League of Legends general /lolg/

Headpats edition!


xth for my wife Syndra

Is this what true friendship looks like?

Tight waifus are best waifus

bullying lulu



He said that E would be useless outside of team fights which is idiotic because it works just like Ahri Q, in lane it is a very threatening ability. And if people get close to him he is not at all helpless because Swain is going to be building tanky anyway and he does MORE damage the closer to him his enemy is, both from his Q and with his ultimate which will help keep him alive while piling on damage. Swain is not fucking Xerath.

What he has against Darius then?

I'm not into lore but from what I understand Darius doesn't want to rule.

I gotta admit, the Tywin Lannister Swain is growing on me.

Sad we dont have his Beatrice and Raven form anymore.

More like a necessary sacrifice. You don't waste loyal pawns.

Kat is on the top 5 loosest sluts in League.

Also Ahri, Janna, Eve, Jinx


xth for looking EXACTLY like Sona!

Got a buff to her poke! So boobies or something.

requesting art of nunu bot and willump bot dabbing

>tfw no qt petite gf

Who's death was she responsible for?

>this body

Swain is gonna rule. Darius is his right hand and will do everything Swain tells him to. He even called him an old friend.

From what I listened in his special interactions he's more like warning Darius against trusting him too much. Like he actually seems to like Darius and feels bad because he knows he's a dick who will betray him if it's what he thinks is best.

I want to fertilize this plant.

xth for Soraka!
I hope they dont gut Wayne btw

Would you let Riven sit on your lap
wearing skin tight pants

It might take days to fully fertilize her. Are you sure you're okay with that?

Are you a bee?

If she had taken a bath beforehands,sure

Why wouldn't I? She can sit as long as she wants


Demacian are leftists, Noxians are alt-rights

In lane it is just another skillshot with average range, it isnt threatening for shit against hyper mobility champ

Upclose he pretty much only has his Q and then maybe W. R has 2 minutes cool down so his early game is even harder

i fucking hate this game

Only if there a hole cut in them for me to my dick in her pussy. Otherwise that slutty hobo has nothing of value in terms of companionship.

So mages are white males in Demacia?

FACT: Lulu has the CUTEST EARS!


what does that mean? im not american

It'll be okay, Mordie-kins

>ywn creampie Vi while Caitlyn masturbates furiously in the corner

Why not creampie both?

fuck you

Nu-white males, yes

Cuckquean is hot.

He will have a harder time against some champs than others, that's a given and applies to literally everyone and he is weaker early until his Q is at high enough levels for him to just spam it nonstop, by which it will be at 2.5 seconds cooldown WITHOUT CDR. His E is very much dangerous however, it's a 1.5 root that he can follow up with damage and healing from his passive and W, if you get rooted by that shit then you just auto lose the trade anyway so you had better lock in that Riven.

>penetrative lap sitting
I like this idea

And who is that supposed to be? Jayce?

Fair enough to each their own.

Tyrant swain still gets the crow head when ulting, feels fucking good man.

This was like the 3rd skin I ever bought, feels even greater man.

Actually the opposite. Demacia is like a fascist country and Noxus is like the Soviet Union, both authoritarian

Possibly. Maybe a self insert?

At least you got adc, currently the best role for Morde

I love people that ignore my voidlings and try to kill me instead. My aids and their little bites shred them.

Would Akali and Kat be assassin bffs?

Their personalities clash, so probably no.

>If you get hit by his full combo then you lose the trade

No shit Sherlock. Swain isn't a poke champ anymore, he is now a constant push champ much similiar to Morgana

He is gonna be weak as shit against hyper mobility and long range poke champ since there is fuck all he can do against them. The speed of his E is nothing exceptional either, it is perfectly reasonable to be able to dodge it by walking to the side

>last match trist fed vayne 0/8
>this match get afk mid
>shit on them out of unfiltered anger
i lost plat promos, got slapped with 9 losses, got demoted to g2, and now i can barely make it back to g1 with this cancer

So Swain ISN'T part of the secret Illuminati then?

every true swain player already has the bird transformation, and the green colour scheme. the only thing I'm not so keen on is the fact that everyone is going to pick/ban him for a while. and It'll be annoying to actually play a game as him


hes just a guy whos actually smart and tacticool enough to go head to head with the illuminati.

LeBlanc wants him out of the way so the black rose can continue controlling Noxus

>ah you mean the people i serve
>yes they're very nice people

Wouldn't you find it a bit awkward to have her angelical, perfectly shaped toned booty resting on such a particular place?

if you went to star guardian college would you pick on lulu? like go to her lunch table and push her into her food or take her cupcakes and hold them high in the air where she cant reach them

Good taste

>Point and click retards btfo

>Helping others
Galio, Lux, Lucian would never be fascist. They are literally multicultural with several races.

>Soviet Union
In Noxus everyone who is strong enough can escape their fate, which is the exact opposite of communism. Don't let that one Swain skin fool you, trying to kill your uppers to gain power like the daughter of Darius did, would never work in Stalin view of Marxism

>>YWN share a good nutella and fruit and cream filled crepe with Vi and Caitlyn

Why does Riot call it a VGU if the visuals and gameplay are completely remade instead of updated?

Warwick was the perfect example of a good VGU, while Swain and Galio were pretty much deleted to make room for new champions with vaguely similar abilities who share their names.

I'm okay with the new Swain, I like the update, but I can see why people are throwing a hissy fit on leddit.

Id become /r9k/ and do a college shooting just to scare the living fuck out of her and then kill her

Noxus is a hyper meritocracy, so this analogy fails.

