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#zamph #epic #dota2 #umadbro
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#zamph #epic #dota2 #umadbro
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xth for my wife Syndra
You do not deserve to win if you do not respect and protect your support!!!!!
>tfw no jojo champ
Best girl.
Best figure.
Best wife.
Now that we have a new thread, very important list
What girls have the top 10 best pussies in league?
How much can Leona bench?
I think the most annoying thing about waifufaggots and fetish autists is the way they type
"[character I fap to] likes [this fetish]!"
"But what about this fetish?"
"Why, of course user! [character I fap to] would [detailed description about how tight their pussy is or how huge their tits are], and absolutely loves [this fetish] and would [description of how the character would fall head over heels if a neckbeard from this thread did something to them]
Why are you all exactly the same
how has this not gotten old yet
>that fucking grimy pc
not even surprised
>he is still going
I have 42 skins. Bought 34 of them since 2k11. 13 of them in 2k17 with exactly 2 prepaid cards 80 each. Always buying on sales I've spent:
>160 = 12,3/per skins in 2017 + free shit
>460 = 21,9/per skin from 2011 to ( some date I've stopped playing )
I'm sorry your shitty Canadia economy can't keep up with fucking skins.
Can someone bored sum up freljord lore (old and new if needed) please?
>2/8 on d5 main
placed plat 3
>5/5 on g1 smurf
placed plat 2
I really don't get placements
Did you vomit on your speakers?
When you're ____Veeky Forums_____ it's pretty easy to self-insert in those autists little stories, so I enjoy reading them.
I vant to swim in da poopoo
>didnt even attempt to change the lines to fit the characters
I want to fuck Soraka
Horsecock or not
>jojofag in the other thread
1) Ahri
2) Soraka
3) Katarina
4) Shyvana
5) DracoZyra
6) Xayah
7) Elise
8) Lux
9) Vayne
10) Nidalee
Literally all of these champions have penises wtf
I've since upgraded.
>ignoring the hand
This is the least of the crimes.
>Atlantean Syndra
>Shitty Korean Trash Syndra
>Sailor Gupiter Syndra
>ebin snowballs xDDD Syndra
Dude skins have gotten better!!! xD
>Championship Thresh, Kalista, and Zed are all high quality skins with flashy particles, one of the fanciest recall animations in the game, and special Ultimate animations
>every single CS skin is 975 RP, even the Challenger skins
>>CS Ashe is 1350 though despite not even being that fancy and having no bonus voice lines, or new particles on her basic attack
I love my husband Kled a whole lot!
Those top lane changes can't come soon enough. Also, they better come with a new Kled skin.
Please Riot give Kled some love. I love him. ;_;
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Is Shaco top still a thing?
No! No! Nooo!
So I guess Noxus is confirmed for best men?
And Shurima is confirmed shit tier?
Did not expect these results.
>overwatch fag mad about lol skins
They want money.
Every single skins from now on will be 1350rp skins.
If Atlantean Syndra was released in 2018, she'd be 1350rp too.
>Those low quality dolls with the k-kill me faces
Any fucking champ in top is a thing
The state of toplane is just garbage
Ionia confirmed best girls
Anons what do I do as a top laner when I get ganked and die? I ask for a gank and the JG always comes 10 min later and by time they come their jg is coming for their second rounds which usually results in a double for my laner.
Stay back by your tower and learn to farm under said tower.
If your lane opponent doesn't push, just stay back and keep stuff warded.
>Katarina above both dragonpussies
How the hell does she do that?
I have an idea...
Everyone already knew that though.
Also Noxus has the highest quality waifu exports and Demacia has to import it's good girls
Prostitution or raping Garen.
I keep it warded by going through the jg and warding that bush from the corner and usually after the 3/0 they just start diving me under tower. I usually only struggle top with renk so when they start diving me i try to dash through them and clear minions and stun them under tower but they usually still survive and either force me to recall or die
>camp bot lane and get them fed
>jk doesnt matter top and mid are gonna force feed and throw when we try and carry them because i didnt camp there lane even though i have the entire fucking river lit up like a christmas tree so the deaths were their own fucking fault for not looking at minimap
I cant fucking stand these fucking people you picked a solo lane learn how to fucking lane without assistance or at fucking least stop FUCKING PUSHING SO I CAN GANK YOUR LANE AND USE YOUR FUCKING TRINKET FOR WHEN IM UNABLE TO WARD FOR YOUR DUMBASS ALSO STOP FUCKING ROAMING WHEN YOU ARENT LEVEL 6 YET/HAVENT GOTTEN YOUR TOWER
I fucking want out of silver but im running out of fucking ideas of how to carry retards i mean i know it was a fucking bad game but i had the perfect bot lane and all 3 of us were fed but my top lane and mid lane managed to not be able to lane or cs to begin with
...all over that midriff?
don't do some limp-dicked non-load and leave us dissapointed with what could have been
League of Legends
>tfw no qt petite gf
Do it
You don't have the balls.
