/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2678

Should've been the heroine edition

>Recent News
SR Zoi confirmed
Story chapter 102-105 released, Shadowverse collab added to side stories, new unlocked EMP for several characters
Wind Guild War is happening
granbluefantasy.jp/pages/?p=16206 - Ippatsu Event (Norio Wakamoto goodness), SR Ippatsu, SSR Therese release.
Suptix la!
3 Draw Tickets have been added to every Side Story shop
Eden 4* has medium stamina

>NewbieFest 01/10-01/25
Daily single gacha ticket starts 01/11
1.5 RP and EXP for Ranks 100 and below (Non-HL)
1/2 AP and BP
1/2 Free and Extra Quest
All Elemental Trials are open during the period

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for January:
12/30 - 1/9 - Right Behind You
1/10 - 1/16 - Rise of the Beasts (Rerun)
1/17 - 1/24 - Guild Wars (Wind Bosses)
1/25 - 1/30 - Miscolored Memories (Rerun)
1/31 - 2/?? - New Story Event

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff, so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

Previous Thread:

Little girls are the best thing about granblue fantasy




Hi, i play SV mostly but kinda bored lately because it has shit meta atm. Contemplating on trying this game. Is it too late now? Any useful advice aside from OP?

Nothing wrong with that when they look like this.

>Missed biggest

Go buy an account off reddit

>any useful advice
Start during a flash gala so you can buy summer zooey, the best character in the game.

Can I take a 5* Song without the 4th skill to Ubaha HL?
Sliming is the last thing I want to do after halo mines.

someone know the link from the web who do this?

Yes. Leave while you can.

Yes, avoid this game if you value your time.

lv40 0* at sk10 is basically bare minimum, uncaps are just stats. everything after won't be as big of a bump after that until 4* lv150 w/ sk15.

Roll until you get good characters

Post gbf jojos

wtf this game is to grindy cut the grinds in half and maybe i'll play this shit

yes it's fine

>this fagbook shitposter
The BIGGEST was a mistake.


Get the fuck out before you get sunk cost'd

They should just get rid of the timegates on grinding stuff like normal/hard Tia

fucking leave then you filthy nigger

the grind has been cut by a lot in the past year. don't listen to these fucks. however knowing what to do is basically half the fight so get yourself a crew asap.


>this game is to grindy
That's the point.

>NFC has to fight Elysium


>sara as the main girl
The things we could have had

>noa lost to the power of tits
in the end
nobody defeats the tits

>plays a grinding simulator
>complains about it being grindy


You're free to leave any time you want.

>newcutie friend thinks he will get 4 dagger boxes from 0 today
how do i give him the bad news lads

W-what did i miss?

this la, this p2w game has potential but what's the point in playing you noobs

that's easy

Around 150+ free rolls during xmas

If you were a unluckshitter sure

what's stopping him

How do I make my magna HL's attractive to nips? It'll take like 20-30 minutes to ge enough people to snowball. And I've just stopped doing colossus from stalls.

>tfw starting to hit the silver/gold moons all the time wall

Just break down the tickets to time to resource ratios?

You missed ~250 free rolls
We're not fucking joking though, get the fuck out, this isn't a good let alone healthy game to play

the + is important

God I wanna fuck Djeeta. I'd love to pound her FAT ASS into oblivion whew

easy for turd. most of normal people arent like gbfg autists

F-fuck thats a lot. Oh well, cant rewind time. Gonna try this shit. If its fun its good then.

>tfw almost 1/5 of the way through to siero tix
Medusa will be mine in 6 years.

So who will win the Katalinabowl?

Let me describe it to you

You have to spend however long it takes to reroll SSR (legendary) characters because the order of magnitude of difference in power is crazy. And unlike sv, you get ~6 changes to roll at a 4% chance for another legendary which probably isn't even your element. But here's the thing, when you start your account determine's what's available both in your premium whale pack forever, but it's likely also not during a legend festival meaning you have reduced legendary draw rates. Even more so, depending on your element and content progression you've possibly already missed key quarterly/biyearly/yearly events for your element.

