Healsluts Edition
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Healsluts Edition
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/lolg/, post lewd Sona pics please!
I actually made a molehill cake today.
>darkins inhabit a host
>varus is now a darkin
>doesn't inhabit a host, instead had to make his own body
further evidence that this gay shit was shoehorned in.
What's the term for an ADC that wants to be a slut? DPSlut? I just want a bossy support to be make me their cumbucket ADC
Lulu is bestest healslut
>What's the term for an ADC that wants to be a slut
______fuck off_
>tfw stacking lethality on every ad
Varus is the bow, it took over the body of the not dead gay, and took both gays into his mind. he's a parasite, if symbiotic
I have no idea why the fuck Aatrox walks around without a host, though
>tfw support that just wants a big ADC to carry me and use my body as payment
Lethality is for wimps. I build crit when I play an ad assassin.
Isn't Aatrox like potential future Rhaast ie. he won the host over.
xth for my wife Syndra
>I have no idea why the fuck Aatrox walks around without a host, though
Aatrox is literally named "The Darkin Blade". Literally pull up his page in your client.
>this mortal warrior was corrupted and transformed by the living weapon
Rhaast after taking over Kayn doesn't look much different.
oh fuck I never put those two together. rip nameless guy, thanks for clearing that up, user
>first match of newest patch
>cait decided the targetting changes made her entire kit worthless so she goes 0/9
I'll only carry you once in a while but I can promise consistent ERP, you slut.
Yes please!
Took over the host
Rhast loses slightly
Middle point, half dark kin half gays
Give me your IGN, user!
g-give me yours first please, i'm a little shy
New Swain seems to be pretty good at Top
Xth for swift killing himself syndra
>enemy team gets Chogath, Shyv and Vayne
did I win
I'm also a little bit shy, but i'll bite the bullet if you tell me your region.
>swain transformations into a terrifying demon for ultimate
>deals literally no damage even at max souls
What's the purpose of it?
>tfw girl fetish
>tfw tiddies never fail to make you rock hard
vanilla is best
>What's the purpose of it?
>Swain gets wings that don't move during his ultimate
>deals literally no damage even at max souls
It's not fair
>swain is a "master tactician" whose ult is running into people to drain their hp that makes no sense please change that
It was such a lame argument I'm glad Riot brushed it off
So Eyeball Collection is absolute dogshit right
I wish I was more socially outgoing.
I wish Draven was a cute girl. I love his gameplay but I hate his character and he's ugly. Why can't he just be a cute dom girl?
Evelynn x Elder drake WHEN?!
this game sucks donkey butt lol
go away dunkley
gotta wait for more eve nerfs before jungle camps raping eve again
You gain a chunk of health and some sustain so that you can survive long enough for your spamable Q
>winning in placements
>rito gives afk teammates
Recommend me the most gondola champs to chill and observe
>not wanting her to RAPE the camps instead
For someone who barely plays ADC, what's a good rule of thumb? I guess my weakness when playing as ADC is that I forget how fragile they are and that not all of them has a decent way of escaping. Planning to play Jinx and Sivir.
Learn to a-move, realize that you DONT have to go out of your way to "focus" somebody, staying alive is your priority, damage the closest enemy that you can attack safely
Also get blue ward and buy pinks
What's the point of attack-move unless you're chasing? Minions always get in the way and it doesn't help with farm because you literally stop moving
Whats the deal with stopwatch?
I'm hearing nonstop complaining about it and I don't see why its so broke.
Its fucking annoying
Is rumble jungle still available?
canceling animation
free-ass boots
Lux seems to be a bit busy today....
What differentiates a Riven Main from someone who just likes Riven?
>faker dies during recall AGAIN
>the only time you can kill Faker is when he's busy window shopping
>only draws cuck shit
>2 different patreons to make more money
I seriously hate this fucking "artist" so much
>Build a new computer after a year to play this gayme again
>League got shit
Wtf happened with this game? I used to be a jungler Main D3-D2 and now I cant even compete against gold-plat players. Jungle and general gameplay feels extremely fast and snowbally. I have no control anymore to my lanes. Towers are fucking papers and the best thing is that the little Baron monster that damages Towers to its fucking end. Also, the way how they changed runes, removed Masteries and Orange Essence proves how retarded and unfriendly Riot is to its customers.
