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*blocks your path*
Oh shit it's Jake
Do it for her
Who /happy/ with this upcoming banner?
Dead game
>tfw merging a sheena as a long term project for when T20 arena becomes impossible to stay in points-wise for my infantry team
>tfw she's poorman's Christmas Lissa
Desperate fucking measures.
it's shit
>only 300 orbs
I feel like I'm due for some really bad luck tomorrow
My perfect daughteru, she's so cute.
Vote for your favourite character
I desire sex with Tailtiu
>Seeing unmerged cavs in arena
>dancer +2 ranged cavs
I mean, they'd normally suicide on your token blue, or Rein can just tank a hit.
You can blame the person who asked for people's age and suddenly every reply felt the need to insert their life's story along with it.
Yukata F!Kamui next year, right?
Who did you voted today, /feg/? For who are you voting tomorrow?
>absolutely no reason to use unless your a whale
>when Fae is much more common and easy to merge
>quickly becoming, still, the best green dragon
Char broiled, my favorite!
>Cav mage Eirika with Gleipnir
What the fuck did I just wake up to?
Wrong choice
Gave an Arden an Armorsmasher, should I forge for anti buffs, or pad his defense more?
I'm thinking Midori right now but I might get a Tellius boner again.
Sobre aviso no hay engaño, /feg/
Get ready for Ayra 2.0
>two dyke ops in a row
Have you heard about the new banner featuring units from Sacred Stones? Looks like it features Innes, Seth, Tana and Amelia. Best of luck to anyone who wants to pull from it!
>still no motherfucking datamine
>still dont know who drew lyon
i'm gonna kill myself
probably also Silque since lords might get alts without needing CYL if Eiricav is anything to go by
>I'll never lick those loli dragon feet
Why does my heart even bother to keep beating?
the one and only
Get gagged, bitch
The bow master of archanea somehow survived when everyone else died
What a surreal experience
I love you Arden
So good and loyal ;_;
>We used to have 4 person banners
Thanks for reminding me.
Honestly, I'm kind of impressed that they found a way to add L'Arachel that left me dissatisfied. IS is just great at fucking up.
man I can't imagine what it's like not being a luck shitter, I only have 50 something orbs and am confident as fuck I'm going to a Myrhh
Post characters you would have liked to see get in inside of the sue
>lance flier
>basically blue Michalis with stronger stats to make up for his lack of prf
>def/pulse bond3: gains +1 special charge and 5 defense when adjacent to ally
the suspense is killing me
>DC Ridersbane+ +9 Effie
>hit autobattle
Wow so hard.
>"Uh yeah I'll take 1 nun who was gang raped by bandits please"
Shota are all-powerful.
>Cav mage Eirika
What the fuck
>only have six orbs left
>didn't get anything from Micaiah's banner
>Yume Nikki sequel reveal drops tomorrow
>FEH's biggest datamine since FE4 drops tomorrow
I got 4 Micaiahs in 40 orbs on this last banner
It's a bad omen
The same thing happened in Tellius
Me! Myrrh looks great. Little sad that Larachel won't be a staff user, but at least that means I can focus on Myrrh. It's interesting though that IS is giving us a banner with only two heroes this time... I guess it was bound to happen eventually, oh well!
Probably Mathilda or Lewyn tomorrow.
I still don't get their blue mage boner. We have a vast plethora of amazing blue mages to pick from. The only thing missing is a blue mage armor. And then they decide to make yet another blue make cav.
Although really, I would be fine with anything, if it wasn't a nonsensical alt. I would be fine if it was like, Lightning Sieglinde or something, but she has no business wielding a tome.
>lance flier
>basically blue Michalis with stronger stats to make up for his lack of prf
>def/pulse bond3: gains +1 special charge and 5 defense when adjacent to ally
get fucked loser try rolling better next time
Thanks Arden. You're a good guy
It could be a TT reward, though I feel Marisa is too pogirlpular for them to just give away for free.
Still, 4 chicks and a dude in one update.
What is that music that plays during the refined weapons missions? It's so pleasant.
I honestly can't believe she's in the game now, and with >hone dragons I'm fucking ecstatic.
Who do I vote for now? Continue with Myrrh or pity vote Knoll?
Please, if she was a staff you guys would've been just as angry muh healer meta or not. Feh players just like to be contrary
People who are into Eirika/L'el will be probably dissapointed because I smell some huge Lyon/Eirika wank incoming.
>no Duessel to save axe cavs
>lance flier
>basically blue Michalis with stronger stats to make up for his lack of prf
>def/pulse bond3: gains +1 special charge and 5 defense when adjacent to ally
Brave Corrin when?
Alright /feg/, this is my last shot
Which one is Micaiah?
>Ryo'n gets a double cucking by Ephraim and Kiran
I didn't mean to quote your post, I was just trying to quick reply.
rekt I got a 5% pity rate trying to snipe Zelgius and got him yesterday git gud scrub.
Who is your main team /feg/?
Ofcourse someone will always be unhappy, but less people would be angry if she was green tome OR a staff. Both choices would leave her in both a solid and unique niche, especially in world where green tome cavs are lacking an offensive green unit and staffs have no prfs, and in world where staffs are actually good now.
>hone dragons
Sure I'm gunning for her myself, but it worries me to think of all the dragon nonsense we'll face in the arena. Time to twink out our dragon slayers I guess.
This, why would she even bother with dark magic
top left
No, honestly. She"s competing with reinhart, Reminder, THE UBIQUITOUS BLUE MAGE, for relevance. She's dead on arrival.
Latona, which would have actually fit her starting class and been the ONLY prf staff added so far, would have at least made her stand out. Especially when, reminder, staffs got crazy buffed.
Magi crossover confirmed!
They’re out here handing out free brave alts to Sues so she’ll be here soon enough don’t worry
dick roll bottom left
thank me later
>3 orbs left
>Only got Alm and Innes with great IVs from the RD banner
I kinda don't wanna complain because it's the first time i got them and i've been hoping to get those two because I really like them
Pelleas for suicide prevention
The one you won't open
What skills does ATK+/DEF- Katarina need? She already has Tharja’s tome
inb4 3* Donnel
Where did that pairing come from anyway, L'arachel is largely unlikeable during the game, she's annoying and inconsiderate. Shit most of her supports are "hey L'arachel!" "Omg why are you doing things this way instead of reading my mind and doing exactly what I want?"
Hana best girl!
I'm so happy you're all voting for Hana!
>Implying he will save axe cavs
Plus Lightning Seiglinde or something of that nature would mean a refine. Oh well.
Exactly, and it's not like they really give a shit about Light mages being strictly in blue given Deirdre and Julia.
Desperation, Moonbow/Glimmer, Draw Back/Reposition. Keep everything else.
Top left
Imagine... Lady LeL with a prf Panic+ staff mixed with Gravity+ staff (like how Peshkaz got both Smoke+ and Rogue+ effect on it). Now that'd be crazy.
It's fine, user, I was shitposting anyway.
moonbow or iceberg or honestly glacies is fine with heavy blade seal
draw back or reposition
bladetome mages don't have much variation
>spic is retarded