>4.2 Trailer
>Patch 4.18
>Patch 4.2 site(under construction)
>Job Guide
>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:
>4.2 Trailer
>Patch 4.18
>Patch 4.2 site(under construction)
>Job Guide
>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:
new phone who dis
The darkness shares its secrets with me...
The darkness didn't share anything about that
I can ski jump from that nose
My name is memc@. Will u b memc@'s fren?
Eb please.
i thought i named you paul
i want to learn OS
I literally love you
>ugly highlander fishes for (you)s with a nude post
Sry. My name is mempaul. Will u b mem Paul's fren?
Pretty much if you don't know by now no one wants to be your friend
what in the flying fuck?
give jerkies
The guy Cidoren whispered the wrong person. There's another Sefra on Baldung.
So what is xivg up to tonight?
>that guy who doesn't know how to decorate and makes his house 50% bookshelves
Buddy no offense but that's prostitution
Trying to learn Os
getting rejected for jerkies...
Sounds like an everyday job on Baldung, huh.
Paks Ocha is present. Do not feed. Do not reply.
watching anime and grinding slayer in runescape
Hi guy. Dis is mempaul. Mempaul v gud. Thx u.
Filter ^^
Seems to be his newest fad.
memc@ is a fucking disgrace
That's... Unfortunate... Best of luck user
Sounds like fun have fun grinding!
looking for stuff to do bored out my mind and nothings really doing it
who is this pump
I love mempaul!
remember the time we almost got caught in public by some sprout? god i miss you
mempaul v dumb
hej hej
Wtf how
Mempaul lub u2
Wtfff how?
How to become an xiv glamour model?
>want degen jo things with sefra but constantly hear bad things about them here
im conflicted
post tum
>this whole time i thought they were taking about the Faire Joi
what a retard.
what the hell does JOI even mean? Jerk off Instigator?
You wouldn't make it past the vetting process.
Google is your friend.
Some fresh drama.
What’s the vetting process
You'll know if you ever approach me.
is this the mental illness general?
no one gives a fuck unless we know who it is
Help high as fuck fever, runny nose, cough, cold, and neck pulsating so hard I cant sleep
What is happening
This is the boring catfish and desperate prison gay neet general
>tfw cute elezen showing off their thighs in town no matter where you look
>join ls
>leak logs
>block the names becaue they are your friends and don't want them to be shitposted
Lizard hour has now started.
A high tolerance to genuine autism and orbiter protential
'sup. Finally back from my unwarranted ban, though now I'm just curious about the update. Train suplexing action incoming?
no!!!! we r all mentally sane and nawt crazeh ;3c wanna pat my head?
Well alright then, I didn't even know that was a thing. Uh. That sounds like something dude's with mommy issues would be into and also a chore.
Sounds like you got the flu that's goin around there, homie. Take a hot bath, some tylenol/advil, and try to sleep.
All generals are mental illness generals
did I fail vetting?
what's the pic from?
I can find that linkshell, and you, within 5 minutes. Youre the reason why people advise each other not to play with Veeky Forums
Hopefully you can suplex the train
U r turning into a memc@
V gud image
i love poyo i wish she was my gf
Hope you get banned again.
Not really a chore.
If you're O.Y., yes.
Some doujin I read forever ago.
I'm not sure I understand this Adventurer in Need bonus for tanks in the leveling roulette.
They offered a cracked crystal to tanks who use it to try and help with DPS queues, but only if they're at max level?
what a shame
>want to get some loot from o4s
>playing as tank is kinda boring and relies on my other tank not being retarded
>always able to find a PF, usually clear decently
>playing as DPS is really fun and massive carry potential since I'm doing 5k+ dps
>can never find a group
This is really lame
i can be ur friend thats a gurl tho!
Literally yes
Ban means people report you. Means youre not liked or welcome here
lmao no you can't.
butcherboy, household affair, it's a korean manga
All right aether faggots queue for 1.0
sweet we're friends now
Welcome back
user tell us what did it entail
I wish I could, but five bucks says it'll only be something we can watch or a cutscene if it happens at all. I wonder if Kefka will be fully voiced or he'll just use his old laugh?
make a private pf instead and I can help
its pretty ironic that you of all people would call someone else weird.
i will do ur makeup and hug u
beats me desu
Ah it just seems like it would be a chore talking someone through all that. Just super one sided zzzz. I'd do it if there was money involved but ehhhhhhhhhhhh
>level 50 through 60, whole heavensward done
>not a single new hat
end me
wdf im a boy i dont wear makeup !! !
I resubbed too early and was reminded how bad DRK feels
So grinding Tomes as Astro
It's pretty straightforward and can be done while I'm watching something or playing the game.
I already get paid enough real money for other things, so.
Does anyone on Excalibur want to be my friend?
S-surely 4.2 will fix DRK...
but boys can wear makeup if u want..!!!! only if u want to u whould do wut u want and be comfy with u. i wish there was more makeup options in xiv i wanna look pretty!!!!!! and for boyz
>Dark Passenger
>Low Blow
>Dark Dance
all gone.... like tears in the rain....