>no Irelia
Shit list
It looks as shit so you may as well go for it.
>enemy picks Gp top
>go malphite
>get rejuvination
>buy cloth and pots
>start W
>walk into lane with 70 HP shield and 60 armor.
>GP's bullets do nothing
They say the nightly halls of the Du Couteau manse are so quiet you can hear a pin drop. Well throughout her youth Katarina put that to the test by carrying a pin with her everywhere she went. Just she never used her hands. The halls of the Noxian abode remained deadly quiet for many years.
>that grin
Is this Acbaru guy still trying to scam people and whine his ass off about living in Russia with EU salary?
When i said Ionia i dont even thinked about Ahri btw.
>Shadow Isles that many votes
Horse fuckers?
Im pointing out that "dude higher quality skins of COURSE theyre more expensive???" is fucking horse shit.
SG Syndra, every Xayah/Rakan skin, CS Ashe, the new Blitz skins (dont even have a fucking custom walk animation lmao. but you could get both for the price of a Legendary, so, worth)
>camp bot
>enemy jg has free reign to camp top and mid
>even with wards what are you gonna do if the enemy is a tank jung and they just dive you
>but bot is fed tho!
do your fucking job right and you wont have this issue
>corpse pussy
ew no thanks
I want to fertilize this plant.
>top and mid constantly push
>"hurr why didnt you gank"
Did she ever upgrade to anything more challenging than a pin?
>top and mid constantly push
>got ganked 24\7
>"better jungler wins"
Is nocturne popular?
I never see him played
Jesus fuck that champ
That's fine I just tend to remember all the top tier girls from Ionia instead of just focusing on one.
She's probably not going to be a "corpse" for long
You're too late. I've already done the deed.
I'm so tired of losing against champions like janna soraka sona
have to be the most brainless freelo champions in existence
more so janna
>quarter of your hp with one w auto which is point and click at lvl 1
Literally discount Poison Ivy, Riot on suicide watch, run out of ideas long time ago.
I'm not really sure you can get more difficult than a tiny, slick piece of metal in a slippery orifice.
Every champ is a discount something user
>implying Irelia isn't Ionia's best girl
>top and mid stop pushing and wait for ganks
>"no your laner is 1/0 he's fed"
>enemy jg comes and now laner 2/0
>gg repo top for feeding
whats worse a 2/2 vayne or a 3/0 darius just do your fucking job. never have any issues with my lanes when i JG my farm may end up sucking but my laners stay fed
Why not use a toothpick or some shit like what if you stab urself in the pussy that could be painful
Has any legendary+ skin for a female had voice acting that wasn't awful and grating?
No you are the brainless here supporting is hard Janna is hard!
No its retards that dont understand that playing overaggressive is not smart
>implying my boner would care otherwise
I'm retarded and misunderstood what you meant by a pin
Did she ever have any close calls when she was still practicing her technique?
Low risk high reward!
Its almost like user is both a virgin and shit at writing stories
>ywn have a threesome with kat and lux
but you just said they stop and wait for ganks which wasnt the case in the original post
It wouldn't be too difficult to dull the pin for saftey, and metal is more slippery than wood
>Aurelion Sol
>probably the worst support right now
didn't even read the rest, most likely more trash opinions
Not really. I mean she's attractive but Ionia has so many best girls.
>Needing more than one woman
>die that first time
>enemy top freezes lane at their tower
>jg thinks im pushing but im hugging tower
>enemy laner final pushes after 20 free farm and dives me with jg
>shitpick jinx
>become unstoppable killing machine
>go 16/3 then 18/6
>mfw I want to be Garen
Says you.
fuck you fart in her direction and she is dead
to be fair i havent seen a sona since pre so yeah
Lux is only for BBC, white cocks are disgusting for her.