/assg/ - Jigsaw DLC general


New Saw Chapter Released for DbD
>[YouTube] Dead by Daylight – The Saw® Chapter (embed)

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical multiplayer slasher game where 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

>What is Last Year?
In development. Class based with weaker killers. Beta Delayed yet again. (Possibly not real)

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (DbD)

>Skill Check Simulator (DbD)


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>Suddenly a Billy.


Tell us user, how do you rate the pig so far?

Worse than Nurse, Hillbilly, Huntress

Better than Wraith and Freddy

Do with that what you will

Pretty amazing design (killer waifu are welcome), her power are cool and amazing.

It's sad that she's an underpowered killer.

This is your brain on claudette

>people scared of doing gens with Pig
>even though the timer is super generous and each trap only activates AFTER a gen has been done

C'mon man.

She's fun, but clearly won't be any close to the Trinity. Still waiting for her to get nerfed because survbabbies will cry.

Anyone was able to finish watching that tru3 game? I had to quit when he fucked up the face camp, shit was too painful.
Also most maps have less pallets but bullying is still going strong

In terms of her effectiveness as a killer she's pretty average to mediocre.

On the other hand she's one of the most fun killers to play because of her Stealth and the tension that the RBT causes. I can't think of what they can do to buff her without making her op/making some of her add-ons redundant however.

The devs actually read what these people say.

>teammate gets fitted with bear trap
>immediately 3 gens pop.

gonna be honest, I was one of them

He ragequit thirty seconds later after chasing the wrong david which let the original get his trap off. He should’ve just sat next to him like usual instead of crouching. Even with bt he wasn’t going to be able to escape.

Just hide the Billy Machine auras until the trap is active and shit's fine, Piggy can be on the Myers/Doc tier and still be playable.

Good job? You guys are doing the right thing? Do you seriously think you shouldn't do a gen because it activates the RBT? Are you that retarded?

so they just back it up with shitty roleplay? since when have the devs or anyone cared about this games lore?

The timer is generous, and if they’ve been trapped early than the pigface is probably retarded and will camp them while hunhed over as well. Best to pop gens and have the possibility of them hatching out once everyone else leaves.

>that one at the very far end
>"killers get their problems fixed instantly while survivors have to wait!"
>Freddy got nerfed in a week when he was already weak
>It took a week and a half to fix the instablind flashlight bug
>scratchmarks took a long ass time to get "fixed" until this patch and they're even more fucked now
>Wraith had to wait for a year for a buff and it was shit
>Bloodlust was a supposed fix for looping but it still is a thing because Bloodlust takes forever and it gets fucked by pallets

How do they manage to keep breathing

why did that tru3 game had so many pallets? many maps are a wasteland now that the 8 figure can't spawn.
Some maps even look to weird due to having nothing on them.

They're not going to buff her. They're going to nerf her.

The real way to give the entity the finger would be to not play it's game at all.

Jigsaw boxes shouldn't be visible until the clock is ticking, and I'd also say the timer could shave off a couple of seconds.

In any case, knowing the history of the game, I'm guessing the timer will be even longer and they'll nerf her ambush range once the week one nerfs roll up.

this. give the ultra rare that does exactly this a try, the traps last way longer. i'm sure that'll change when people learn all the spots they appear in as well as they know pallet spawns though

does anyone have any idea how much time the addon that makes the timer shorter actually shaves off? knowing the usual slightly/moderately and so on it's like 7 seconds or something

We need doors that we can slowly open and peek inside desu like in Amnesia, you control how "open" it is.
We need closable open-able windows.
Noise-making elements.
More interactable thing in the map that don't stun the killers but allow the survivors to get away from him through outplay and mindgame.

Doors would bring so much to the game.

It's way more RNG feeling now. Some maps just happen to be loaded and others are empty as hell.

I did a surv round on Thompson house and there were like a million pallets all clumped and then a killer round on Coal Tower and there were legitimately only like 5 pallets.

I'd like for the RBTs to either be able to get refilled, either passively (like every so many minutes you get one back), or being able to pick them back at the spot the survivor got it off.
It's still useful as it is right now as stalling mechanic, but I'd like to have more opportunities to actually sac someone with them.

Hard to say. Most of the matches I played last night were swf teams who'd report my movements to each other and/or survivors using Spine Chill/Premonition. It made stealthing pretty much moot. I imagine this is mostly because of how many people are playing Pig right now though. Once the new DLC hype dies down I think less people will run those perks and there will be less swf groups. I was also more focused on trying to pop peoples' heads, so I can't really say what she's like when you're trying to be effective.

Trapper requires good anticipation/knowledge of high traffic spots to place his traps, next level trappers can try to lead players towards trapped pathways

She is incredibly effective with NOED, as traps activate automatically once the gates are open, meaning that anyone you trap is stuck there trying to get them off.

t. """skill"billy

Trapper's not a tryhard killer, he's a relaxing zen killer for when you just want to let the universe gift you the occasional kill and enjoy a normal speed killer for what he is.

