The pleasure is mine Edition
>Deck lists
> (Buy premium for us)
>Open Tournaments
The pleasure is mine Edition
>Deck lists
> (Buy premium for us)
>Open Tournaments
Other urls found in this thread:
Smol Valeera hero when
>last thread gril anduin
>this thread man valeera
Reminder that rexxar still hasn't been fixed
>le rushdown class
Its broken polar coinflip, either shit or OP, leave as it is right now and go main something else
Tempo Rogue or Murloc Pally? just got to rank 6
Best girl edition ayyy
Tempo Rogue is better overall for laddering, but Paladin has faster games, your choice
"I will bind you"
what did he mean by this?
>there once was a man from gilneas
Well? Finish the limerick.
>people are posting in two threads
sasuga /hsg/
>turn 4 coin into guild recruiter into bearshark
>barnes Violet Wurm
>spellstone still exists
>Big Charge Hunter is a thing
>Grand Archivist Call of the wild
Raza-kun is naughty~
>Even considering the discords fags thread
Just report their shitty thread and cuck them again.
>that ooze on the side
Holy shit
>play the new Tavern Brawl
>it's actually interesting and fun
This can't be right
what is it?also fuck this recaptcha bullshit
Coop brawl.
easiest rank 5 of your life with pic related. play it before it gets nerfed
it's more divine spirit inner fire cheese
they should break that combo
>Depending of other people to win
>tfw don't have voidlords
>just crafted 2 creepers
fuck this meta is expensive if you want to try out different shit
is it ok to have
why even bother posting
I had fun and get my free golden epic
What deck now?
its not underage
>Discord fags in full damage control because their shitty OP is going to get nuked again
By your shitty logic the cameraman should be arrested, and basically anyone who made eye contact with her when she was at that convention, you braindead plebbit circlejerk shitkid
Shaman warlock or hunter?
Hunter is very polarizing, either you draw and draft a solid deck and just glide easily, or you get fucked and are lucky to even go 4-3
Why are her thighs so thicc?
That's her ass.
Pretty sure I'm staring at her legs, still pretty thicc my man
Reminder to report the discord alt thread
They have less posters than us but they keep shitposting to bump themselves
kys yourself.
seriously. do it.
They have way less posters than we do, they were late and pretty sure enough people reported them, we just need to wait until they get 404'd and comeback like the passive little bitches that they are
We have anime posters. I think I'm rather reporting this one.
>dumb animeposter
>stirring drama
>Discord cuckholds keep forcing their cancerous thread
>Calling other people for forcing drama
Stay at your shithole, it was made for (you)
this kills the priest. Has some respect.
don't you know this IS an anime thread
>Got a Golden Raza when Meme streets launched
>Never got/crafted Anduin DK and Velen to run Combo Raza and show off my golden boy
Now its too late, 1 month to rotation, fuck me.
Thanks for making an anime safespace thread friend now I can post my waifus and about cardgames in peace!
baka senpai his animations are pretty sick
your waifu a shit not even top 3 in my hero
Bros I suck with Razakus Priest in both Standard and >>>>>Wild
Guess I won't play it
Just play Kingsbane Rogue to make a big blade
Why do you autists have to shit out discord drama all the time?
>Expecting nugaymers and post-modern shitkids addicted to dopamine and online attention to ever change their cancerous ways and behave properly
It's really autistic, I don't care if there's a discord or not. I'm not going to join it, but if others want to it's fine. the discord people and anti-discord drama just shits up the thread so much it's retarded.
back to ledit discord shitter
>all of this anti-discord drama is more cancerous now than the discordfags
How the fuck did this happen?
>I'm TOTALLY not a discord shitter! I'm just perfectly fine with circlejerk and dividing the discussion in 2 different places, theres nothing wrong with creating a sub-community inside an anonymous community, those people who defend the 4chin culture are such autists amirite?
who hurt you
All hail to the Priest killer.
I know I still regret not crafting raza priest when I had the chance.
>kill the priest but get rekt by other classes
>lose vs meme rogue but win to the rest of classes
enjoy your rank 20 m8.
Tavern brawl was tough, barely won. what did I get? last legendary was thalnos 18 packs ago
>Get assraped and has no arguments to defend cancer opinion
>''hurr durr ur trigger''
Totally not cancer ;^)
2mana 4/4
It's the discordfags' fault. They kept upping the ante until it's kill or die now. And the worst part is this is not the only general with this problem.
you can still craft it now, you just won't get as much value for your dust
You require my assistance?
Already crafted Alanna and Alex for control dragon mage, and Tarin + few epics for a murloc pally.
>Priest play Temporus
>setup meme kingsbane making it 10+3
>play DK Valeera second turn
>priest just passes his two extra turns
>priest start to rope the rest of the game
>priest gets rekt by my big ass weapon with lifesteal
It feels so good to beat these assholes.
I've been in this thread for awhile and this is the first time there's been a problem. I just want to talk about hearthstone not listen to retards complain about nothing.
awwwwwww yeeeeeee
Priest deserved to lose for running that shitty card
lucker piece of shit
That's too bad, because when discord takes over there will be only talk of their shitty memes left. Some generals have already fallen to it.
I know right? now I too can turn 3 10/10
Pray for him to get HoF'd so you get 2 legs for the price of 1
I also got my Golden Edwin from a Tavern Brawl pack
Dude this is what you sound like, I don't even understand the problem here.
not anytime soon since most classes can deal with him.
Got this mad bitch a few packs ago, does it hold any possible value or just meme?
>Run in every Rogue deck
>Safe leg craft
>Consistent enough
>Not anytime
so it seems like the major difficulty of this game is playing a substandard deck because you can't afford a good deck.
fucking hiroshimoot
>Play aggro and draw decently
>Feels like most OP shit ever
>Play aggro draw like shit into early removal
>Feels like trying to climb a mountain using your arms only
I kinda wanna play control, but the cost is way above my budget
Once rotation happens Control Paladin will be good again God I hope so.
Gets shit on by warlock which loses nothing but nzoth and mistress of mixtures
these coop brawls are so fucking shitty, why would I want to play with a retard? in my very first match the other player thought that he had to kill me so he never killed the explosive runes
>vs aggro druid as my homebrew keleseth priest
>barnes hits deathwing dragonlord
>opponent has a couple of minions one of which is a 1/1
>ez trade
>decide to mass dispel in case I draw a dragon
>get sleepy dragon
>malygos and sleepy dragon drop into the board
>mfw I tilt and drop rank so hard that my opponent's first play is coin Arcanite Reaper
so... how do I win vs a 10/3 Kingsbane with Lifesteal as a mage?
I keep finding these roguefags with my Secret Mage and they keep saving a coin/backstab to fuck with my counterspells and the only way I can kill them most of the time is when they doesnt draw their stupid weapon.
>discover a minion that died this game
You just rope them. Kingsbane Rogue is such fucking cancer.
>arcanite reaper is bad
Secret mage is not consistent to laddering at moment, you'd have better chances with anything else really
switch to zoolock, or tempo rogue if dust isn't a problem
is face hunter bad?
this one looks like shit
not really
there's also version without rhinos