/d2g/ - DotA 2 Gener:

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Cosmetic Simulator: dotaloadout.com
Competitive Scene: wiki.teamliquid.net/dota2/Main_Page
Hero Stats, DPS Calculator, & Interactive Map: devilesk.com/dota2

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>still no bikini sets

Fuck anime


singsing is streaming dotards

nth for sluts

some heroes switch stance when they get close to an enemy
pretty neat animation desu

Either fund the 3rd parties with hat revenues or just make a fucking Dota League this is so pathetic

bet you didn't notice that heroes limp when their hp is low

part of the fun of core brew tbqh
>time for your ass beating

PL looks like he's shat his pants

a shadow fiend in my game just soloed level 1 rosh with a clarity and 5 mangos. why was this shit added again?

doesn't that require him to constantly walk in and out the pit?

yes. idk can the enemy team see that? they didnt do anything

>why was this shit added again?
Because you don't deserve to win your early game if you are retarded enough to actually let him do that, especially when BH is a good pick against him.

underlord trots when his movespeed breaks a threshold

I uniroically pick the speed talent just to see the animation

teammate horseback ride aghs when

nth for zuck fuckerberg

if only hero levels would be displayed on the hud and not just on the scoreboard

Remember when Universe was literally the best offlaner in the world?
Remember the 6 million dunk?

don't mind me, i'm just the best item in the entire game

hey that's not blink dagger

Is it too obvious if I'm sitting in safe lane, then immediately smoke and run at mid at 4 minutes?

t. 3k position 5

are ESL /our guys/?

moments you felt fucking awesome in a game
i could green text mine but this is easier youtube.com/watch?v=WHhi_x1onYM
go ahead

hey that's not raindrops

even sing has a gf
why dont you

>are ((((((((they))))))) our guys

for what purpose

faster checks

probably not in the 3k bracket, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be more inconspicuous. i try not to smoke without a sent down if i can help it, but at 4 minutes obviously smoke and a ward can be expensive. honestly, in my opinion solo smoking as position 5 at the 4 minute mark so you can gank mid is bad. i typically block the mid wave, plase a ward down somewhere that can catch a rune and some mid highground, then go to safelane. if the lane is pushing i harrass, if it isn't i pull. if the lane is too dangerous to do either i stack. wherever their supports are trying to create opportunity, i try to reflect their movements and play the lane defensively. kills in the laning phase matter less than static laning, so it's more important to try to just buy your cores space. if that means tanking a gank, or saving them with an early level in kinetic field, then that's what i do. even if your smoke gank isn't seen by the opponent and you successfully kill mid, the space you're losing in other lanes to secure that rotation are probably more expensive than the 5 seconds the midlaner was out of lane was worth.
t. 3k position 5

of what, enemy levels?

But I do


Even though it's not the best I like radiance because the icon has a nice colour and glow, also aoe burn is my thing

shh you'll trigger the neets

>playing shaman
>have the upper hand and team needs to break the highground
>have a ward at the tier 3
>blink in, immediately hex the nearest core
>drop snakes
>shackle as hex runs out
>aggro snakes onto tower
>my cores are already wreaking havoc
>sit there and watch the beauty unfold
so good

so how the fuck do i figure out my mmr or how much to next badge i have?

I don't believe you have a gf.
Enjoy your hand.

i don't know the exact science but here's an image which explains the mmr thresholds. the reason these aren't precise is because medal upgrades are calculated from a combination of both your solo and party ranked. so if you have some party ranked calibration, and your solo is only slightly higher, party will help you achieve the next medal earlier than this image states.
i'm 3060 solo right now, and my party is around 2800. when my party was 2700 and i reached about 2780 solo i reached archon 3. when i hit 2950 i hit archon 4. so at about 3140 i'll be archon 5.

whats the max for calibration? i calibrated at legend 1 and went to 4 in like just a few days

I think I have a problem, /d2g/. I keep playing bounty hunter every game, which normally wouldn't be a problem, except I've started playing with my pants off and a vibrator that I turn up every time I get a track kill. What should I do?

kill yourself today

probably still 3500, which is legend 1. it's important to note that whichever mmr type you calibrate first you will almost definitely be lower than the other, since the second calibration takes into account your mmr from the first one, and it is typical you'll climb upon it, unless you actually were inflated.
so i calibrated solo first and finished at about 2600, then calibrated party and was 2750~. of course if you calibrate party first and you're carried by your team, and then go to solo and perform worse because you aren't actually as good as your party was, you'll still decline.

surely the vibrator has a maximum limit

how great was the shitposting when EG won?

any VODs for the liquid vs navi game?

no zuccshit

everyone just bitching so hard about muh esl and muh facebook stream nobody paid attention to the games


why not ask for real time updates of enemy hp/mana on the hud while you're at it

yeah, Abaddon summons his weapon when he gets close

Which hero is most likely to be a porn star?


king leoric??..

