Lewd ASCII Annie Edition
OT: eyosongive.us
>Swain, The Noxian Grand General Reveal
>Swain Special Interactions
>Swain Abilities Reveal
Lewd ASCII Annie Edition
OT: eyosongive.us
>Swain, The Noxian Grand General Reveal
>Swain Special Interactions
>Swain Abilities Reveal
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just delete Veeky Forums
it was a mistake from the very beginning
there's no use treating a terminal cancer
I want Zoe to sit on my face.
thank god you where like 7 posts early, this thread is going to be deleted.
Irelia is for ______
Xth for the love of my life, new Swain
hey thats my gf you're posting! delete this please
Irelia isn't real. I am sorry to burst your bubble.
i miss ascii posting
>Irelia confirms she shaves
Do you do it for appearance or convenience?
kys annie a pure
DID THEY KEEP "I'm five steps ahead of you" OR NOT
repeated anal copulation.
Respectful and consensual relationships only.
I just know that it used to be Veeky Forums new how to have fun with someone like swift, or how to truly bully them in ways you never see anymore.
Now it's just edgy people thinking calling someone a faggot is a new idea
Best girl.
Best ears.
Best wife.
>enemy team is mostly tanks
as a support, who should I pick to counter them?
Having her use me as a chair
Are Noxus the bad guys?
They believe that a darkness is coming from them and that's the reason why the have to keep expanding. Is it justified?
>New swain does not have a cane
>New swain does not have a bird, nor does he turn into a bird
>He looks like Lucius Malfoy
These skills are boring as fuck, who the hell thought this was OK. This makes Urgot look like a faithful adaption.
I stopped going when Pokemon General died
Depends on what tanks they have, if they're engage heavy then Janna. If they're just fat fucks then someone like Soraka I guess to just win through sheer attrition. Brand and Vel'koz are also options. Or Trundle.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
>Try to drag people down with your shitty standard
>Hurr i dont need to change, the community should adjust to me xddd
Kill yourself
what image is this ascii image of
noxus was never the bad guys
it's the RACIST and ANTI-MAG demacian scum
Yes with extra memes
not a movement quote i don't think
Sona is for ________
>Hurr i dont need to change, the community should adjust to me xddd
You're the one telling the community to adjust you fucking dumbass.
Lunar Revel when loligee?!
I need to go to bed now and theres still no real news about it, Ahhh!
Guess I can fantasize about cuddling with Luxanna until I fall asleep~
Honestly, that's pretty uncanny.
>Not following the teachings of Shas'O Puretide and giving your life for the Greater Good.
No it's not based, that was the point of the post.
It's hecking retarded to complain about something like that.
Me literally being bipolar has nothing to do with it.
What you're describing is a normal for the course of two months.
Again, I haven't erp'd with anyone on loligee for three weeks now.
I don't care that you seem to care so much about me that you can literally deduce that I have manic depression and can pinpoint every single one of my manic mood swings, it's honestly hot.
Also, I stick to 3-4 posts, 5 is too much. The more you know.
And don't worry, I will NEVER actually fuck off.
this must be the best day of vladfags life swain is borderline gaybait
say what you want about her at least she isnt a filthy pedo
I need Soraka to breed me catatonic.
what meta do you think you're in
he needs to pick another tank, preferably a disengage one like braum or tahm
better the former than latter though because the latter actually requires skill unlike PRESS R TO DISENGAGE that the former one is
>stealing the Star Wars EU's justification for the Empire
Nice writers riot
Nah, you will. One day you will wake up and realize how fucking pointless your whole existence the last few years was.
But hey, thanks for deflecting like you always do and just proving the fact you are nothing more but an attention whore. I guess I, like many others, will just keep doing my job.
Remember to love your support with lots of hot dickings!
Every good support deserves love, so show yours some today!
>A few faggots circlejerking with eachother is considered the community now
Fucking hell
life is pain
death is suffering
so what is our choice
>you need a reason to expand
As long as it benefits you it's fine.
If anything they're the good guys
A darkness is coming and Swain knows the only way to stop it is a strong and united empire that can stand up to it
I don't know if they're the bad guys but they're sure as hell not the good guys.
Deer champ when?
>disenchanted two copies of Northern Front Swain last week
Who /inpain/ here?
You're actually a god damn hypocrite and clearly are too dense to understand it. Not sure what to expect from a newfag desu
Brand's sheer damage output and his passive lets him melt tanks and Vel'koz can ignore resistances with his.
