>General Resources:
>WoW Token Price:
>Blood of Sargeras to gold:
US: rodent.io
EU: rodent.io
Previous thread:
>General Resources:
>WoW Token Price:
>Blood of Sargeras to gold:
US: rodent.io
EU: rodent.io
Previous thread:
- Moon Guard (US - Alliance)
We are all that stands between the Legion and annihilation.
- Argent Dawn (EU - Alliance)
Inviting anyone not from the thread automatically disqualifies you as a /wowg/ thread.
reminder that dwarves are the master race
I am the beginning of the end...the shadow which blots out the sun...the bell which tolls your doom... For this moment ALONE was I made. Look upon your death, mortals, and despair!
do i have to panda to be in kings honor friend?
>/wowg/ thread
/wowg/ guild
not wowg
> this assblasted that their guild is dead because they discriminate
/sp/ thread is best thread
>Draenei shitposter is a mexican from uruguay
what in the fuck is going on here
>panda posters are American
t. pajeet
Damn, was hoping to keep using pissrag as a scapegoat for being draeneifag.
Back to the drawing board, lads.
Yes you do
hola mis amigos :)
Could anyone share some easy gold making methods? My main is mining/BS, which I'm sure isn't as useful as some others, but I've never put effort into actually making a decent amount of gold.
la masa amorfa....
Get rank 3 flasks, starting is a bit pricey though
Just a heads up the MAJORITY of that guild is mandas
el goblino obeso..
Could you elaborate a bit? I'm guessing it involves alchemy?
So no new Quests this week?
>My dear child, you hold yourself back. The power is within your grasp to send this entire city tumbling into the sea.
What're the best profession/class combos?
>immersius reforms
Whoops posted this in the old thread
4 decides my name
who made this ?
fuck this board
>immersius splits
Post panders
>soloing immersius as a melee
Yeah they're flasks that are used by raiders, and at rank 3 you get a chance to get multiple flasks for the same materials
>pet's name is lez
do turtles have soft tongues ? :)
bear tartare dumbo
>complaining about immersius post 7.3
haven't done it since 7.3 what changed
any other ideas?
um im scandinavian
have to kill less slimes
Post in the /sp/ thread then, faggot
Did someone threaten Blizz to end their sub?
so hellscream's arrogance unleashed the last of the sha
i am not surprised
no the sha made him arrogant
ditch BS, get either herbalism if you enjoy farming or enchanting if you enjoy doing dungeons and shit like that
I'd usually tell you to go check theunderminejournal or other online AH websites to see if there's anything for BS that's worth crafting, but since the API is down, check your server current prices and work out if anything could be worth crafting
I wouldn't bother with alchemy unless you're raiding and could use the 2h flask, the chance is still low enough that you could craft several hundred flasks before seeing the t3 upgrade, and flasks might be only worth crafting if you're counting on good procs depending on server
remember to make money with your bloods and primals while you can
fake unless you post an image of you sucking ahmed's dong
this means he's completely unhinged
>Mfw blizzard is finally saving WoW
>Casuals BTFO now that they cant powerlevel
>Game slowely turning back the clock to the days when WoW didnt cater to casuals
Where were you when Ion saved WoW?
or maybe if u werent such newfags u would know draeneis have always been posted here and its not a "draenei boogeyman"
y-yes... saving the game... now go ahead and buy a boost to support your favorite company :)
please send cute mexican gf from uruguay
Yeah casuals btfo (unless they have 60 USD to spare.)
this sounds like something the BOOGEYMAN WOULD SAY
ah yes, they sure showed those RAF users who's boss
nevermind the steady income from it, let's just shoot our own sales in the foot
we made it
Found the casual
i am not a named wowg person
We must continue to feed popsicles to the femgoats
no, the last sha was never locked up
casuals aren't the ones purchasing RAFs to powerlevel 12~16 characters
I don't think they realize that the people using RAFs to powerlevel aren't the same people purchasing boosts
Illidan Horde for all the cool/nice posters!
what does garothi obliterator dro
*kills u softly*
hey guys x333
*buys BfA*
*rolls on your 90/10 split server*
*toggles wPvP off*
fuck off im not here to read
>futa and an established WoW character instead of OC
Can this get any more garbage?
RIP /sp/ thread we hardly knew ya
you already posted this wtf
is this some bizarre /wowg/ custom?
I've never seen anything like this
man we could have had dryads instead of a fucking recolor fuck this
It got reported by a faggot tripposter
Probably the local pezado
>no centaurs and dryads
>instead we get recolored races
I just want some deer and/or horse pussy, why can't Blizzard understand?
I wanna make a male panda , monk.
I'm wondering which faction fits the character best aesthetically. I have characters on both factions, so I can't decide which to go with.
how about you go fuck a real one and hopefully get killed by a hoof to the chest, animalfucker?
Thinking of ghosting my guild. Where should I go?
I'm horde and want a good pve server. I'm on Illidan btw
nth for mouthfuls of wet, juicy worgen fortune cookies
Until they remove cross realm that will never be the case.
deer pussy >>>>>>> horse minge
>tank is a female Bloodelf pally (already a bad sign) and a male cow Pally
>female tank keeps pulling shit
>finally get to sup pulls the 2 demons and sup at the same time
>we wipe
>she says XD SORRY :0
>clear 2 demons then pull sup get past that
>get to inside temple going to akum
>sneek past packs of mobs
>female belf pally pulls anothre pack with a dread lord
>everyone wipes
>female belf pally goers ":( i though this would be face roll i don't have the patints for this -_:"
casuals will just continue to buy boosts
t. casual
>forcing le hardcore blizzard is god saving /v/idya meme
Diablo 3 and HoTS says hi
I think HotS is pretty fun but jesus christ the fanboys are just chugging the kool-aid hard
>"i thought this would be face roll"
>things that never happened dot em key vey
Also the fuck is "sup"
is reshade okay with blizzard/wow?
Or is it just as the retards smashing the TOS on your face tell?
>plate mog drops while doing the raid with my monk
>leather mog drops while doing it with the paladin
fuck whoever designed this bullshit
>things that never happened
it just did and
>who is Sup
the garrison diablo trainer is up AND it's pet week which means you can level lvl 1 pets to 25 in two fights, something which only happens a day per MONTHS
>35 fps to make the game look like shit
>who is sup
yuropoor only by the way
Not even playing with it on, just to take screenshots.