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Stop dying /tesg/

Serana is USED GOODS!

Lets talk modding Morrowind. I want everything you've got. I'm doing research myself.


Veeky Forums is a pretty sad place.

If you plan on doing House Telvanni the best combination you can get it is Rise of House Telvanni and Uvirith's Legacy.
The first one is trash but it has really good items that are worth suffering through.

I love that sweater.

OpenMW. That's it.

How do you guys feel about dirty waifus? Like really filthy ones.


>Not lewd anymore
Good good, don't be lewd.

Trainwiz's stuff is generally good. Sotha Sil Expanded is especially noteworthy for being a huge content addon for Tribunal. Some people like Darknut's Greater Dwemer Ruins, which enhances the final dungeons of the main quest, but I don't really like it. There's a mod in the works that plans to overhaul every single dwemer dungeon, including those final ones, but it hasn't gotten to those, yet. Morrowind Rebirth is a big content overhaul of the main game, but it has a lot of compatibility issues, as a result. Less Generic NPCs is a real mixed bag. Some modules, like the Redoran one, are good. Some aren't. As I said last thread, I really recommend checking out MorrowindModdingShowcases. Not everything the guy covers is a gem, but its better than digging through mod sites.

Figuratively or literally dirty? I guess both are gross and detestable.

Literally. Like encrusted in dirt and generally unwashed.

I feel like it's an unnecessary question.

It sort of is.

Bethesda might tease a new IP before E3 2018.

Can you make waifus in Oblivion? I'd like to see it/

Too busy organizing my Mod folder and making mashups

yeah Molag bal already claimed her soul

So is this a vampire thread or not?

Reminder to salute America


>Is it haram to be gay?

Reminder that the modder who made this is possibly the biggest drama queen of the entire Nexus, by a significant margin.

>Implying women can defend America

No, this thread must stay pure.

Remember to remove vampire, dragon and daedra.


I thought she was like sweedish.

Where can I get vanilla clothing (not armor) bodyslide files?

vanilla uunp on nexus

No. DDProductions83. The guy who got banned 5 times from the Nexus, tried to brick consoles then asked them to vote for him in a contest, sent emails to todd directly calling him an aids nazi, and tried to sue trainwiz.

Does he really beat Giskard though or Arthmoor though?

Who else roleplaying someone playing a videogame>

Yes it is. But please avoid posting any lewd abominations with inflated breasts and butt.

with tTwo questions, one why does mod organizer turn group my mods up in a folder that I cant remove them from like with the drakeblood armor in the screenshot? second question, why don't any of these animation mods ive downloaded actually work? nothing appears in pcea2 or FNIS about them.

Nexus drama is some next-level autism
could be

>all these bloodsuckers

>Lockpick Pro

just answer my questions please im about to cry ive been trying to figure ths out for a week im new to modding and pc in general and im not good when it comes to computers

what if you accidentally cut yourself on your own blade though

Such questions are better asked on /r/skyrimmods. There are plenty of talented modding experts there that would happily help you.

Check to see if you're running FNIS for users, not modders, and do it through MO.
Also PCEA2 might be overriding them with other stuff, check the ingame MCM. Also don't tick any boxes in FNIS unless a mod specifically tells you to.

Of course, child of Bal, just stand right over here so there's a clear backgrou- I mean, so we may converse more clearly.

I like your characters face.

>why does mod organizer turn group my mods up in a folder
that's because you probably moved the mouse wheel up and you filtered it. See the arrow on the right, click it then right click to deselect.

To answer your second question, check your overrwite folder, if there is something there after you generated fnis, make it into a mod by right clicking the overwrite window, and "create a mod" then check it

What happened to her face?

Looks like soyboy to me. Can't be much room for a chin under that beard

And people act like we're bad, cripes.

Here's an interesting idea for anyone hanging about, post young (or old if already young) versions of your characters.

to answer your question


She used to look like a derpy goat, which was good. Now she's just a generic barbieface waifu like the others.

Arthmoor's a cunt and Giskard is crazy. But neither are "suing trainwiz" crazy.

I guess we should also post regular versions because I have no idea who that is unfortunately.



Snakestone in his mid to late 40s

Hi Syx

unironically she reminds me of those characters you see in, I don't know that's a good thing or bad thing. It's probably a good thing, now post on /aco/

>mid to late 40s
I thought he was already that old. He certainly looks at least 40. That looks really good btw, I like it a lot.

Looks less generic, which is good.

This was supposed to be a slightly older Fanar. His normal adult version is 23, this would be more like 28 or so.


He's 36, so that's probably him 10 years later.

Thanks, but in the end I enjoy the generic look.

Vaden in his late 20s. If I do this again, I'm going to mashup some textures to make him more baby faced.

I made this once. The save file is dead, though.


How do I stop it from overriding them? Im running fnis through mod orgoniser and the mcm for PCEA2 only shows the animations that comes with it



These characters look the same age. You sure that's not Snakestone's evil twin, Stonesnake? That'd be fun, dress him all in white or something.

You should release the left version as a follower, no joke. 10/10-wouldadventurewith.


>tfw doll, always looked the same

Is that an owl with goat eyes?

I didn't move the mouse wheel its been doing it automatically. And theres no deselect option

I like that chest piece. Where's it from?


Male Cleric

Ah. Should have known.

And get blacked? No, he shouldn't.

I cant use r/skyrimmodding because it wont let me send an image post and modwatch doesn't woek for me its just a blank page so they'll just delete my post please anons just help me with this issue

Who are you? Did you make the character? No? Maybe you should shut the fuck up then.

Maybe you should fuck off instead you thirsty cuck. We can all see through your plan.

Armorfu Freir is a qt.

yeah I "tried" to make something more demonic, but it didn't turn out so well. Sometimes I put it in my shots, sometimes I don't

pic related,

>n-no u!
Nice comeback you pants shitting autist. Imagine being this much of a paranoid retard.

Cuties in armor are top tier.

Whatever autismo. Say whatever you want but you'll never get your greasy grubby hands on Freir.

Make sure SKSE is running and you're launching the game from MO with it.
And try placing your animation mods near or at the bottom of the load order. (the right window)

I get that user but when i click deselect they're still grouped up together. I want to make sure they're not together. And i know about the making the thing a mod when i run FNIS the problem is FNIS keeps making the same thing related to PCEA2 no matter what i uninstall. It just keeps making the same thing over again earlier i ended up with almost 30 of the same mod because it kept making them

Hey, one of my
>post X
posts actually worked! Neat.
That's an...interesting face piece. I agree with your sentiment, armor-fus are patrician tier.
Ladies, please.


Finger lasers are top tier

Okay so im actually retarded i had grouping enabled. Ill try putting them at the bottom. Should i put the animation mods in the fnis folder BTW

Who is this qt patootie?

Well, I think it's cute. Some things work out, some things don't.
>tfw something looks neat in 3dsmax/NifSkope
>looks shit in-game

See people need to rile up there imagination. Sometimes the allure is finding out what is underneath.

I've never seen anything like that with fnis before. For your interface setting, check in the settings tab, if all else fails I recommend going into your MO root folder, copying your "profile" folder and your "mods" folder and place them elsewhere for now to reinstall MO.

No, no folders. All that matters is that they're not being overriden by anything, so make them sit near the bottom of both lists (sort the left one by priority)

Fuckin A' right.
Very much agreed.

Probably a generic waifu. Keep the mask on.

Is that the same reason why there are people with burka fetish? Hijab and burka mods when?