>if you take(kill) me, you will be leaving Noxus with something far worse

So he doesn't want Noxus to be controlled like we are today?

Wtf I love Swain now

Don't you love it when the enemy laner is all cocky then once you start stomping them all the excuses come out.
>this is my first time with them
>you got lucky
>you play OP noob shit

>Skins that should exist

Unironically Pool Party Viktor
>Q is a splash ball
>W is a kiddie pool
>E is a watergun
>R is one of those giant water buckets that periodically strips bikini tops at water parks
>Full face goggles and snorkel, towel cape/scarf, backing animation is him triumphantly leveling a sand castle.

I'm waiting riot.

>Swain will never be the perfect father figure again

Shoulda have short hair, long hair Swain looks really bad. Though i am gonna use his skin anyway so who gives a shit. The only problem i have is with his ultimate

>no joke bugs
>Mordekaiser temporarily removed to ensure bugs are fixed

>instead of this, we got bloodlord lucius malfoy
fuck you riot

Poor urgot, galio and poppy. and soon swain. its not the same without them

> never again crit for 2000 magic damage on an auto with old poppy

> never again run at singed and heal off all his DOT with galio then pull a perfect 4 man ulti and instagib the adc with your ap combo

> never again switcheroo with the yasuo trying to charge at you for his montage, and kill him with 3 acid hunter manamune attacks as urgot

> never again heart of gold gangplank with ludicrous crits and the ability to deny creeps

> never again.

Fuck riot for changing champions too much. dont even call it a VGU, just call it a new champion. dont insult peoples intelligence by claiming its "the next logical step" for the champion by changing everything about them

Laundry is bad on Swain now right? He is more of a spamable burst champ now. Best you should go with is Rylai for all the slow but that is it

>D-do it for R

R has long as shit cool down and isnt worth it at all

and when they play edgy op shit like yasuo or rengar
>"waaaaaaah always 2vs1 noobs"

Sion is not remotely similar to the champion he once was, and that was for the better old Sion was a mess.

It's not as if anything of value was lost in any case.

Only retards want old Sion, Galio or Poppy kit with their minimal animation and shitty looking ass model

Why didn't they keep the green?


>last 2 threads
What the fuck happened? Is swift on vacation now? I hope so

my heart goes out to my boy yorick
i loved old yorick and new yorick just isnt the same, even though i like him too

because wow has a copyright on fel magick

Check out this Snuggleplushy!

Please note that i didn't include zombie schwarzenegger in my reminiscing, although I did have a lot of fun with his old AP build
make the ult use increasing amounts of mana per second and remove the 120 second cooldown at all ranks, and make it like swains where it had a >30 second cooldown at the cost of using a lot of mana

>trolls pick nunu to feed
>make it a meme
>winrate drops to hell
>riot thinks it must be the champion
>same reason they keep buffing memesuo

They're trying to establish some level of visual consistency among the Noxus and Swain is supposed to be Noxus: The Champion, His armor is very similar to the one that Darius wears.

Is Kayle a cursed champion or something?

I've tried her three times now and all 3 times the games have been irreversibly fucked by the 4 minute mark

>Udyr and Jax try to kill Xin Zhao when he invades
>both of them end up dying and immediately ragequit
>my botlane facechecks an obvious death brush
>I roam to help and end up blowing flash to get out
>behind xp and no flash autolose lane, my own fault
>next game support gives first blood to my laner on an invade
>and my Yasuo afks until 10 minutes, joins the game, walks to top and instantly dies to Nasus who's been freely stacking

what skin are you using?
also what is your general build?

yeah i feel people don't appreciate the warwick rework enough, it is a pretty much perfect modernisation of his old appearance and abilities that came with a 10/10 cinematic

on the other hand, galio went from magic resist/ap wise gargoyle batman to some kind of hurr-durr-letmepunchthings-transformer that not even riot knows how exactly is he supposed to be played

swain's rework is a lot closer to galio's and while i despise swain pickers, i can understand why they're bitching so much, this is much closer to galio rework than ww rework

>I've tried her three times now and all 3 times the games have been irreversibly fucked by the 4 minute mark
This happened upon the begining of S8 with all of my champions. I got 60%+ WR on my main jungle,support and midlaners and now i cant get a fucking win. Instead the enemy team throws whenever i play a champ that im shit at

>yeah i feel people don't appreciate the warwick rework enough, it is a pretty much perfect modernisation of his old appearance and abilities that came with a 10/10 cinematic
But ww rework is widely accepted as s tier

Nobody is undervalueing it

Not to mention everyone is playing ww since hes easy as fuck and is probably the highest winrate jungler at the moment

Unfortunately empathy is not my strong suit and I'll gladly sacrifice the happiness of others for the sake of my own enjoyment, and I'm really intrigued by new Swain, fuck the old one and his pickers can either get on board or fuck off.

>throw veigar's ult at kat for the kill
>"wow just hit r no skill champ"

heh. nothin personell, kid

Gotta say warwick rework was pretty good, only thing I hate about him is his ult fucking making him impossible to 1v1 unless you're a tank with CC abilities.

Riot because I have it. The autos are kinda clunky but I play Corki and adc so it's not too hard.

the only match that went to lategame I built Nashors->Rageblade->Wit's End and I was starting a Rylai's to be able to self-peel. Obviously missing the Hurricane, should have built it instead of the WE and relied on my ult to keep my alive versus Syndra.

Nothin at all

Warwick was always like this