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>General Resources:
>WoW Token Price:
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What class is most fun?
Art Class
Does /wowg/ like dwarves?
Hahaahaha! So funny, helps a lot
Survival Hunter when you learn to stop trying to min/max it because it's borderline impossible to play optimally and will never be competitive vs. marksman even if you could.
Starting a new character, what would you recommend between Warrior or Shaman?
anyone here vapes?
Should I skip Outland and just do Northrend?
Is there anything worthwhile?
Sauce me
can we please ban all of these shitposters
Greetings from Argent dawn eu!! My doggo lock got 965 drape of shame from weekly chest. How was your luck?
worgen look fucking retarded
dude he's self inserting, show some respect
Why would you skip outland? And pre-60 zones I like as horde are ashenvale, stonetalon, ghostlands.
>she'll never sit on your face
>night elves are cannonly all atleast 2 meters tall
>you'll never get a 2.10m booty on your face
Tyrande please
Both Outland and Northrend are 58-80 now.
Why wouldn't you skip Outland?
>Ass eating
>Ass play
Muh dick, there's never enough of that
If they'd look like that, yes.
gob thread
You find a goblin eating a sausage and some meatballs underneath your table, what do you do?
BEST Shemale reporting in!
How are you hun?
I never really had a problem leveling in outland.
Yes you did
>uruguay wakes up
>thread filled with sex-addled virgins
Is there a discord?
does the new world scaling allow me to level with a friend who is much lower level than me?
And you're surprised by this?
as long as they're in the same bracket, yeah
>waking up at 2.30pm
neat, thanks
>waking up
Post dark irons.
>not waking up at 2.30 pm feeling like p.diddy
>he thinks the same kind of person who spams anonymous online message boards with cropped porn is the same kind of person who has a normal person's sleeping schedule
o i am laffin
That's a long ass greentext faggot
>He thinks it's one person
>uruguayian education
Pretty good! Playing PoE currently.
Are these crops? If so please post links.
Mmm how hung is she???
I legit can't decide if I want a gnome hunter or a dwarf. Female of course, what else is there?
Neat! Taking a break from WoW? Cock too sore?
Posted the sfw version of the second one in the last thread.
About 3 stacked coke cans
Which race, class and spec is the least played? I'm a huge hipster and want to be special snowflake.
We are all that stands between the Legion and annihilation.
female tauren priest
Why are Fins so weird?
>wait at Huolon spawn point
>two finns are there, one is already riding a Huolon mount
>when it finally spawns the one without the mount kills it in one hit
>the one who had it apologies to me
>apparently he got a second mount
>he just wanted a "bonus one"
>he gives me 50k gold, apologizes again, and leave
Elemental Goblin Shaman.
no reddit races
troll female DK
>play casually
>chill gameplay towards completion and gathering
>dont have to worry much, can play with music, able to stop whenever
>play competitively
>flaky/bitchy/angry/dramatic groups
>you need to log in at x time
>if there is no mutual competence there is no guarantee your time and efforts will be rewarded
>game becomes another source of anger, anxiety and depression
''B-but my group is different!''
Your group may be different but the gist of it is still there. You're required to work and to submit yourself to people who will not reward you with money nor sex.
what the hell
What about it?
he said tauren not blood elf
>I'm a casual!
>I'm able to stop whenever!
>Spends 8 hours a day pet battling
I recently discovered the joy of pugging normal raids.
It's stress free, you get to see all the content and the players are surprisingly enough, not braindead.
It's like LFR filters all of the absolute shitters and mythic filters out all the elititsts.
>challenges arent fun
Cool strawman my dude. Thing is, I dont even pet battle myself.
As for your argument, better it is to rely in yourself to have fun than to have to deal with people who will give you shit for nothing.
finnic genes have a high correlation with extreme autism
Pet battles are too difficult and cerebral for that caliber of player, more likely they spend all that time PvPing.
There is nothing challenging about failing a 7 minute fight because someone who isn't you fucked up.
>Cool strawman my dude
Just a plain hyperbole, but cut and paste any solo activity.
