Fighting Games General /fgg/
Does this game have a future?
>Japanese players are a bunch of theorycrafting tier whores
>Still the best players in the genre
fgg is officially out of excuses.
What will Sagat and Ryu say to each other in their winquotes?
tfw too low iq to play zato
MenaRD is the best player in the world though
giant kusoge
try selling it to dooberz
they have quite some guts showing unfinished animations here. i mean this is a trailer of sorts, right?
How can Disney vs Capcom even compete?
My wife.
It's pretty much finished.
You can try the demo right now if you pledge.
Finally Litchi gets the OP spotlight. She really deserves more art.
That's not morrigan.
Impregnating Laura!
Total scrub here and kinda new to fighting games. I'm not playing Menat or a character that uses it a lot, but is using negative edge considered a "dirty" or a "clean" input? Not that I care much since shit comes out just the same and I find it comfier to use when cancelling into some specials, but I'm curious to know what people think about it.
hey broski
how will you EVER recover after being told off by hatson on twitter?
nobody cares, just play whatever you like
i saw you at the protest, broski. and i took a picture of you for all of /fgg/ to see. what do you have to say for yourself?
laura is for anal
ggs joe
I swear my anti airs were better earlier ;_;
What's this from?
this guys chin and his neck have not formed an amorphous blob so he aint me
most of your dps were on point to be honest I only jumped so much because jumping is my go to when I'm learning a new character
What's my game plan as Cummy? How do I approach? I can't seem to do cannon strike very fast so maybe that route is out of the question? Is the VSkill piss poor? It doesn't seem to work often
Also sometimes I get an erection when Cummy is getting beaten up and I end up reacting too slow because I wanna see more her big thighs and ass hit the ground, how do I go about remedying this illness?
it's part of the game.
you got owned, kid. nothin personnel.
Holy fucking based hatson putting bitchski in his place
Broski on suicide watch.
Broski youre gonna have to respond to this
Is Hatson /ourguy/?
literally who
You mean by a super silver urien who thinks it's very important to consider a bronze player's week 1 experience against a v-trigger when considering its strength at a high level.
party people in the house lets go
i'm not even sure if he's talking shit on broski or what
This is the second day you were BTFO, Broski. What do you have to say?
Both are literal whos though
the best dhalsim player.............. in england
cant lab a counter if the vt2 has no hurtbox
Blown the fuck out. Is broski ever right about anything?
t. hatson
pathetic man just let it go
based chadson
>That damage
Everything in this game looks like it only tickles.
wow broski is FINISHED
t. seething italian melty player
Opinions on that jap tierlist?
Just woke up so I don't know if it's been talked about
Wow Broski really is on suicide watch
if the damage was high you would be complaining too
Living with Karin!
Redpill me on broski vs hatsun
Didn't play DBZF beta, but am getting it when it comes out. I play GG but whats the systems names for dbzf
>Roman Cancel
>Blitz (if there is one?)
Broski we got the guns ready let's cyberbully that hatson fuck
I like this artist.
>the virgin onlineski
>the chad hatsun
Karin would never wear something this indecent.
it's odd and some parts of it feel kind of kneejerky, like birdie's position
Broski got blown the fuck out
sonic fox could win capcom cup if he wanted to
100% correct
Happy to see my main Chun in the most honest bracket: low but not bottom.
anyone want to play vsav, arcana heart, or jive
Who the fuck is hatson
what region my man
Birdie is literally only there because they got spooked by Mena at Capcom Cup, they bumped him up like a full tier when he's arguably gotten worse in AE.
Zangief feels too high too.
Lives in Broskis head rent free
It's not Guilty Gear. Those concepts don't exist.
swap birdie with karin and necalli and i pretty much agree
>broski tries to become a famous twitter memer like chariot
>gets btfo for it
south na
Playing fighting games with succ
all necalli mains have dropped him because he can't compete, phenom is playing guile now
why does everyone disagree with birdie's position on that tierlist? even the twitter responses mostly talk about his position being wrong
necalli is a mid tier character
chunli cant be that low, man
I guess that works too.
a SFIV/SFV lab monster, mostly posts on r/StreetFighter and Twitter.
Because it makes no sense for him to rise that much when he's gotten nerfed in AE?
NOOOOOOOO how will fggappa continue the "necalli is broken" narrative now??
name fanbases more JUST than these two
Street Fighter V
Imagine liking Litchi
Why is Cammy still considered so good?
Is it possible to learn fundies using chadagail? I wanna make the switch but I also wanna become a better player over time
based alex naysh working the scrubs into a shoot
s3 gief and balrog. juri and alex mains have already accepted their fate
its so obvious that juri was supposed to show a giant cleavage until capcom decided to tack on that latex shit last minute
MvC fans
not really, no. you're not playing the same game as most of the cast.
I lost the USB with my sniff folder on it. No joke this is really bad.
imagine being italian
>93 posts
>39 ips
god damn eu fgg sucks
that's like the end of the combo
>Is it possible to learn fundies using chadagail?
he is literally the definition of auto footsies
it is possible but it's very easy to allow his rhino normals to carry you
Imagine brick.