>last game
twitch tv/videos/221847835
I think he's not as good as people claim he is

status icons are bugged. anyone else aware? sometimes a "Dead" icon will appear ever when a survivor is sacrificed. esp on a hook. Sometimes they'll correct themselves on the endgame scoreboards. speaking off, I got killed last game and my status on the scoareboard said "Healthy". despite the game being over.

>being this unironically upset because your killer is easy to play

>relaxing zen killer

>Always run NOED and Ruin
>hard camps with three traps around the hook


I've also noticed that, and the mori sound effect being played when a survivor is sac'd.

trapper players are the most frustrated people in the game.
I can hear the heavy breathing after he hooks someone and goes for a bear trap

>still upset from the last thread

Why the hell the survivors can see the timer clicking but not the killer? Too useful for a killer to have that information?

>people bitching about jigsaw
what the fuck do you faggots want? play against billy/trapper/doc all day again?

A claudette lead me for 10 straight fucking minutes
Holy fucking shit I am livid and this was by far my worst most unejoyable game to date.
Anytime I downed any of these gay fucking SWF niggers, they would 'intentionally' do it under a pallet and I knew what they were fucking doing. But anytime I thought it was safe to pick them up FUCK YOU, pallet stun drop survivor, flashburn and teabag.
One of the faggots and my only sacrifice ACTUALLY DIED TO THE RBT. This game has reminded me why I want survivors lined up and fucking shot for how spoiled and entitled they are. They didn't reduce the number of pallets, they just spread them out so someone can circuit you for the entire fucking map.
Fuck this shit holy FUCK.
>Call them out in the lobby for being SWF cancerous fucks
>"xD If SWF was taken away this game would be ded, you're nothing without SWF"
The game did just fine and was infinitly better without you slimy pieces of shit.

Why did you play with Claudettes in SWF parties?

You can pull them out of the pallet with your vacuum grab user.

desu what killer isn't effective with NOED

I had been dodging lobbies for the last 15 minutes I said fuck it
Is this a thing or are you taking me for a ride

Every killer is easy to play. Why handicap yourself and play an objectively shit one?

>"xD If SWF was taken away this game would be ded, you're nothing without SWF"
let them have their fun while the DLC is alive and people play killer, in 2 weeks they will go back to the 20 minutes lobby simulators.

Different user. It’s real & very powerful but sometimes it’s not possible when they get in the pallets just right.

>hard camps with three traps around the hook
Who the fuck ever does this anymore as Trapper? Hags sure, but it's been ages since I've seen a Trapper put a bunch of traps around the hook unless it's in the basement, even at low ranks. It takes too much time for a Trapper to gather and set 3 traps without Stitched Bag and it likely won't even catch anyone since they'll see where you put them.

This. I loved to discover the grab vacuum at pallets. I still get palletstunned from time to time because the hitbox is huge, but it still has saved me many times.

>Popping a gen as survivor when all three of your friends are RBT'd
>Pig just standing there looking at what you've done and just nodding
She's alright

They clearly don't have a problem with that.

This explains why a Pigfu kept slugging me even though my trap was about to go off yesterday. There’s really no reason for her not to see it, going after survivors pauses the timer anyway.

It always makes me giggle how much of a darth vader impressionist the trapper is. At least he's not as loud as the nurse.

>reconigze some of the survivors names I see here when other anons post their killer results
>end up dodging most of them because I also know they are toxic fucks
>they still shit out on killers
You think long ass waits at the lobby will make them rethink why nobody wants to play with them but no, they keep acting like fags.

"Yew gais should be so greatful"
"yew will never vs this.

Shit son, I've gone against the same level of faggotry.
All killers have at some point or another.
This happens to EVERYONE

best thing about it is that you basically bodyblock people from slamming the pallet down from the side you pick them up on. you can basically hear them smashing their spacebar 20 times per second trying to get a hold of the pallet

They're not intelligent enough for that. They don't have an answer for why it takes so long for them to get a match started. There is no association in their minds, no causes. Just meaningless, disconnected events.

Welcome to the mind of an NPC.

God I fucking hate the doctor

>Rank 14 killer
>Every survivor is rank 8 or less
I love it

Pretty much what said.
Around as powerful as Doc and Myers but cannot reach Skillbilly/Nurse/Huntress tier.
Enjoyment factor to both play as and against her is very high compared to the freddy disaster though.

Her RBT are only good for extending the match when doors are active, they hardly ever actually kill anyone. Stealth on demand is also nice but her lunge is basically fucked by sprintburst. It only really becomes useful to 50/50 people in loop spots where they cannot see you, like most of Lery's.
In my opinion the real hero of this patch is the pallet redistribution changes though. Maybe at some point if this development continues people will have to learn how to juke and stealth again.

>new killer with an interesting mechanic that encourages not camping
>people just camp with her anyway

More and more, I've come to realize that the community is the problem, not the devs.

