Go back to your IL attempts, weakling!
Go back to your IL attempts, weakling!
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> speedrunning
Official List of Speedrunning Soyboys
Feel free to add or remove names. Additions must be neckbeard males who take pictures with their mouths open and are completely cucked to females.
>Cirno_TV still speedruns regularly
how is it that he of all people turned out to be the purest oldboi?
>trihex still speedruns regularly
how is it that he of all people turned out to be the purest oldboi?
Add him to the list.
why are they all blushing?
>what is makeup
go outside more
that's not makeup
>blushing just because a brush touches her
fucking slut
Diddeh, the best player in SMS by miles who has set the WR with a death, can't touch the 120 shines record because it requires more skill than the meme-tier Any%.
>the best player in SMS by miles
>can't touch the 120 shines record because it requires more skill
can you elaborate on this contradiction thanks in advance
He's either drunk, ESL, retarded or all three.
post the top 5 best agdq runs in 2018
the top 5 best agdq runs in 2018
is this supposed to be funny?
personally i find it hilarious
Almo is the soyest boy that ever soyed
The quality (worst, bad, mediocre, good, best) of a player is not only a measure of their skill. It is a measure of their whole person. For example: Clint is not the most skilled Ocarina of Time player, but thanks to his good looks and incredible charisma, he is the best.
I miss cosmo. He could have sustained himself on his ability to deliver comentary alone.
Why do most speedrunners get triggered when you explain why Clint is so popular?
because he apes literally every strat and route change and doesn't even attempt to find a single time saver himself while those oot runners you mentioned put lots of time into the game and only get other oot runners as viewers
based posts irrelevant tweets guy
This is powerful.
big if true
>Clint is not the most skilled Ocarina of Time player, but thanks to his good looks and incredible charisma, he is the best.
Clint isn't going to fuck you, my dude.
Because he leeches off the effort of others and profits from it immensely like a parasitic insect.
Also his chat is cringey as fuck and they bleed into other streams and never stop cock slurping him. Noone cares how much money your pretend friend Clint makes. Fuck off.
Has Omnigamer apologized yet or is he still digging his grave even deeper?
>Because he leeches off the effort of others and profits from it immensely like a parasitic insect.
Are you talking about speedrun routes and shit? LOL no one gives a fuck about that my dude.
When will wq swallow the final redpill on krystal and realize that she isn't even a she?
These are not the reasons. So many people run without contributing, and there is nothing wrong with that.
People hate Clint because he’s popular and handsome. They are jealous.
why does goose twitch his head downwards every time he opens the gate at the beginning of depot?
meanwhile krystal is trying to spin this into a case of persecution based in misogyny
>cheese gets a new 70 star wr
>not one post about it
no one here actually cares about speedrunning, only obsessing like little kiwi farm faggots
>chimpancheeze grind a slightly better ~wr~ time that is still miles above toast's potential of mid 46
please atleast make your posts interesting
The God Gamer Stigma
we don't deserve wq
>no one gives a fuck about that my dude.
Yeah, i'm sure noone cares about it, that's why clint gets 1/3 the viewers when playing his shitty indie games that he gets speedrunning.
Fucking retard lmao.
The Punch Out Scam
>So many people run without contributing
Yeah, but they don't profit off of it. That's the key difference.
In any case, the main reason people don't like clint is because his fans are pure AIDS and infest and ruin other chats like locusts. People get sick of you losers brown nosing your imaginary twitch buddy.
You know he doesn't like you or give a shit about you, right?
so mad for the reasons listed. grow up
Clint wouldn't give you a drop of water if you were dying in the desert. Why are you so keen on defending some dude in the corner of a screen that you pretend to be friends with?
Why is noone talking about Cheese's 70 star WR?
He's a Cheese nuthugger.
We don't talk about good speedrunners here
>cheese improves the 70 star record by over 20 seconds on his 3rd day back to mario
>people still try to pretend that 70 star isn't a joke category lmao
D*ng I didn't realise /srg/ was supposed to be like /r/speedrun where everyone upboats nintenbabby games
>reading comprehension of le 56%er
>hurrr i have no argument so im just gonna pretend u cant read lol!!!
>noone cares about speedrun routes and shit
>even though that's literally what speedrunning is
>clint's viewerbase flees in droves when he does anything else
fucking lmao
How many people do you think would watch Clint make his own route from scratch? Not many. Nobody fucking cares about that shit. They want green splits and ebin memes.
>Nobody fucking cares about that shit.
They do care. That's why they won't watch him if he does anything else you stupid fuck.
>they don't care about the route
>even though they won't watch him if he deviates from it
you're not making a lot of sense, little guy.
>They want green splits and ebin memes.
Neither of these things require a speedrun route. He could open livesplit and have green splits without even playing a game.
They only care about splits in the context of a speedrun route. Which means they care about the route.
Paper Mario World Champion
zelda "100%" runs
I'm too pure for this wr
*flies high above it all and bird laughs*
Is there a single speed running category in any game that's as exciting and challenging as Dark Souls 100%?
yes? lmao
Name one. Oh wait, you can't. Nobody can compete with Kahmul's epic skill.
the human element
SGDQ should be randomizer only, that way only people who truly know the game and who possess intellect will be successful. Grindmonkeys relying on repetition and muscle memory will be exposed for the charlatans they are.
Word. Then we can implement seasonal leaderboards and ban grindmonkeys who go over the seasonal attempt limit. All will be right with speedrunning.
how many times am I allowed to speedrun per season
Attempt limits would be determined on a game-by-game, and category-by-category basis. Offline runs don't count toward the limit, but also are not considered real runs, and thus are disqualified from inclusion on leaderboards. All streamed attempts count toward the limit.
Who would police this?
Volunteer leaderboard moderators. It's not like it would be hard. Livesplit tracks attempt counts and all attempts are streamed and documented.
>SGDQ should rely more on luck so the less-skilled players can win more
*gorilla grunts because monkey runs in the wrong direction*
>it's this shitter again
can you please actually speedrun a game so you stop being retarded
*bonobo howls*
>GDQ should rely more on muscle memory so the grind monkeys can win more
*gibbon hoots*
>*gibbon hoots*
>GDQ should rely on skill
no shit
>muscle memory
*macaque screech*