Fighting Games General /fgg/
Reminder Chen is the cummy poster
>Japan is now putting Birdie on S tier
My wife.
Sakura needs a Lilith outfit ASAP to be honest.
Year of the dog!
when is abigail getting deleted
Street Fighter 6
>KoF comes out with bad graphics
>Capcom players all mock it for it
>MvC:I comes out with bad graphics
god damn i wish i was sin so bad bros...
wonder what their tier lists were like before tokido lost
I'll repeat: the fact that you are all dickriding DBFZ just because of its visuals, while shitting on MVC:I (that has unique and way deeper gameplay) is the reason fighting games are dying.
Remember when it was about gameplay?
She had an even better unblockale super than shun goku satsu in mvc 1. But it was so powerful she has decided not to use it in any other game since then.
MvcI graphics not the only one reason why game is dead you retard, i dont remember all of them but let me refresh your memory.
>style of the game
>bad reused roster from mvc3
>dlc character announcement before releasing full roster
>4 sniffs on release?
>Chun-li face
>shills blow up
>reality stone
nice revisionist history
i remember when it was about having fun too and not pandering to spectators with "muh hype"
But Ky is her husband. Sin is her son.
uniquely bad gameplay maybe
and fighting games aren't dying. Shitty capcom games are dying
buy my fucking game
Dragon Ball Fighterz gameplay is solid though? What's wrong with it?
Most of these are repeats and DBFZ shares the same issues.
MVC1 Morrigan was complete trash. Only fucking Roll was worse in that game, and she was designed to be weak.
>combo into switch character
>unsafe shit into switch
>same netcode as SFV
>story mode beta
It's not capcom
>Local gamestop hosting an early release party for Monster Hunter World
>But they're hosting it together with a DBZF early release party
>Can't pick up my MHW a day early if I want to avoid vappa turds
This is legit the first time I'm actually upset at vappa
Everyone seems to disagree with Birdie being there though from what I've read.
Marvel looks fun, but the game's selling point is presentation - graphics, roster, etc. You skimp out on that, the game is doomed to fail.
What isn't?
>degenerate simple inputs
>shitty uninspired combos, nothing interesting like staircase combos
>lack of actual gameplay mechanics
>boring as fuck, repetitive character design
>like 3 special moves per character? wtf?
>no assist choice or any sort of customization/personalization
>shitty uninspired assists
>fullscreen beam specials on every other character
dog shit
True about sniffs. But you cant add sniffs in DBFZ because dragon ball low on sniffs. But they MADE a fucking sniff 21 for what reason. MvC have tons of sniffs and they added chun-li?
how alive is USF4 on ps4
Greater proportional sniffs in DBFZ
Maybe he just wants to come out of her pussy
netcode actually works, unlike in jive
It's pretty cringey to see how you feel superior to other people who share your shitty hobby.
Fuck off lmao, these guys are gonna have fun while you play the role of the edgy condescending outsider.
Trip on, dank
because theres no one on it stressing it
>15-19 as Cammy
It's hard sniffing bros
be upset with yourself for being so dumb
no it's not. Don't lie. It's literally same netcode. Otherwise they would improve netcode in jive with ae
you can't actually be serious
>544 entrants
Japan confirms! If you play Rashid, Abigail, Birdie, Guile, Akuma, Cammy, you're scrub tierwhore
They made morrigan pretty good in tvc cgoh and amazing in umvc 3, so I forgive capcom for that.
Imagine there being people who actually think this way.
what kind of human being picks birdie or abigail
Why is this character such trash in every game? Why can't he be good?
based irl big bodies
grapplers should never be good
he is literally designed for casual players
That's good
Maybe just pick from games you already have if you don't know what they like. Mortal Kombat X maybe? I don't like it but it seems to have widespread casual appeal.
I always thought this was a deliberate design philosophy, but SF5 has top tier grapplers left and right. In fact every grappler that ISN'T Alex is strong in that game. What?
Reminder that people who play big body characters don't shower.
Is this indicative of whats to come for evo this year?
>Fighting is my job. I don't look to it for meaning. Not then or now.
How can you still like Cammy, knowing she is such stone faced autistic career soldier?
