Other urls found in this thread:
I want Zoe to sit on my face.
Hate new Swain
Reminder to respect your support and protect her.
no bully please
xth for my wife Syndra
Swain looks cool, much better than the mess he was before at the very least.
He also spawns a transmutation circle when he ults, and Northern Front is literally King Bradley, so many FMA references in this rework.
That would make him a support and that's probably out of option.
I won't if I can jungle with him.
Swaine? More like Swine!
i love kled! he's very cute! swain better have a taunt or two for him.
actually, riot better release a skin for Kled tonight or i'll kill everyone at riot HQ then myself.
I like Tyrant and Northern Front skins.
His kit looks weird, especially the W.
Swain is dead and Vladfag resurrected him
xth for swift ending his life soon syndra
nobody cares what you think, autist
Swain is literally 100x better than before
This is a fact
>wishes for someone else to die daily on a mongolian basket weaving board
>calls me autist
well played
also stop
It's Swan.
His ult is meh. You still just run at people so this will either suck dick or have no counterplay.
>still haven't done my placements
Not until they buff my champion.
now I know how Warwick mains felt when their champ's kit got reworked to boring shit
your favourite vladfag here :^)
Reminder that Top Lane is where crappy mids and ADCs go to die and that old Swain is among these. Also Bastet Sivir when?
I'm interested in it primarily from a counter jungle standpoint. I hated old Swain and thought he played like shit but I can see myself giving this one a shot.
As a mastery 7 Swain I can say I love the new Swain
Rip birdform and Beatrice though
>The virgin walking stick player
>The chad general
im from a different general and I was just curious if lolgen is also filled with a bunch of namefag trannies or if its an isolated case.
I hope to try him out on the pbe, maybe i can decide if i like him or not then.
His face is fine, its the anime hair that's the problem. Pic related is perfect
So, the only real DoT focused champs left are now Singed and Malz?
Are they going to give us another one to replace Swain since they've completely changed what he's about?
And no, Brand, Twitch and Darius don't count. They have DoTs, but their focus is on stacking them to a burst rather than actually relying on the DoTs to do all the damage.
Literally no one outside of retards on /v/ that haven't played League since Season 1 disliked Warwick's rework. Warwick is essentially the same champion but stronger.
>No more spamming "I bet you taste like chicken"
it's been a while
xth for Cute Ashe
Swain reworks seems pretty weak overall imo,but i guess it's better than nothing
Noxus Ashe When Edition
(((Coming darkness)))
Is Swain /ourguy/?
>no green warlock fel-magic skin for him
what a fucking W A S T E
Oh shit, right, Cass. I'm an idiot for forgetting her.
Teemo too.
So Malz is the only Magic DoT champ, the rest are all poisons.
Riddler on T1 stream right now
Except that you are a delusional autist, pastanig. I hope it will be soon, he is just bipolar like that.
I don't really like Swains visual design, the whole demon hand thing is just way over the top (it's a fucking demon hand for fucks sake who came up with this shit)
That being said the teaser voice sounded pretty good and good voice over can tie the character together really well. The ult and I suppose passive are pretty cool, Q being force lightning is meh but looks alright. W is amazing and E I dunno, it seems alright except again the whole demon hand thing.
I wish they had kept Beatrice or what ever she was instead, rest of the new kit would be the same except visual designs
>W summons Beatrice over an area to provide vision and the portal explodes shortly after for damage and slow while the raven circles above for vision
>E summons talons from the ground for the grab, Swain can just cast that red magic on his own without meme hand
Fixed and perfect right there
you're retarded
>chiseled old general
>ugly face with lines and imperfections
>chiseled jawline
>perfect hair
>flawless face and body
why does everyone have to be a fucking model? They even made urgot relatively prettier than his old self. Why can no one be fucking ugly
Hey Faggots,
My name is Jarvan IV, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day talkiing about your gay bird man. You are everything bad in valorin. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any kills? I mean, I guess it’s fun screaming about how much you suck the Swain's dick, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than my E+Q nerf.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of the Demacian Army, and best jungler at Worlds. What sports do you play, other than “jack off to half naked pictures of used E-Sport celebs girlfreinds”? I also get straight A’s, and have a banging hot tiamat (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It’s me and my lance
Why did they get rid of Beatrice?
Who led the invasion if Ionia if Swain took over Noxus after the Ionian invasion?
Man, the social justice police are gonna go fucking nuts if more people start pointing out HP Lovecraft's racial views. Just liking his books will make you a white supremacist.