All the event/story characters and weapons have neutered power which is doubly bad as this means if you didn't get a good reroll you're basically stuck having to leech content for an entire month just for legend festival to come around to roll for a "chance" of getting legendaries. And when I say leech, I mean you're basically getting jack horsefucking shit other than a dribble of character upgrade fodder which means you can't do events for shit which means you can't get better gear and uncap materials for dick, which means your stuff is stuck at low power so you can't get the power to get more power

But let's say you know this. You knuckle down and bite the pillow as you read the pastebins and guides. You decide on either wind, the most f2p friendly element or you decide fuck it, I'm in it to win it no matter if it takes me two actual years and go dark. It's going to take you the better part of playing 8+ hours a day for 3 weeks to get to the beginning raid content.


If you dont want to buy an account for cheap with th stuff you missed (bad idea) then start during a legfest or flashfest and reroll during those for a featured character.

Flashfest > Legfest but legfest should be closer. Dont start outside fests.

this general is so shit that I honestly can't tell if this post is shitposting or not

Spending some berries to wanpan NM100 for a few hours is not hard


vyrn, it's fucking obvious

>increase red chests drop
>increase drop rate in chev/celeste
>lower ap
>lower host mats needed
holy shit i can't believe you fucks are still complaining.

i started dark
i do like no damage even 4 weeks in

You're the dumb fuck seriously responding to a post with "la" in it.

Im gonna impregnate her against her will and raise our perfect daughter who resembles katalina into a dadcon before beheading katalina and tossing her into the ocean

But you see, here's what happens, see, it costs AP to do missions. You get 1 AP back per 5 minutes and harder stuff costs much more AP. Around then it's ~20 ap per non-storyline mission. It takes long as fuck to levelup so you can't rely on that anymore and you can only do 3-4 missions per level per ~2-4 hours without using recovery items.. Worse yet, you can only host a raid 3 times a day per difficulty which you absolutely have to do every day because of all the shit you need for uncaps. Joining Raids costs EP which you get 1 back ea. 5 min.You have 5ep max and basically any raid content that matters for you is 3ep/5ep. Those raids are your "Magna" raids which have your main low level f2p weapon set and summon only that the drop rate is at ~2%. Worse yet, because they're legendaries, basically you have to get enough of the ones you actually use to fill your weapon slots THEN you have to get that again twice over to uncap them. Furthermore, due to the percentages in the weapon formula, you're waiting on 1-0 weeks a year where you can get rare unknown weapons for a huge percentage buff to your damage. You get to do basically 2 raids per level then once an hour without recovery items. Also, you consume an unwholesome amount of the raid drops for uncaps so you have to be doing these as much as you possibly can.

Meanwhile, you also need to progress in the co-op campaign. You need to unlock your way further into it so you can get at some of the class unlock drops. But not only hosting costs AP, but you have 3 daily missions to clear that you need to clear fully every single day so you can reset the loot list to get at another premium gacha ticket. Worse yet, even the low level ones are hard as balls so you're basically stuck having to leech while you host the rooms for the nips to get free shit out of you

>4 weeks
Post ID!

Oh shit, what is it?


I started playing light almost two years ago. I just started doing damage last week.

vortex bro!

im rank 141 and im still a fearbot/phalanxbot/claritybot

>put effort
That was your first mistake

So hey you think, I'll get me summa dem dank recovery items. Except, these are hard to get. You can only buy a fixed number of them a fixed number of times per month from the casino, do 2 AP positive quests for items to trade for recovery items, and event trade-ins. Except the low difficulty events drop dickall so they're useless to you. Worse yet, you're basically not allowed to use them for the most part after you start because you need to build a huge war chest of recovery items for your first and probably second guild war as you need to basically play for most of if not an entire week during the guild war event to get 4 copies of the guild war weapon (you pick which class of weapon drops from the loot crates at the start of the event), otherwise your next one next month is basically wasted as legendary weapon unlocks are Don't fucking do it expensive. This is on top of basically, the only way to uncap the gacha summons, the ones worth a fuck, is by doing really really good in the guild war which you can't and wont for a long time. You can only uncap it basically once a month even when you can meaning you have to have a bunch of friends who wont accept your friend quest cause you're basically a leeching nigger with no value to his name.

So this means you're no longer gaining levels from doing free story easily to regain your AP/EP. the characters you can uncap are shit and the ones you can't have capped at not much better. You can't really do events to get shit so you can actually do events because you're shit. Once you hit I think chapter 50 they cost AP meaning once you bottom out all you can do for free is leech co-op rooms and grind casino for wind shit, a fully uncapped SSR wind summon you'll use as a stat stick, and SR unlock mats while you wait for your ap/ep to regenerate.