Reminder if you willingly interact with vappas you don't belong here and you should fuck off.
I really, really don't want you in the same building as me so I'd gladly wait a day with MHW to avoid you people.
FUCK you people, you're actually ruining more than just fighting games.
>Fchamp "yo guys they fixed chun-li face"
>they are not
>fchamp "yo this game is sick and creative"
Why should i trust him back when?
Man the Third Strike Online art is so dead and lifeless
nice butt, leotard, the list could go on...
yes, vsav and skullgirls are going to get main stage at mandalay bay
Anyone else's controller randomly not working in jive?
but marn plays mika and ibuki
I've never been a fan of cammy.
A lack of good movement or defensive options end up making grapplers REALLY strong
I didn't say those sorts of people ONLY play big bodies.
they did fix chun's face though
30th anniversary edition i need you...
Don't you remember when fchamp said on twitter they fixed her face but it was literally same face? They did, but like one month later
she's still nasty compared to sfv
Anyone have the Bison cozy?
he probably had access to the latest version where it was fixed
Can someone post the webm of Menat's CA from behind please
for science
She looks like shit on both games. I hate jives playdough models.
Why does Zeku feeel so weird to fight against?
None of his animations feel very impactful yet I'm losing health like mad when he does get a couple hits off?
She still doesn't look good in it
come on man really
>degenerate simple inputs
The only downside to simplifying inputs to just quarter circles means less specials overall without going beyond that, which isn't inherently bad given each character still has several specials.
>shitty uninspired combos, nothing interesting like staircase combos
Game isn't out yet. Teen Gohan's fullscreen air ki blast loops look cool though.
>lack of actual gameplay mechanics
This one doesn't make sense, the game has plent of mechanics though? The universal movement options, auto-combos (some which give characters unique moves giving you incentive to use them on a character-by-character basis for more utility), DHCs, the DHC variation that doesn't require you to do a super move in the first place, assists, and snap backs to name some.
>boring as fuck, repetitive character design
>like 3 special moves per character? wtf?
Team-based game means most characters aren't supposed to be able to do everything. Oh wait, most fighting games are full of characters that aren't supposed to be able to do everything, almost as if characters specialize in certain aspects of fighting.
See point 3, some add utility but otherwise aren't optimal combos and as such don't give optimal damage. It's a system that could be completely ignored by higher level players if they so choose to ignore it, and it lets lower level players keep up.
Showed up only once for me during the beta. Getting the wish doesn't guarantee a victory either.
>no assist choice or any sort of customization/personalization
More assist options would be nice, but aren't necessary for a good game. TvC was Capcoms last good vs. game and it only had a single assist for everyone.
>shitty uninspired assists
They're the characters special moves, I don't know what you're expecting.
>fullscreen beam specials on every other character
Iconic to DBZ and a useful tool for most of the cast, and are great as an assist.
Don't ever talk to me again.
the fuck is a vappa?
slang for capcuck?
MvCi Chun is ugly on all levels she's even voiced by Ashley Burch because capcom was too broke to afford Laura Bailey
Would you rather have Cammy as your loyal wife or would you rather be Cammy instead?
just do it for her and get monster hunter's real game
oh yes +1 nail in coffin
>give some pro players early access so they can win easy money
>not shilling
hello vappa
Someone play me in One Piece Burning Blood see my Nico Robin
pros get early access as testers all the time. don't you remember the mk9 launch? not trying to excuse it because it's scummy as fuck, but using it as a con for one game is retarded
>DBFZ Listed first before AE
I prefer to pay for some okay anime fighter with cool characters than a great ugly fighter with boring ones.
>mfw PS4 cucks wont get to play with the Android 21 and Android 18 nude mods
No, your meme is already dead.
I can't imagine being that dumb honestly
>mods only you can see
whats the point
explain this, atheists
>nude mods for sprites
actually lmfao
out fucking skilled
That's why I'm a Laurafag now. She's fun, hot and at worst she will just shill her jiu-jitsu school to you.
Nobody will even remember DBZF exists by the end of March.
I'm sick of characters baiting my dp anti air with their full screen jump in's
Xrd has nude mods, retard
Why haven't you preordered her dlc?