>Heroes FAQ and Links
>Links and Resources
>SoV Links
>Heroes FAQ and Links
>Links and Resources
>SoV Links
>no hone cavalry
>no fortify cavalry
Can't beat the OG.
So this is the power of fluffy...
>green beats red
No shit
Finn deserved nothing that happened to him.
Post your Arena team, score, and whether you're happy with your score or not.
Each week i get a higher score as my Hana gets more merges, and I'll get more defenses as the week progresses.
Micaiah is a monster even with -ATK.
>no orbs
>will never make my all whyvern team
Which CC i should use for sp farming?
If you vote Celica, we get loli Celica
No one likes you, Arlen. Get off the computer.
where's your New York Camilla, dude
That doesn't look that monstrous
vote hector and maybe a little bit loki thanks bye
And if we get loli Celica, we get loli Celica porn.
So, what happens if everyone votes for Anankos?
do you think she would say some dark shit
she just watched her family and servants die
I was finally able to get into Tier 19 for the first time yesterday. Without getting lucky enough on free rolls however, I don't think it is otherwise possible to do so as a purely F2P player and without SI like this.
Apparently one of the PoR ones with reinforcements can get you more SP, but I've never bothered with more than 1&2 on normal.
>tfw Fjorm kills Nino in one turn
They went toward getting Michaiah
Is this a Fin reference?!
>spent $70 in advance to use for Myrrh's banner, and to game the desire sensor so it thinks I'm after Micaiah and not Myrrh
Taking a big gamble with this here. Myrrh IS going to be in this banner, r-right?
Never fails
When is the crossdressing banner?
3/4 of that team is f2p tho if you replace minerva with michalis
It depends on this
Nah, enjoy Ross with your green orbs, user.
After the genderbender banner.
remember to vote for Hector!
Ready for Marisa, Ross and Cormag.
Tethys tonight
Dont tell lies with my daughter thanks.
How did you get Amelia without spending any orbs?
>people still use Robin
>still no snaki banner
What a bunch of useless fucks.
Fuck halloween henry and his bullshit
Absolute trash fetish. If you want to fuck a dude, just be an alpha and fuck a dude.
not soon enough
At level 40 her atk will be 32+14, if that matters much.
Good job, now we're not getting Myrrh, and all because you thought you could deceive the desire sensor.
f2p get orbs all the time?
Is Earth Boost even useful when his prey will have equivalent HP levels?
As long as it gets me back to T20 I'm happy.
I got 2 defenses last week but I'm always really stressed out if I don't get them out of the way early on. I'm using all my feathers for team building so missing out on defense feathers would hurt a lot.
She was my free roll on her first banner. I've gotten Ninian, Soliel, and most recently Raven as 5* on my free rolls as well.
stuck at 4900 score cause i don't get any dupes of my arena units so i can't merge shit
I hope you are ready for her
I feel like I wasted close counter on Jafar
He's great for non Arena content but in Arena he always ends up dead
At the very least you can do stuff like this
The only problem is, by this point literally EVERY ENEMY in arena has either close counter, distant counter, or lightning breath.
do it
Myrrh is probably a given since they haven't added a dragon since Ninian, and L'Arachel for the same reason, but which boy are they putting on the banner?
kinda ironic how the gambling man always had shit luck
Do you have any common characters with several copies? You'd be surprised how much one well merged character will help your score.
>In the game since launch
>No one fucking has it yet
>Even Shine+ got in as a plain tome option before Thoron+ did
They're just waiting for the perfect opportunity.
Is it strange that I feel bad for Alm? I mean, you can argue endlessly about Alm and Celica's personalities but it's undeniable he got screwed in FEH. He was a crazy good unit in Gaiden and good in SoV but now I feel he's getting ignored solely because he isn't a waifu with gorgeous design. Warriors was just a start.
Soon I hope
Ross or Garcia to cuck people out of Myrrh.
The chad Donnel cucking virgin Reddootors all around the world.
Cormag, Duessel, or Saleh
Should I use Alm or 4* Josh for Windsweep fodder?
Arena is cancer. I just collect free orbs bouncing between the T17-T19 range.
Some weeks though I just don't bother because it's such a hassle to get deathless runs against faggot team comps.
almost here
you have more orbs in this screenshot where you pulled Amelia than in the one where you're already using her.
are you deceiving us with the no orb spending or does it cap out at 999 in the main menu for some reason
Marisa is the most popular SS character not in the game so if anyone is a given it's her
>waste 400 precious great red badges so I can finally upgrade the atk+3 seal to max and complete my ocd autism
Why do all the good badges need red
To me it sounds like you're having a blast
That sounds like an honestly fun way to play.
Do you use any great Hero Battle units? I'm assuming they're probably the core of Your Arsenal
Warriors is shit, nobody played it
>teh waifus ruined everything >:(
Okay, reddit.
You haven't heard of Pelleasanon? He/she's saved up every orb they can to +10 Pelleas when he comes out
>tfw cannot beat squad assaults since not enough 5*'s and the 4*'s I have are garbage
>little twink embarrassed after being forced to dress like a slut
>he really likes it though
Would roll for.
>tfw didn't vote for him on the first day because I play that old ads shadow game
Feels bad man.
I mean, it's either him or never
He could still get something like Arlen's Thoron, but they still have to put the base tome in
Well, at least I have a backup plan, since I needed orbs for more Faes and fodder anyways.
When you vote for best boy!
he's really not for arena, yeah.
hope they add new modes that doesn't depend on BST so we can use our favorite units soon.
that doesn't answer my question
Which sacred seals have you idiots upgraded?
Any regrets?
It caps at 999 on the home screen
Literally only one that can make me pull on the banner before anniversary/lego
He needs to be Yura'd so he and Clarisse would look like siblings just like it was in FE12.
Hee hoo snow bro.
BOL 3 is the only one I regret
Nah, I don't think it's strange at all. He's a decent lord in his own right and good unit for reasons you mentioned.
His art in FEH is not bad, but it's not great either and doesn't exactly draw you to him yeah. His stat-line is also absolute garbage and doesn't work with any of the skills he comes with, I don't even know why he is 5 exclusive when stuff like wind-sweep is not even popular with most FEH players. Side note: Do keep in mind though, with Warriors, was that Celica was a last second addition on behalf of IS.
Im with her, are you?
Nah, she'll get her own banner with old characters like Ayra and Rhajat