Birbs edition
New swain reveal:
Patch notes:
Birbs edition
New swain reveal:
Patch notes:
>Any man who must say "we are winning" is not truly winning
ayyy we Tywin now
Post 200 IQ plays
>played a game with Poppy for some reason
>actually had fun
Am I a yordlefucker now?
This release is making me want to play Morde.
xth for my wife Syndra
I want Zoe to sit on my face.
Why does Swain have zero lines for Sona? Especially now he sounds more cultured than before? :(
swain update fucking when?
>trump roast combined with a GoT reference
ayyy we Reddit now
>tfw its virtually impossible to post at all now thanks to broken catpchas
Of course you people hate swain
even better user - Bilgewater swain is literally jecht. Best skin.
Klepto nerfs
Retarded lane bullies eg Panth/Jayce now draw aggro
Great patch already
Reminder you can get a bunch of champs for 50% off BE price.
Post top 2 rows
Flame other people for playing champs you do not agree with
Yes. Welcome to the club.
So who is Fiora's love interest? Rework Irelia?
Surely they won't pull an Overwatch and have her GF be a sketch on a page
I wanna mate press and fuck the freckles out of her!
>She held their hands as they died, hoping they would drag her with them
I love Leblanc and Leblanc posters
How do you think the minion aggro change affects her?
>They removed Beatrice
>Swain's base skin barely has anything to do with birds
Fucking why.
xdh for syndrax
me wont stik my peepee in da hor pee hole
>be braindead scumsucking jungler
>be level 2 see my top laner has 3 minion waves at his tower enemy laner is level 4
>think to myself hey i have doublebuffs im gonna run in there and help my buddy
>top laner is killing his waves while i run into deaths loving embrace
>decide not to help him anymore and leave him with the doublebuff first blood teemo
cool game lolbabs
Poppy is one of the most fun tanks, really
God I hate Thresh
Wait how could Swain possibly know Fiona is gay? Is he lying?
Jayce always drew aggro you mongoloid.
Why the fuck are you people instantly assuming it's because she's a lesbian? He just said her suitors lacked something. Could be anything.
Where do you even take Morde right now? I haven't seen one since preseason started
Most Yordles are pretty fun honestly outside of stupid shit like Heimer and Gnar.
that's the fucking skin i own, and it's the one that's done most like it's an anime character holy fuck i'm literally mad right now
Yes, let me pay a tax of like two hundred fucking gold so I can maybe blow the enemy flash. Fuck you dude
Sup /lolg/. I just started playing League and I want to mainly play Illaoi because I like huge bitches. Do you have any tips for a good Illaoi player to know? How can I be useful in a teamfight?
Only solution.
I fucking hate ADC players
So is Riot just fucking with us for the umpteenth time or are they actually going to give us Kassadin's daughter as the official Void waifu this year?
>Anime character
He's a fucking Disney character though.
updated version
>furries btfo
The only non-cancer champs in that pic: Ashe, Evelynn, Taliyah, Graves, maybe Ekko
What if Fiora isn't actually gay but all her suitors were female???
Darkwill? Huh...new champion?!
end yourself
I've seen him played top a couple times, but I don't know how practical it is to be so far away from dragon.
Also, last one I saw was some obviously drunk idiot in my ranked who constantly tried to 1v2 and fed and realized 15 minutes in that he had died 7 times.
>More waifus
darkwills dead
Give me one reason I shouldn't blow away your waifu white boy
does anyone know the source for this?
i really like the art style desu senpai
Jecht is anime as fuck my dude
fiora's gay? since when?
Darkwill was previous leader of Noxus, yet from old lore
Because you have a 43 percent win rate
the jungler found out what happens when he tries to help retards like you, naturally he's not going to do it again
>dyed hair
It's not confirmed or anything, at best it's just a possibility. It's just yurifags being obnoxious like usual.
>tyrant swain's voice
>"dispatch these worms"
My theory is that she has already fallen for someone and that all the suitors that have come to her did not fit what she wanted. She is called the grand duelist so surely she'd want someone who can match her on the battlefield. And has anyone managed to do that? If you have read the lore you will find there is 1 known person who has.
Knew Fiora is Tumblr.
it's just tumblr overreacting as always
>He just said her suitors lacked something.
Yeah, a pussy.
Swain abilities, mana costs and scaling
Swain sounds like a GoT character. They should update leblanc to sound like one too
>there is 1 known person who has.
I can't think of anyone but Jax, but I kinda doubt it's Jax.
>all noobtraps
No thanks. Orianna and Taric are all I need.
because she's in almost as shitty a state as you are
Jax confirmed for husband material
Please don't bully me
So does this mean that Cass is apart of the Black Rose now?
I wish he looked more like that.
Its a "The Glorious Leader Swain". With Beatrice!
It probably won't change much. You don't really go ham harassing with Q early on anyway because it has shit damage on its own, and once you get Revolver you want to autoattack during trades. The only question is if I use W to mark creeps and the enemy laner and then Q to bounce off a creep and hit them, will it draw aggro
>Death's Hand (Q):
>Cooldown: ~7.5/6.25/5/3.75/2.5
>not anime
kys weeaboo, and kys riot for made pirate swain look like an anime faggot
I love my ADC. My ADC is the most important member of my team. Witnessing an ADC in their glory is divine, my peasant mind barely able to comprehend the incredible grace with which my ADC swiftly carries me to victory. I must protect my ADC, thankfully riot has blessed me with many shielding and healing items and abilities in order to ensure my ADC is protected from the enemy team. I dare not attempt to look upon the enemy ADC, for they are a god and I am a mortal, unworthy of their gaze. I exist only as a distraction to the enemy ADC, so that my ADC may rain devastation on the enemy team. I must not aggress in the early game, this is a grievous sin to the ADC which is punishable by buffing support items.
I love my ADC the way a subject loves his king. I will die for my ADC. Remember to thank your ADC after every game for all that they do for you.
Doing God's work riot. With Fiora being the gay female quota, CaitlynxVi can be forgotten about. All is right
>no Sona interaction
>generic English aristocrat warlock
>lost identity of zoning, DOT-based battlemage
Fiora x Jax hatefucking fapfic when?
Name ONE anime that looks as good as that
40% CDR and his W is 11 seconds
2 seconds with CDR
>Riot wants to punish me for leaving this
Whatever she is Viktor will stand by her!
Features about Akali!
She is ninja!
She is very fast!
She is a retard with an IQ of 84!
>NuFiora is mobile bruiser who does true damage and has sustain
>Irelia is a mobile bruiser who does trye damage and has sustain
It's NuIrelia. They're gonna make it so that she was able to match Fiora.Even in bed
>removed his ult turning him into a GIANT FUCKING BIRD
>Literally the only part of swain people wanted to keep
>instead you get white glowing eyes
Like really, would it have been such a hassle to give him some freaky-ass bird head or something? People liked going CAW CAW and being a giant fucking bird, not floating around like Noxus Off-brand Karthus
I feel like you hop onto a new main each season.
ooof. Daddy as fuck.
>when your ADC is retarded and doesn't build armor pen
The only ones no armor pen is passable on are Corki and Vayne. All other ADCs need armor pen. Having armor pen can win the game for you but not many players seem to understand that.
She's gone.
>targeted spells will now draw minion aggro
the fuck
post yfw Vladfag BTFO
What if I used Relic Shield Overheal top
His new looks and voice are doing weird things to my dick
Some drawfag needs to make a Swain version of that image.