>Any Futabapedos that posts past this shall cursed Do your worst, bitch
Ethan Russell
Gavin Stewart
I want to fuck Akihiko
Jacob Gutierrez
Your hair shall turn into poisonous snakes
Aiden Jackson
I also redid one for Fuuka in a different order so that the thumbnail actually has her in it.
Can someone post the other dancing webms just so I know there's nobody being left out?
Luis Anderson
James Nelson
Best boy
Jacob Young
Ren is from Sumaru City!
Kayden Parker
That's my fetish
Josiah Price
Brayden Howard
Logan Murphy
Nobody gives a shit about your garbage quality webms
Angel Anderson
I do
Ayden Parker
I don't remember seeing any Mitsuru one desu who hurt you today?
Asher Brooks
Eli Foster
Best boys
Julian James
Jack Jones
>another January babby
Ryan Carter
Don't be fucking rude
Owen Young
Damn, why'd they announce it so early?
Andrew Nguyen
Perfect women aren't born, they're built.
Ryan Collins
Post midriffs
Nathaniel Cooper
Nolan Campbell
retarded on far right
Carson Jackson
Because they're holding an event at Calbee Plus in Harajuku to celebrate it. There will be free stickers, jagariko, and a "secret celebration video" released. The Morgana costume thing is gonna be there as well as life size cut-outs of the cast so you can take pictures with them. Why does Yusuke get such special treatment?
Charles Lee
Michael Long
Justin Roberts
>Why does Yusuke get such special treatment?
Because he's Best Boy.
Ethan Reyes
Jaxon Moore
Jaxon Rodriguez
Jonathan Bailey
The next thread will be an Aigis thread!
Juan Foster
Leo Thompson
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Persona 5. The theme is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical psychology most of the metaphors will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Joker;s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Friedrich Nietzsche literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these metaphors, to realise that they’re not just shallow- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Persona 5 truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the metaphor in Joker's existential catchphrase “YOSH,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Nietzsche German epic Thus Spoke Zarathustra. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Katsura Hashino's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. XD
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Persona 5 tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid B^]
Elijah Ramirez
That's Pollock's birthday
Hunter Powell
He's incredibly popular and voiced by Sugita. Anyway, I think we should expect another dsn trailer and his key visual.
Connor Jones
>Verification not required for your next post
Christopher Taylor
Because he's the art freak and no waifu deserves celebration.
Matthew Rogers
It's only been a month since the last one though. Seems unlikely that they would do another trailer so soon.
Benjamin Brooks
I never noticed how Mitsuru got shafted with this trailer. She's only dancing on one stage.
Carter Moore
Except mine.
Juan Perez
>Yusuke shares his birthday with an "artist" Makes perfect sense.
Sebastian Wilson
She deserved it and she got it.
Aaron Bailey
>Yusuke used drip painting in his Mementos' painting. >Jungian concepts and archetypes were expressed in Pollock's paintings. It all makes sense.
Kevin Baker
This is why people make fun of you, Annfag.
Xavier Bennett
>Only found out just now you can read in the library, you just can't at the start because Makoto is studying in that seat >4th playthrough
Adam Hughes
>Anne is sweaty! >Anne is buxom! >Anne is beautiful! >Anne is happy! >Anne is wet! >Anne is cute! >Anne is flexible! >Anne is an angel! >Anne is lewd! >Anne is sad! >Anne is silly! >Anne is for kisses! >Anne is stylish! >Anne is for sexual! >Anne is awesome! >Anne is sultry! >Anne is pure! >Anne is amused! >Anne is quality! >Anne is Lovers! >Anne is canon! >Anne is an apricot! >Anne is an actress! >Anne is a model! >Anne is thankful! >Anne is Santa Claus! >Anne is dancing! >Anne is Anne, not Ann! >Anne is best girl!
Tyler Powell
I didn't attach a picture and that's what everybody spergs out over.
Thomas Thompson
I want to press my lips against Ryuji's
Joseph Parker
Tyler Murphy
Not him, but sounds like "getting made fun of" by randoms online is a pretty good deal for a great girl like Ann and all that she got in her event.
Sebastian Mitchell
p5 is to smart for /pg/ it's a game for only those of elite intelligence, its subtle themes just go over the heads of other players. only the most gifted players catch onto very carefully delivered pieces of symbolism like how kamoshida's palace is a castle with him as the king because he views himself as the "king" of the school - subtle stuff that you'll miss if you so much as blink
Easton Jackson
Nathan Miller
Wait you can?
Brayden Collins
Her name is Anne.
Mason Sanders
>"secret celebration video" what else would it be then?
Zachary Diaz
>paid for a pass to spam Damn is this guy cucked HARD.
Jack Lopez
A video for people that go to the event and will never be released to the general public.