo off
>Phase Rush Kicks In, Yo.
>avoid vi q
>charge my q
>hit both, granting me my fifth stack on nasus
>turn it in to a double
>nasus asks me how I wasn't slowed

don't play ranked they said

Potion Ingredients ASCII edition

I've seen shit like that happen in aram games. Immobile champs take Heal+Clarity. Get upset when me and the rest of my team jump on them and kill them. I kinda hoped that people weren't stupid enough to do that of SR.

Why do people take norms so seriously? Are they that bad at ranked that they have to sperg out on people in a casual mode?

Nah we mostly do it because it makes you buttmad


>Be Swain
>Your entire kit becomes meaningless against mobility
>Your sustain becomes meaningless by a 800 gold item
>The enemy tank doesnt care about your poke as soon as he got one magic resist item
>Lose against most burst / all-in champ

Man, i am mastery 7 with dis nigga but he does suck. Rework when

>why do people want to win so much

aww you got me there is clearly only 3 people posting in this thread

tomorrow 10:00 am pacific time

be ready to have your mind blown and your dick explode


P O S I T I V E~!

Sure is silver in here

I'm praying they make his autos smoother



Kill yourself.

Would Lux help me stay positive if I came as soon as I put my dick inside her?



Fortunately it was just draft. But yeah, I was basically just solo bot just trying to farm and survive laning.

>average high elo game is 20 minutes max
>average competitive game is 40 minutes
Uhh, lolbaboons?

She's laugh at you like any woman would.

pick sivir

That's not in Lux's character though

>now that everyone knows how to convert to ascii, once images will return we will see waifus in images and posts
waifu power levels are about to double, this shit was basically weighted training clothes for them.



It's actually Unicode.

Is this no image thing some prank by chinkmoot?

P-padoru is over!


images take money user.


No nuff money to pay for cloudfare image support.

Remember to buy the pass!

fuck off and die already

It's to purge all waifufaggots.
No images for at least a week


How do people expect me to carry in my off role if they can't even carry in their main?

>be CLIMBing
>queue up for ranked
>on a hotstreak
>teams are;
>heimer v riven
>k6 v kanye
>yas v azir
>jinx v luc
>kat(???) v taric(me)
>game starts
>kat just whipping daggers
>azir feeds 4 kills back to back to back to back
>ribbon cant farm
>luc cant engage bc kat
>k6 camps bot since top and mid are just getting huge
>kayn fucks off top and feeds donger
>afks when azir feeds yas his 8th kill
>kat roaming to wherever
>lose @15:56
>i end with higher cs than riven
>more gold than our top and mid
>azir 1/11/3 39cs
>riven 3/8/1 22cs
get me out of here
hows your CLIMB lolg

people call it ascii art regardless, so

i cant find the new lulu doujin on sadpanda

please link me up famalam

>image board
>can't post images
That's it, I'm going to ebaumsworld!

>mastery 6 Lee Sin
>play a normal game
>7/2/12 149 cs in a 26 minute game
>2nd highest damage
>got 3 dragons and elder
>tried to ward shit ton of places

how the fuck do u get an S on this champion?

Haven't tried yet. I get ranked anxiety.

NuSwain fucking when?

Play him support and do well

>quality of thread goes up without images


sadpanda isn't e-hentai dude

It actually is.

This is your reminder that a lulufag is responsible for all of this


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It's OK.


What is the tightest adult human girl in each role?


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well it's okay
you don't need to see it because it's very sad

>Thread can't be analed with images any retard on hand can find


>being this bad at posting fucking ascii
Your waifu is absolute ashamed.


75% win ratio with my Luxy-loo, mostly smooth climb.
I'll probably switch to a Luxanna only alt when lunar revel starts though, so no climbing until I level it up which is gonna take me a looong time.

Quality of your brain still sucks, kek