The actual game is designed to basically waste time, progression is firmly rooted in autistically grind the same content over and over while chasing 2% drops

You're fucking stupid then, I picked up Light as a joke and have 6 4* swords after 7 months of playing.

>actually reading all that shit

Just be yourself, that's the most important part. I started out without rerolling and without a legfest SD so I had to eat shit until I rolled good characters, but I don't regret it at all. Now a year later I'm rank 150+ and have grids and character for every element.

I see.

dark is useless when you dont have a zoi

Play something other than fire

imagine being this retarded

ignore these fucks they're just bad at the game. but they're right you should spent at least like $10 getting a nice reroll with a couple SSRs, it's a good investment.

>shit meta atm
Did you just start playing? It has always had some form of shit meta.

i have 4 chev swords and i still hit like wet towel
i have titan and i still hit 70k autos

>Can't even start except for ~1-3 unannounced days of the month
>Have to spend 8+ hours rerolling when you finally do
>You're basically required to spend 6 hours a day minimum for 2 months to be able to "play", read:not really, the "game"
>Once you do, your day is log in, leech raids, do the recovery item quests for an hour, spend recovery, leech raids, do events for recovery item mats, spend recovery, leech raids, do co-op for missions, spend recovery, leech raids, do some story to keep going to the end of the free missions (then co-op leech)taking breaks to leech raids and do side quests as you levelup
>At the end of the day slam your junk into your better stuff to raise its xp, slam your duplicate magnas into each other to raise their cap and repeat
>What happens when you finish that? You do the same shit all over again at a higher difficulty which then requires many, many mats from lower content, which extends your daily chore list even more
>Oh and how do you play this game? You press attack in one of 3 configurations mindlessly until you die and if it's a raid leech from high rankers showing up for free/"free" bonus loot until you're ready for highlevel content where it's basically the same barring using a conditional skill occasionally otherwise you basically eat shit and die because progression requirements are made to fuck you in the ass
>Why do you play this repulsive excuse for a "game"? A png of a waifu you have to spend the better part of a year saving up event/story crystals to "spark" her and her voice lines which you can just get online
It's literally insanity.

>He fell for the dark meme without having zoi or gislas
Just raise your skill lvls and fix your grid's multiplier types

The account market has devalued so, so, so much that $10 could probably get you half a page of SSRs or an entire page.



Started in BIGGEST, Zoi or Djanne already deals like 1.6kk ougi

same. No lmited in SD, didn't reroll but now less than a year later I can MVP ubaha HL and have multiple shivas/primals

KMR has rewarded me for not taxing the servers.

>bro don't play this game xD we're all insane here :P no point in grinding so much but we're craaaaazy o_O
kill yourselves

why do u play any game. for that matter why even live, seems like too much of a pain in the ass.

Sometimes I wonder if this is babby's first grinding game.

he wants to die but is too pussy to end it

Didn't think it was possible to get SSR characters from those GW weapon tickets

yea probably true, kmr is a fucking madman for doing the roulette

Just saw this on the FP, looks cool. Is this game anything to do with Jojo's Bizarre Adventure?

post proof

3% chance, same as the gacha. The nice part is it always gives you a new character if you roll that 3%.

Glad someone else finds this shit dumb too.
>I hate this game but I'm so le trapped guys my autism I'm so quirky and funny for pretending I hate GBF but devoting huge chunks of my day to playing it -_-

I started at WLD. Alice meta isnt better but lately SV isnt as fun as it used to be.
Thank you cheer user

speaking of these, is its pool locked or can I hold it until august for an extra try for summer?

I'm not one of those posters but the last time I got a friend into mobage, he spent over a thousand USD in less than a year. These games aren't healthy if you're not right of mind.

You're not the only one, the guy is just autistic

5 giant posts about how he wants to quit but is still playing for whatever reason

Crews should automatically disband if they go 0-5. If they also made it so 0-4 crews are always matched in the last round it would make for some exciting final rounds.

what the fuck is 1.6kk? 1600000?

ugh i know that feeling
its a terrible feeling

>5 EP

You have 10, dingus.

I hope all /gbfg/ crews win their last match!

Try your best and don't give up!
