League of Legends General /lolg/
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xth for my wife Syndra
if anyone can link me this full image, please please do. im getting physically ill anticipating the rest of this image
Anons how do I untilt?
I just had a really bad promo to plat :(
Who else wishes the game was still the same way as it was back in 2009?
>Swain's raven's don't scavenge the corpses of the champions Swain killed
Missed oppertunity
i do
>Give Xayah a try
>40 minutes in during the game deciding teamfight I get hooked by Blitz into their entire team
>Root half their team, Karthus and Kayn move in and sweep them
I'm not sure if I've ever outplayed someone that hard before.
i wanna kill myself
Just relax user, it's just a game. Take a deep breath and stop playing for a tiny while, you'll be okay.
>ywn be a Noxian soldier invading Ionia
>ywn capture your own Ionian war bride
xth for i hate people
what did he mean by this
Edgy edition
it's gjf and i just pressed random keys
they do you dumb dumb, they bring him soul fragments from nearby killed champs
Is there a worse skin in the game?
Any of the recolors.
Rusty Blitzcrank
rate my kda
Lux is the best champion
im ugly and no one likes me
all of my online friends are bored of me except the ones that dont really know me
Kindred promotes a really cunty playstyle and I hope they fix her soon
Fuck the police.
Vi is the best waifu
>Fuck first. Ask questions while fucking.
its 2am. should i go for mcdonalds since im too fucking lazy to make food and the grocery store is closed
or should i find something else to fuel me before my ranked ass fucking
have u considered not eating at all mr soy fatmurican?
Why is this meta tank supports. They're so boring, and don't have cute skins. Give me Karma, Janna, Rakan, Lux, Soraka, Zyra, and Bard, screw Leona, Braum, Tahm, Taric every game.
if you've already looked the only reason you'd look again is if your standards have dropped
I'd say go to mcdonalds
kys egirl faggot
at least support tanks arent that bad theyre just tanky and cc people
top and jungle tanks got massive %damage on top of all that
i just woke up an hour ago so its been put off for an hour already
i buy soy milk because the usage of milk in my home is very infrequent and soy milk has a longer shelf life that makes it get used before it expires
id like to see those prissy fucks drink non vanilla flavored soy like i do
nuggets or breakfast menu
On a scale of 1 - 10 how much do you like Lucius Malfoy.
I think his rework actually looks a bit boring compared to his current kit, but I'll still try him out.
people that get bored of you aren't your friends
and how do you know those people don't really know you, if they like you right now then you're doing something right
You just know Vi likes the BIG BLACK COCK
Guys where were you when
tfw 4 wins away from challenger
I mean, can you blame her?
shut up gay
id suck swains dick but youre here trying to shit up some lore of a glorious noxus general
fuck you
it's up to you my man
I'd personally go nuggets because breakfast at 2am is kind of weird
>Fucking Karma
She's shit.
>i buy soy milk
user i.. xdddd
old swain has one of the most boring kits in the game tho
id rather buy soy than waste money on milk that wont last 2 weeks
sounds like a plan. ill be back
5 decides who i play when i get back
I'm legit are you autistic irl? trying to find a connection between people who speak like you and autism
just buy less milk you dumb fucker
Conquering brown pussy is a tradition the white man has enjoyed for centuries user.
I think he's pretty fun to play. Pretty enjoyable kit.
>not owning a cow and milking her everyday
the fuck do you mean you cant buy less than a half gallon in my area
back yard too small, the kids would tip it since theres a school behind my fence
>unironic soyboy
>replying to it
>Male: Calm individual , can get frustrated when you push his buttons. Takes a loss against his laner personal. Wants to genocide people who surrender.
What the fuck dude, that's me to a T.
>and how do you know those people don't really know you
i mean i act kind and positive and fake so theyll like me. i put so much effort into keeping friends but im really just being pathetic and clingy
Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!
you deserve to lose if you don't
>Wants to genocide people who surrender.
oh thats me alright
If you consume less than half a gallon of milk in the span of a week, then you shouldn't be buying milk at all.