Just climbed from Crusader 0 to Crusader 5 in one match.
- /u/48winratescrub

queen of pain or luna

dignitas announcement today fellow dotards

Screen cap your conduct summary. What's your behavior score?

0 Abandon
4 Reports
2 Commends
[Developer] behavior_score: Normal

I went to sleep after BSJ got banned, what was the response from d2reddit like?

>sits in offlane when i finally get creeps to the tower
>yell at him to fuck off, stop leeching exp and stealing my rune
>lol this guy is crazy omg lol
>entire game is my team being passive aggresive niggers

why isn't everybody using YouTube live over Twitch?
>can rewind livestreams to up to 4 hours
>no bandwidth restrictions
>no cringy reddit meme emoticons
>no ads

because retards believe that surrendering all their analytics to amazon is somehow better than facebook or google

>play game
>2 russians 3 non-russians
>the other two non-russians just feed and abandon

so, what do caster mean with esque?

because no ads, and the jackanapes in charge of yt are incompetent monkeys that woukd rather scream about muh equality than improve their service

people literally use twitch for the emotes and chat only

esque normally means "like"
example: Drow Ranger is a very League of Legends esque hero

I get that, what I don't get is when they use like
'the esque is waiting to blink in' when talking about sand king

oh, it's SK, but slurred or said in bong

thanks user, it makes sense

>playing shaman against:
>solo offlane bristle back
>carry lane is a puck and a ta splitting farm
>roaming pudge and mid sf
>we have a disruptor and luna duo laning the bb
>they want me to be there, but i'm focusing on harassing the sf out of lane without sapping too much xp
>the ta and puck both got way too much out of their lane against a solo mag who was mostly inept
>the qop also didn't do shit despite getting free farm
>the luna died like 7 times in lane to just the bristle because she didn't carry tp, blamed me
was my choice in the lane the incorrect one? i feel like laning multiple heroes against a bristle is stupid, and they should just try to split the lane and get pulls and stack as much as possible while i keep the sf from getting anything mid for as long as possible. i didn't expect the puck and ta to both get fat out of their lane, maybe i should have tried to mess with the offlane more.

cool desu
HOTS has something like this too
fucker ESL and fuck zuckerburg

I know I am

is there a possibility that Facebook secures stream rights to TI8? What would actually happen? Would Dota 2 die?

>is there a possibility that Facebook secures stream rights to TI8?
unlikely valve wants to distribute viewership to the largest audience available
>What would actually happen?
people would watch ingame/or through the dota2.com stream service
full commentary would be available with either
>Would Dota 2 die?

He moves exactly like the original pit lord

Arc warden runs also when he breaks a threshold


because the invisible hand of the free market

Facebook is actually good. No twitch memes. No ledditers, Easy to find VODS.

Leddit butthurt is actually good.

our generation is obsessed with memes

what is the point of dota 2 if there arent any twitch memes? Thats like watching TI without going on /d2g/

hate the fact im lumped in with these idiots
Millennials is far too broad a term

Reddit is just upset they cant shitpost their stale and boring maymays™ without revealing their shitskin profiles.


Consider cyanide.

Im okay with youtube but NO FACEBOOK
fuck this shit

I'm sad that the youtube streaming thing didn't get more popular, it's so much better than stream but none uses it because it's so dead

Fucking remove tb from the game.

*casts sunder on actual alive Veeky Forums general*



remove techies first, thank you

>remove Tinker first, thank you
fix'd that for you

that's a strange way to spell Arc Warden.. mhm..

these people don't understand that its all about the memes. Nobody cares about good streaming quality when you can Kappa and PogChamp

when did Tinker go from farm vacuum to wtf OP ban this shit?

hitbox.tv tried having equivalent emoticons to lure over viewership
users couldnt care less

>literally 36 viewers for Dota 2 streams in total
literally why would you bother to stream there? You could post a feet stream on Twitch and get a few hundred easily

it's the same old tinker, but if you manage to rush Kaya he becomes even stronger in mid game, which isn't usually the case

but pro teams dont even build Kaya on Tinker, they just go travels soul ring blink aghs or something

>literally why would you bother to stream there?
offers everything twitch does
when the site was launch they even sponsored pros/events to use their platform
it never caught on though and subsequently is in the shitter
>You could post a feet stream on Twitch and get a few hundred easily
try selling that to the hundreds of people streaming dota2 to 1 viewer

Seeing all the third worlders and disgusting man children in the Facebook chat makes me legit want to quit DotA