What the fuck Riot edition
New swain reveal:
Patch notes:
What the fuck Riot edition
New swain reveal:
Patch notes:
xth for my wife Syndra
Riot totally confirmed this
i have two and i started playing koggles exclusively for the pug skin
>play support
>top, mid, AND jungler all die at least 3 times to enemy jungler or mid
>can't peel for 3 people who get hard CC'd simultaneously
I want to fertilize this plant.
who cares about nulore give it a couple of months and vladimir is now a demacian
new swain is too fuckin spooky
Finally, the Irelia rework is next on the spotlight.
Reminder to thank your support for shielding/healing you and keeping you safe!!!!
also show some respect too
I want Zoe to sit on my face.
How many times could you cum inside a DracoZyra until you died?
please dont destroy pantheon with the new minion changes
How much would you pump her?
can you sustain zyra with only semen?
My ship Xerath x Zoe doesn't have any art...
>10 mana off her Q after that thorough rutting
T-Thanks rito...
>no lines towards Sona in Swain's update
Wonder what they're going to do with her...
Xth for mah boi gettin his much needed buffs
you're the cutest poster here and don't let ANYONE tell you otherwise
How are Zyra and Morgana mid? I want to try to some weird picks.
He'll be fine you just have to think more with when and how you throw your spears.
of all the people yasuo can shipped with why Riven?
he'd beat her into a tomato soup if he ever sees her again in lore
>cutest fat greasy retard
what an honor
Zyra and Morgana both belong on top of me
>ornn free
New champ first, sorry pal. You got like a 4-5 month waiting period.
>Wonder what they're going to do with her...
SG Sona that has yuri undertones with Ahri.
Zyra is unusual
Morgana has always been a good midlaner
>poster=fat greasy retard
what ?
>Meddler confirms Caitlyn buffs for 8.3 and makes a point of putting it in his gameplay thoughts
>8.3 pbe cycle
>Tryndaqueer, Yi and Viktor buffs as promised
>Hp Regen lowered to 1.1
Tomorrow. The buffs will be tomorrow
thank you user c:
holy mother of projections, someone is insecure.
i just play this game to be up to date with stuff so i can fuck dumb girls who play this shit that i meet on conventions / cosplays etc.
>oh, ok.
patient waiting commences
Swift is made to be fucked by gigantic cocks 24/7 like the slut he is
>calling yourself a fat greasy retard
I mean I guess honesty is good but you don't have to get so down on yourself man.
That's fucking adorable. Who's the artist?
>go for a flash malz R
>I flash next to them but my ult doesn't go off
>enemy flashes away
>entire team ? pings me
What the fuck happened
yes /lolg/ posters = fat greasy retards its been proven constantly
report malz
Some shit about forgiveness
both use wind blades
Riot PLEASE gib Lunar Revel.
God damn It.
Yes, of course.
I haven't actually erp'd since my days of playing Tera all day.
Also, I realized I misread your comment, reading comprehension goes to hell after 1 am.
I don't roleplay as a slut, I'm pretty disgusting when not in a relationship. But when I am I don't even watch porn, loyalty is one of the most important things to me.
You have no idea.
>projecting this hard.
user if you want to lose weight I have a really good diet and workout plan, also I can give you a few tips on making your skin less greasy.
You forgot to press "R" :^)
Somehow the most prominent and sometimes obnoxious waifuposters have the best taste in lewd/fluff fantasies
black cleaver is still a good buy even if the other team isn’t powerstacking armor right
its basically like buying a youmuu’s in that it helps you assfuck squishies because you’re hitting them as if they had no armor at all, not even base, you just have to actually stack it over 6 autoattacks instead of just giving you baseline 18 lethality or whatever
i know this is a scrub question but I just need to double check
As much as my balls could produce.
You will be my own cumdumpster and you will like it
>Yes, of course.
I asked because I enjoy your lewdposts a lot
Holy shit. All the fucking difference having an actually swain like look makes.
Tyrant keeps the green/black colors and bird motif, and it looks SO much better than the base skin.