Kleptomancy is so fucking broken I cant believe it. Also damage got very high.
Bring back old runes.
I really loved League and played it every day for like 8h, but I think I got to a point where I say I quit this shit.
Fuck you Riot and you fucking greedy chinks who destroyed this fun game.
Why is all the hottest 2D porn NTR of some variety?
>high stakes rivalry game
>3 infernals in a row
Old runes were absolute garbage, new ones aren't just more practical they also give you more options, fun and are easy enough to set up 20 seconds before any match starts.
You may have a NTR fetish.
>tfw play jhin
>get retarded janna support that does nothing and doesnt use the chat
>get a lens,buy pinks
>janna gives a couple kill to their jungle ekko
>still go 5/0/2 and win in 20 mins because me and top Nasus had braincells
wtf i hate janna players now. That guy just stood there with aa enabled and ocasionaly ulted to save his own ass. He also kept pushing the lane without wards after i got a kill and he kept dying like a retard
So kleptomancy died, how do you rune GP now? I fell like aery or comet into cdr with stopwatch is the only way now, but I never played with those.
whats wrong with that? maybe you are selfinserting as the cuck and not the bull
grasp bruiser gp
Then you do what I do, try to focus with the art as much as possible and avoid any type of dialogues. Edit them out with paint apps or something if necessary. I've fapped to some NTR shit with this technique. Doesn't always work though.
>swain rushes zhonyas
>hes the only tank on our team
>jungler doesnt gank anyone
>bitches that fights keep ending poorly
>mid refuses to roam
>bot lane just trying to get our shit done but because of top mid and jungle we get fucked
>Morde adc
Why do people still try to do this?
one mains riven
You could choose your runes individually, now youre forced to create something that the system brought you.
Degenerates shell out more money to the artists. Capitalism wins again, baby!
thatThe game at the moment is full of 1shot champions that either need a cheap item or hit level 6 to start getting free kills with minimal effort. Since you're a jungler just play Rengar or if you want to be tanky go for Warwick both are pretty much "just dont be retarded and you win" tier
Why not just completely give in, user.
>Want Swain to build full tank
>No Zhonya Swain
There must be leaks for this artist. 8ch and 420ch didn't have anything on him.
>want him to build roa
>builds tear instead
pixelcuck is just autistic. Dont try to understand him
What does that mean? Almost every champ had a cookie cutter rune setup and even when this was not the case it would be quite boring since it's just stats. In the end 1% crit on random champs was the most interesting choice you could make.
Gating such an important thing through IP was lame too.
why would a bird have a job?
So I see this person posts on this board
this confirms that suspicion
life is hard my friend
we bitched at that swain to build like a tank but he insisted full ap was the better choice
all match we asked him to do it
That's not an option. It's a waste to not take as much cdr and ultimate hat on Gp. And stopwatch is just too good to pass on.
I can't even think of a matchup where you could think that grasp is going to be great.
Never quite understood Morde bot after when he can cast his W on minions again.
I mean yeah he can have a pet dragon and shit but I find him to be more dependent on the support than the rest of the ADCs, he can get kited like a motherfucker, and he has a more fun time fucking around with top laners considering that they ain't long ranged like shit, his W can be a bitch against the melee enemy.
I'm not sure I self insert as anything, but definitely find the idea of cucking someone more appealing than being cucked. I think reading about and watching it in art just adds another level of filthy sluttyness to it which I find appealing
he blogposts hes every game whenever hes playing like anyone gives a shit. He also complains about bad teams sometimes even though hes shitpicking himself
Holy fuck pawn stepping up
>14/15 kill participation on shaco
I'd be looking towards nautilus, not shaco
What league girl just needs a good ol dicking to let out steam and angst?
More like Ezreal destroying the team from a kilometer away then pawn last hitting everything