>old warwick literally couldn't do anything pre-6 unless the enemy was completely braindead
You'd have to be retarded to think old warwick was good. They FUCKED his lore yes but not his gameplay, he is objectively better gameplay wise post re-work.
We bully them into not using their names after a while, and we seem to have gays and unironic fujoshi instead of trannies.
Although there are a couple tranny pro players, so there's that.
oh he won't, trust me on that.
>tfw no qt petite gf
unfortunately its not. they do in fact ruin this general as well
Darius is a general isn't he?
Tyrant you ninny
Because no one fucking likes ugly people fuck off.
huh, single target spells drawing aggro is in this patch.
>he has no beard
what a soyboy
His demon hand should of been feathered and clawed.
Support main here, when should I bust out Brand instead of a tank support?
Also, when do I healslut support?
Yeah, sadly he is just a trashy attention whore with problems.
What is this? Except for them tiddies this art looks so fucked.
>couple pro
There was one and he sucked so much cock he was forgotten by most
>jungling efficiently
Ahahahaha. Good one.
W - Aegis of Zeonia
MINION AGGRO OP No longer blocks or is consumed by siege minion attacks
Uhhhh. Thats a little busted.
Looks fine to me besides her face looking a bit different.
Why would swain look old and beat up?
His pact or whatever supplies his power probably keeps him youthful too.
Yeah, the lack of Beatrice is the biggest turn off for me I think.
His design in general is super different, but I could live with that if he still fucking had Beatrice on his shoulder and part of his kit.
This is like if when they reworked Quinn & Valor, they just removed Valor all together and gave Quinn magic wings that sprout out of nowhere.
Also, his fucking soul fragment system is really dumb. All that shit built into his kit over it, and it's JUST a damage buff on his ult?
I really expect them to change his spells drastically like a year from now where they'll make the basic spells also have a benefit from soul fragments.
>that minion aggro change
it's time
So he is just walking and pulling people to himself?
Brand is a counterpick to short-ranged melee champions, especially against comps with solo tanks due to his extremely low single-target stun uptime. He also does excellent non-tower objective damage for a support.
Q scaling decreased. R cooldown increased.
Malzahar's burst combo is a bit too consistent so we're lessening its frequency and overall damage.
Q - Call of the Void
RATIO 0.8 ability power ⇒ 0.65 ability power
R - Nether Grasp
COOLDOWN 120/100/80 seconds ⇒ 140/110/80 seconds
Do they really think that will stop pros from using Malzahar?
Ironically enough she is begging people for donations so she can get her final operations.
i love how she just, sit on the map, push the boat with her gun and the other dudes are like "sarah what the fuck, we spend the entire morning preparing this map and you gotta ruin everything with your ass"
>Why can no one be fucking ugly
Old Yorick and old Urgot were ugly... guess who played them?
Yeah, I thought they were gonna have some shit about Swain experimenting with Vastayan blood. What ever happened to that shit?
It would have made way more sense.
he'll be drawing aggro with every q cast
I used to play him ap top because he was useless jg but now he is the best jungler to start with id say
Pretty sure Keiran Darwill was in charge when Noxus invaded Ionia in the old lore which if they haven't retconned it is still the current canon.
That would have helped but like you can't see details like that in game.
What's gonna matter a lot is if Swain voice will be like
>My demonic powers from my demon hand can't be beaten, did I mention my hand is a demon?
>I have a demon hand but I aint even need it to beat you guys since i'm 5 steps ahead of you
"It's a nice ass though"
"Shut up Edward"
>his Q now draws aggro
>tfw the guy who added you last night because of your support performance gets on at the same time as you and invites you for a duo
kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys
Karma and Sona best pokers but squishy.
I shit on brand all day as Naut, Braum and Leona cause he has literally no get away's.
>hiding chad facial features behind facial pubic hair
>add a player whenever I find one that plays well
>they never want to duo with me
>end up just removing them
Well people wanted to stop having to go against tank top laners and tank teemo.
Here you go.
you are gay
tfw one last game in placements and i don't wanna play it
Pantheon should just be removed from the game.
Whats wrong user
You do know war don't you?
As you say user, hope it helps you sleep at night.
Why does Riot do it?
Why do they remove champions from the game via rework instead of just adding new ones?
Just play Janna and max W. This shit is insanely strong.
Comet will always hit because they're slowed.
hashinshin tears
t. beardlet
>tfw even have it and didnt check
help am retarded
never because the damage on his R looks shit
That's depressing. I always try to play with people who add me. It's such a nice feeling.
No! Who told you that?
Is this really going to break the relic shield adc meta?