Why the fuck didn't they just make this the base skin and make edgy nu-Swain "Bloodlord Swain" or some shit?
That said, Northern Front has the best ult of all of them.
I locked my R on the enemy first and then flashed.
I did it before and it worked but it didn't work that time.
Can you explain to a brainlet like me
Totally fine with me. Hope she does end up getting a SG skin.
Seems likely since Star Guardian round three is all but guaranteed after PROJECT got another go and Invasion is a thing. And as Riot said all other female champs that could have fit the "Lunar Princess" niche had either gotten skins too soon or were in development for skins already.
Morgana got powercreeped pretty hard.
Because that's a 1350 skin
I notice something.
>playing as ww
>gank lvl 6
>turn shield on and aproach enemy
>my ultimate was delayed because the shield was popping
After the shield pop, my ultimate made me jump like a fucking bronze. Is this a animation problem or i was just lagin?
>pictures return
>back to faggots circle jerking
take me back to uganda
nigga if I were yasuo i'd cut the evil bitch into a hundred pieces for what she have done
I know its late but I need at least one good lewd fantasy about Lux from you man
PBE people, do the wall birds appear to enemies or just to Swain
if they don't appear to enemies they're entirely pointless
>going outside
>going to conventions
>trying to get 3dpd
user I don't know about you but I ain't any of those.
and you were good at discovering what I actually like though.
Morgana is a good mid, Zyra not as much
>see a bird
>know swain is in that bush
>walk away
Yeah great mechanic
they are pointless either way
they only seem to have point to literal faggots like you
>Zyra can secrete plant-based chemicals that sustain your semen production
What now?
It's okay Caitlyn poster.
Vi was confirmed Bi over a year ago
Good luck man. You'll need it
cait is visexual
caitfags btfo your waifu belogs to Vi
Why do you tell lies on the internet?
>Vi is bisexual
So it is canon for me to imagine her riding me until I pass out
how would zyra feel having a dead man's sperm in her womb
comfy bfs~
No one who wanders is ever truly lost
Is swains rework a pass or fail?
I doubt she cares, the sperm is still usable to fertilize her plants
Newb here
How come Pros move their champ side to side before hitting a last minion?
>Tyrant is the true canon skin
fucking jews and their shekels sucking esquemes
Reminder to give your much valued opinion so we can put this matter to rest!
always be constantly in motion
fail for the deaf
pass otherwise
I don't know, I kinda like the fact that Tyrant Swain's ult is a throwback to his old version's ult with the raven head and all.
Honestly though, Riot really should've stuck with the green particle motif for this default model. That and they should've given him black hair instead of white, he just looks way too similar to Vlad.
Looked pretty shit at first but his skins, voice, and new look is making it a pass for
And his abilities are actually better than the champion reveal page made em look, so that's a plus too.
I main Zyra. Can win mid but suck in late cos other mids did MUCH more in late and you are slow, immobile, etc. And Fizz/Zed/other turbocancer just dodge your combo and did much more.
p-please respond
it is my subjective opinion as a swain player that its a pass
Makes you harder to hit in general, whether someone's trying to auto trade or throw skillshots at you.
So this is what Swain meant.
Best icon coming through.
If we're going to settle this, we may as well settle the flipside
There's no reason to ever not be moving if another champion is near you
Black Cleaver is good on the champions who get it because it gives AD and HP and provides the phage passive.
It's about time we got another faction icon. Looks great too.
Trash, it is not even a full month yet and you changed your behavior like 5 different times. Don't fool anybody, in the end of the day you are a trashy mutt just like every other Serb out there. Shitpost as much as you want, just don't act like you are superior to anybody else.
Is that an icon now? Don't lie to me, son.
Yomuus is a burst item, to kill before youd get cleaver stacked. BC is a bruiser item, to make shits like Gnar that much more annoying over a period of prolonged harass
Black Cleaver lowers armor, gives health, half your cooldown cap, some ad, and lowers armor giving you more damage
how is this a question