I have fun with my friends. This being an MMO and all means its a lot better if you don't "rely on yourself to have fun"
And what is the challenge in an MMO other than minimize inconvenience? Its a thing to play sports, study success with women and business. Having to deal with retards in a video game is not a challenge, its a test of patience and a burn on your free time. Want a challenge? Go outside.
Spoken like someone that doesn't do higher content and couldn't do it if his life dependent on it
Can you prove that? What gives you evidence I choose to play casual because I'm incompetent other than your vague assumptios?
I want her to cum on my gob's dumb bimbo face!
What's fun in beating lfr-tier bosses where you basically sit and spam your rotation and the bosses fall over?
Your inability to type like a functional human being and the fact that you don't consider genuinely difficult content to be a challenge at a personal level, but rather "smash your face against something until nobody fucks up"; something I hear all the time from really terrible LFR heroes
Just for a short while, still playing wow here and there and gonna go back to it "fully" after finishing the challenges in PoE.
Also I don't get sore.
It's fun because I only need to do it once or twice for my quests. I can take in the story and environment.
It's fun because it doesn't take very long and once I'm done I do other things instead.
So, I've never really played a DPS in a raid/higher M+ environment. What DPS is considered average? Any other tips? I'm using a fire mage who's around ~930
Link to the original source, and not some third party site.
In the US, the least played horde race/class combo at level 110 is the female tauren priest, with the female troll monks and DKs, female goblin warriors, and male panda rogues coming in right behind them. for the alliance, female dwarf DK is the least played race/class at 110, with female dwarven monks, mages, rogues, warriors, warlocks, and priests, and the male rogue pandaren being closely behind. this is all according to realmpop.com
>Your inability to type like a functional human being
Where is that coming from?
> you don't consider genuinely difficult content to be a challenge at a personal level, but rather "smash your face against something until nobody fucks up"; something I hear all the time from really terrible LFR heroes
Thats because its how it is. How else would you describe the experience?
1.5m is average in ST
>Don't get sore
O-oh gosh. Dwarves sound like fun! never did anything with one
you should watch a couple videos of mythic Antorus kills, or even heroic aggramar kills and you would be able to see its more than just a test of patience, where you actually have to plan things out. thats too much work for an LFR hero like you to do though, go outside and hang yourself you fucking retard normalshit
Aren't you curious of how the actual boss fight is in the hardest difficulty? Maybe it's more fun and you're missing on that.
They're going to fuck it up
>world boss I just killed for mount doesn't appear in my raid lockout list
Does it mean I can kill it again?
>Where is that coming from?
"better it is to rely in yourself"
"And what is the challenge in an MMO other than minimize inconvenience?"
>Thats because its how it is. How else would you describe the experience?
I'm sorry you had a shitty experience, maybe thats why you don't get it. Its not a test of waiting for nobody to fuck up, you have to actually play well. Of course pulls get messed up, but Antorus is tolerant of those if everyone is playing well.
But even if you don't like raiding, difficult 5 man content is readily accessable and you can jump in and get something done in half an hour, then not play again for the rest of the day. About as """casual""" as you can get.
I've raided in the past so I know what the mechanics are. You can see them in normal even if they aren't deadly and you don't get punished so hard for failing.
My curiosity is satisfied without setting foot in mythic.
Normal pugs do not do enough DPS to ignore boss mechanics
So if your class/spec sucks dick at st/aoe then it's going to stay that way to make other classes fell special? Will certain classes/specs be benched in BfA like in Tbc?
Will this be the year I get a goblin gf?
>all that strawmaning
>all that police force effort towards a content you watch people doing and dont do yourself
cuck soyboys on suicide watch
Ah haha, and there it is. Someone speaking about a difficulty when he's never actually done it, just as I predicted.
Also the mechanics in Mythic are different.
You can't argue with millennials. They only want instant gratification and God forbid they have to put some effort to get things done. Why do you think mobas are so popular these days?
She'll have two big dicks just for you.
Never know til ya try, dollface!