Teachable perks were a mistake. Assuming they made a game mode that only allowed survivors to use their own perks which survivor would be the most used? Claudette, David, Laurie or Meg?

>her lunge is basically fucked by sprintburst
Didn't play her yet, how do people avoid piggy lunge but get caught by Myers?

Meyers does not feel the need to unleash a loud as fuck Tiger growl before gliding towards you like he's from a chinese cartoon.

>only allowed survivors to use their own teachables
What about the killers?

Myers has no terror radius until he grabs you, if you aren't looking.

Pigsaw's terror radius sounds the moment she starts lunging and if you either see her and run away or just run in the right direction out of sheer luck you can and will outrange her.

Apparently I cant do the nurse "blink and hit four people" daily anymore because it just counts as a normal hit.
Its really fun to get looped, teabagged and only 1 hook but get nothing in return!

meh, not good, not bad

as a standard killer kit with a gimmicky dash attack ability and 0 downside time delay devices, she isn't exactly terrible, but I find it hilarious how people playing her get disappointed when survivors get killed by a hook instead of the trap

This game need an animation and graphical overhaul

everything feel so unpolished.. ugh

And now she looks less appealing. Does she stand up faster than charging her lunge?

Have they still not added any clothes for best girl Feng?

What ever do you mean?

it's unreal engine, what do you expect

Who cares about the killers?

Yes. Basically you will play her like any normal stats killer and occasionally stealth yourself. You will probably always put a RBT on a survivor once you down them cause there is no reason not to, since all they do is create a secondary objective for survivors to buy you more time. if you get really lucky it might actually kill someone. Expect to hit maybe 1 or 2 lunges per match, the rest will be the usual run around the maypole simulator you are used to.

Claudette of course.
Selfcare AND the power of shadows?
I don't think anything could ever outclass that, short of a gun perk.

>crushing defeat
>can already feel my good mood falling apart
>still stay to the end no matter what
Wish he had the guts to stay, leaving as a killer is a fag move too.

this game needs to stop giving me less fps after every update.
After that true game I'm not sure if it's safe to play killer without getting memed to death, can anyone confirm if playing killer is less cancerous now?

Killers could, to much irony, kill someone and I would forgive them for the shit they go through
Fuck off nigger

How has this game survived in such a state?

what did he mean by this?

As much as it sucks I try to stay too, I would rather have some points rather than none.
Just leave the chat asap so they can't piss into my mouth with 4BT epic save plays.

2bh I rather have a change to the ranking system than more content.
I'm rank 10 and I don't want to play with a level 1 pig against meme teams, I'm saving $7.

probably claudette with Meg as a solid second
self care is obviously extremely good, sprint burst as well
empathy and adrenaline are both pretty solid too
botany knowledge both helps with self care and the combination can lead to some pretty crazy first aid kits. quick and quiet has its moments too.

Everybody knows that Freddy and Wraith are weakest killers, with the trinity obviously being the strongest. Where does everybody else fall into order in terms of strongest to weakest in terms of how good they are? (I'm specifically asking how the Pig is in relations to everyone else, since I don't have the DLC yet)

>check saw reviews
>people already bitching
>realize that you actually need to own the DLC before you can leave a review
>mfw people spent $7 just to bitch about saw
wew lawded my friends

That's a good question.

trapper, hag or myers are the closes to wraith and freddo

>most negative reviews I'm seeing are all calls to buff her

Is Tapp really quiet like Ace?
i was playing against one and I couldn't hear him at all until I was right on top of him, which then his screams shot up to normal surv volume.

Nurse/Billy/Huntress > Doc/Myers/Pig> Trapper/Leatherface/Hag > Freddy/Wraith

/personal experience

Her addons aren't too amazing though, so that's a shame.

Hey, worked the last time, right?

>upset over yellow item

This must be bait

It's thanks to watching hours of videos like these that my killer performance has improved dramatically.

>8k points

Claudette and Meg, this isn’t even a question.

I want this, especially for moris (and just individual little animated things for each killer/surv, like maybe Huntress is less brutal with the female survivors or Micheal/Freddy/Amanda being more brutal with Laurie/Quentin/Tapp), but it’ll never happen in our lifetime.

I rate her 10/10 because I didn't buy the new dlc yet.

how black is tapp? good camo?

The developers were too lazy on the graphical part of the game. The gore fucking suck, yet they make it sound like it's "amazing" when no, they suck, they just switch to a bloodied version of the existing model with an ugly stiff animation with the ugly facial animation this game has. So many thing could be polished to make the game miles better, sound design, lightning, particle, models & texture, vegetation, but no, they decide to do nothing but suck on the streamers dick and make charity pack for them with their ugly ass logo.

Same for both sides honestly.
That same spot I hid, I once put a Trap there as Trapper, and got two people with it in one match.
One of which was trying to go for the hatch.
It was great.