Fuck that get the shit done. Janna has been doing that for almost ten years and I fucking hate it delete this stupid bitch from the game.
Bandlebro, I love your work! I make sure to fap to it at least 2 times per week.
It is that time again lolg
Post S+ and show off
Teleport is the best summoner spell in the game
Man this is some bullshit. nu Swain feels absolutely NOTHING like old Swain. So much for "rework," it's a completely different champion in all ways. I can't believe I'm going to have to play Vlad for my drain mage/tank go to now.
A bad tahm is absolutely useless in team fights and needs to know when to eat and what to actually do. A dumbass braum can just W his carry and press R and disengange/win teamfights
>get cc'd and blow up instantly
yes yes, very useful
>We want the Palpatine audience.
Is Sion Noxus' Death Star equivalent?
Fuck off to /soc/ with all your faggotry shits. Or better yet, kill yourselves
No problem dude, at least it's his worst skin. Only womanlets like that kind of stuff.
>person rping as Irelia always disappears after like 2 posts
Makes me sad
Being a good person is subjective isn't it , no?
Apparently Darius and Draven supported Swain when he was nothing. He must really know something.
Darius also said that Noxus was a war economy. Noxus is basically nothing more than wasteland.
Demacians in the riot universe aren't redpilled.
>Disenchanting skins for a champ with an upcoming VGU
You deserve it
Both statements apply largely to pretty much every champ in the game.
>New swain does not have a cane
he does have one but is not something needed
>New swain does not have a bird, nor does he turn into a bird
he makes 3 birds appear and i dont get all the fags asking "duurrr where is beatrice?" when it doesnt define swains character
>He looks like Lucius Malfoy
ill give you that
Mass report the RPing faggot
Noxus is a wounded beast, desperate for survival. It's not a matter of morality, but of necessity. Having said that, I'm not exactly rooting for the cunts.
I didn't save post game image but here.
>namefag reporting anyone
This one I think
Neither good nor bad guys
>If I'm as much of a faggot as the people I'm angry at it will prove something
Time to go to swift general and read the Swiftblog, catch up on swift latest fantasies, and how he is feeling currently
I love swift desu I wish he'd give me a (you) and would talk to me about his life
Button mashing and/or hand holding.
I wonder who's behind this post?
Call the police
They're kebabs.
>rammus: certainlyT
This basically.
Noxus is nothing but wasteland. Without war they would have to trade to survive , but there's nothing to trade.
How? If anything they're closer to southern Europeanish
Just steal Pangolier R and W.
Change Earthquake to be like Thralls from HoTS
keep W
I suppose everyone is different, but I think you should minimize the amount of pain you experience and try to live as comfortably and contentedly as you can manage.
>They reverted Rengar's Q
comfy bfs~
>not rooting for Noxus
>Lux not rooting for everyone to get along
Try again NOT-US CUNT.
>No riven GF
>no reason to live
The one thing I've always wondered about Noxus is how the fuck do they stay populated?
Assuming each city-state holds 2 million people you'd run out of soldiers at some point quickly considering the culture of being encouraged to kill each other. Either that or the numbers are even more gargantuan (If New York city can hold over 8 million people, who's to say we dont do the same for noxus) but then again noxian women would have to be pumping out children literally every year to keep the population that stable.
Southern Euros would be Italians and Spaniards mostly. Noxus are Turks.
>they reverted Kog Maw W
They don't look anything like Turks.
You take my pick you get the dick
they dont have birth control
assuming they are like people during medieval times, families of 12 kids shouldnt be uncommon
Mass report this ERPing faggot.
Is this the new meme?
Don't worry senpais, I fucking lost.
We ff'd at 15 because the top Tahm kept fucking up our Riven and then she just started to int I guess.
Any fellow Mt. Targoneers here?
I for one think that it was a mistake getting Aurelion Sol to defend our world. He's just going to get angrier and angrier. According to PNN he's getting closer to getting free
If it was up to me, I'd let him go and just give up.
The Void is inevitable and it's just time to let them in. It'll be more painless that way really.
>tahm in charge of being balanced
Alright lolg rate me, would you want me on your team?
>Losing to one of the biggest cheese picks in the game
Bow to the void, or be consumed by it!
Riven looks Italian. Draven looks like a TÜRK but he and Darius are not real noxians
Normally I'd take anyone with a habit to only play tanky characters since you'll be useful one way or another, but considering I don't see a single Gay Sex with Hats On tab open I'm going to go with no.
>gold 5
nope, insta dodge