>4.2 Trailer
>Patch 4.18
>Patch 4.2 site(under construction)
>Job Guide
>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:
>4.2 Trailer
>Patch 4.18
>Patch 4.2 site(under construction)
>Job Guide
>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:
Other urls found in this thread:
What's with the cropped porn in the OPs lately? Is this some kind of spicy new meme?
Do not trust c@girls.
Anyone have a source on this artist?
It's hilarious desu
She’s so fucking cute what the FUCK
I don't know user it might be chubymi that name on her breast.
Nigga you retarded?
user...it's in the fucking picture...look at her shirt...
>Notice notification on my Discord
>Feel happy that someone finally messaged me
>It's just this
im gonna need some cringe
post cringe now
>Raids beaten: 0.5
Remove sandspic.
Report the thread as he is making threads with his cropped porn to push his avatarfaggotry even further.
He has become worse than Liora.
You're a beautiful person inside, you just don't have the time to participate in the convo, so you make the most (you)able post you can think of and navigate through the thread with them.
poyo is so cute bros
Fresh off the presses
For my character? K. S
Here you go, now talk about 4.2.
Remove Kaori Irving.
Report the thread as he is making threads with his cropped porn to push his avatarfaggotry even further.
He has become worse than Liora.
I'm excited for a possibly smoother DRK, what about you user?
I wish liora would make more posts
I'm fucking tired I didn't see it.
Fashion cabinet tickled my fashion fantasy autism hardcore. I'd be more excited for the dungeons but I'm still in HW.
Redpill me!
ohayous are the worst
Remove Jeph Irving.
Report the thread as he is making threads with his cropped porn to push his avatarfaggotry even further.
He has become worse than Liora.
He's gone.
come to qs
Well I hope you're enjoying the game and ignoring most of the shitposting here, have fun with HW user!
qs? Where is that again?
Could you make 50 more posts about this, please?
quicksands in uldah
A good portion of /xivg/'s shitposting is part of someone's social experiment for a college course.
Remove sandspic.
Report the thread as he is making threads with his cropped porn to push his avatarfaggotry even further.
He has become worse than Liora.
mottpill me
Also make this post longer and with links and a picture, it's not obnoxious enough.
im here
Mott was actually a thott, but post-eb mott is on a pilgrimage to become pure.
Remove mexicunt.
Report the thread as he is making threads with his cropped porn to push his avatarfaggotry even further.
He has become worse than Liora.
Roulettes on Aether, 8008
>Find a good artist like this that I want to commission
>They're always from Taiwan, Korea or Vietnam
>End up never receiving commission because they probably got sent to some concentration camp or something
It's been 6 months. Where the fuck is my picture?
You disappoint me.
Remove Jeph Irving.
Report the thread as he is making threads with his cropped porn to push his avatarfaggotry even further.
He has become worse than Liora.
That's just what he tells his EB to avoid a meltdown.
How do I cheat engine in some tomes of lore?
Reporting in!
EBpill me
Thanks user, I'll love this khloe forever
Being EB'd feels pretty good.
>send a tell saying ive been crafting all day and am pent up ~w~
>get a response asking what they need for 4.2 crafting
at least they invited me to inspect their crafter melds in their private chambers
Fukken saved.
The futame incident was fake news, nu-mott is pure and a good leader of Panda and absolutely would never be lewd in any way.
Did you fill their materia sockets?
Tried making a midlander. What do you think?
Hi, Mott.
Remove sandspic.
Report the thread as he is making threads with his cropped porn to push his avatarfaggotry even further.
He has become worse than Liora.
Looks nice and pleasant
The best combination of features but also the most generic for that face type.
I wonder what brand of applesauce is behind this post.
Nice, though at least for me I don't feel the hair fits the face.
Remember everyone, your retainer is out there working hard for your fortunes, make sure you thank them!
What for?
If an ebin's in game feet pics were leaked, who's feet pics would you hope to see?
Is there any reason to cast ruin 1 now that I have ruin 2?
None and for you to stop asking, please.
None, loser
Or maybe this? Hmmh.
Not really, at least until you get ruin III (which replaces ruin I for SMN) or Broil for SCH
MP costs mainly, but no reason not to till 54 really.
You can trust this one.
hey but for real you can trust moonies
Looks less common like that, keep the eye colour even if you change your mind on the hair.
Put your hands up!
fill it m o r e
Please queue for Gregamesh 2: Enkidu Boogaloo on Aether.
Why can't this be in the base game?
>NQ ring
you're fooling nobody
Hello Ultros
it's not, check the upper right inventory count
cp cap is +7
Because the world doesn't revolve around your inability to think of anything else.
Post imgurs
Why would you not trust a catgirl?
They reak of cummies
Yeah, I know