My parents never had me tested because they were afraid of being stigmatized for having an autistic kid :(
>tried to murder Harry right outside Dumbledore's office because his dumb worthless gnome slave got stolen
Xth for swift killing himself
His new still looks boring as fuck.
The only upside to it is that now he can actually waveclear
Brown pussy is bad.
well that's better than nothing. you're putting a lot of effort to keep your friends and I'm sure if they knew that, they'd appreciate it very much. and don't be so hard on yourself, everyone has their flaws but at least you seem like you're taking steps to fix them
where did the i wanna go swimming in lulu poster go?
did he kys himself?
>try to farm under turret
>jayce takes 50% of my hp using 1 skill with 1 item
Lol very balanced
sure but it's less boring because you can pull people and check shit with w
Does anyone else here autistically play only lee sin in ranked?
I think you should be preaching to the healsluts out there that love getting bullied and degraded instead of everyone else. It's them who make people think supports are nothing but a bunch of cock sleeves
things that didnt happen the post
>people still let vlad through in pro play
>adc main
>can't pretend to be a cute girl because most of the fun champions are male
>you can pull people
Barely, and they need to be hard CC'd first
>and check shit with w
his new W is useful. I wouldn't say it's particularly fun.
I think his old W is more fun because you can snare multiple people. New Swain can only snare one person, and it's a short range snare.
Someone post that image of the league map with Mao in top lane (vs a tiny renekton) and Galio in midlane. It's a good indicator of how long Mao has been cancer.
And yet Mao hasn't been nerfed for the longest time, yet Ornn gets three massive nerfs all in one patch? Hello, justice? Riot? Are you all fucking retarded? You claim you're not silver shitters and yet you have no idea what champs are fucking the meta hardest?
still mad btw
why would you want to pretend to be a cute girl? that's the supports job
→ #
>Male: Biggest bro you can encounter. always keeps the team in a good mood and will fight to the end. Types "gj team" after every secured objective.
female/Homosexual: "Cum in me daddy!". Missed a good father in their youth and now want to become an obediant cocksleeve.
That is not true at al!!!
How? convincing normies is way harder!!!
Because I wish I was a girl with a thick cock.
most of them are female tho wtf
How about you stop roleplaying, user? Learn to respect your time.
>faggot erping healsluts
hmm I think we aren't on the same page
why not a boy with a thick cock? then you wouldn't have to pretend
Is there ANY woman in the league capable of handling Soraka's legendary rod of infusing?
maybe not everything i make requires milk you stupid fuck
who the fuck would put milk in salsa
>Tristana, Jinx, Xayah, Kalista, Vayne
Who jerks off to this? futafags are fucking degenerates
>old soraka horseface
>for some reason lux has a horse face too
what is wrong with some artists
>vayne trist xayah
Only Jinx and Kalista are.
Female ADCs : Tristana (she's a fuckable goblin);
Miss Fortune(Boring but breedable);
Vayne(everyone just thinks you're an edgy 12 year old that wants to go pro even though they're gold);
who am I missing?
Boys aren't as cute as girls.
Yeah, I'm a stupid fuck, huh?
I'm not about to take shit from someone whose too much of a kike to spring for half a gallon of milk every once in a while.
Quit being such a poorfag, Rosenbaum.
That pic is all wrong. Lux's tits are not that big.
soy milk costs more for the same quantity user
if anything the kike is you
But you buy it less often because you don't consume it as fast and it has a longer shelf life.
Stop being such a nigger, Goldstein.
missing top tier waifus sivir and quinn
i guess but i feel like i just come off as annoying for wanting to talk
niggers dont drink soy user
Why is /pol/ here?
Does anyone else get nervous to the point of feeling physically sick when they queue? No? Just me? Oh...Haha I was just k-kidding...
That's true, Sivir is great and Quinn is shit as an ADC but a great waifu and hopefully meta someday