/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2686

Cute doggo Edition

>Recent News
SR Zoi confirmed
Story chapter 102-105 released
Shadowverse collab added to side stories
New unlocked EMP for several characters
SR Ippatsu, SSR Therese release.
3 Draw Tickets have been added to every Side Story shop
Eden 4* has medium stamina

Daily single gacha ticket starts 01/11 - 01/28
Doube renown cap 01/25- 01/30

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for January/Feb

1/25 - 1/30 - Miscolored Memories (Rerun)
1/31 - 2/8 - Auld Lanxiety
2/9 - 2/?? - Cerb/Fenrir Showdowns
2/9 - 2/?? - Robomi Event added to sidestories
2/11 - 2/?? - My First Valentine
2/14 - 2/21 - Dark favoured GW

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff, so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

Previous Thread:


Put Cerberus in Fire already.

So uh
I learned how Skill Leveling works when I was SL'ing my Baha weapon.
And I guess somewhere along the lines some wires got crossed and I thought that was how normal SSRs get SL'd, too.
So I've been leveling every SSR I have in my grids like a Baha weapon for I don't know how long. Since around Rank 65-70 if I had to guess (109 now), and I have about 2 1/2 grids Skilled up to 10
I'm honestly not too bothered by it since I still have quite a few SSRs for fodder and not too many weapons I want to skill up, but I really don't want to think about it too hard or I'll slip into depression.


Should I even bother with atma sword in light if I have no sword proficiency characters?

fug, reminder to correct next thread

cuter doggo.

what a baka

>tfw no content for 5 days

whelp, time to farm all 21 tickets in my side stories.

it should be:

>Schedule for February:
1/31 - 2/8 - Auld Lanxiety
2/9 - 2/13 - Cerb/Fenrir Showdowns
2/11 - 2/?? - My First Valentine
2/14 - 2/21 - Guild Wars (Light Bosses)
2/22 - 2/27 - ??
2/28 - 3/?? - What Makes the Sky Blue Part II

youll literally be done in like an hour if you arent a newfriend

Cutest doggo

This is my wife!

>2/9 - 2/13 - Cerb/Fenrir Showdowns

>tfw no vane bf

what the hell are those codes in filename

How did you enjoy reading morphe and phoebe's event, which is the best event of 2016?

Nah, she's only a 8.5/10 at best.

What do I need to do next darkfriends?


Show me your light grid /gbfg/

secret HL kirin code

nice harp
nice xeno
nice axe


that's not a dog, just a ugly faggot.

it's not even yours

>show me you X stuff...
>picture clearly taken from twitter
fuck off with these posts retard

>can't even do my dailies because of how quickly the raid boss dies

Nice game granbabs.

This is a cute picture of Akarin.

2 swords, 4 guns, 2 baha, 2 unks

>he doesn't know


>SR Zoi is Fire
Oh boy

cerb & fenrir only last around 5 to 6 days
since the news said that next gw starts on the 14th, it fits the pattern


Baha weapon. Dagger or Sword.
Harp is okay I guess, but I think the Kirin Harp is the better choice by far.
FLB the Xeno.
Finish uncapping the Claws if they aren't uncapped yet, and get on top of SL'ing everything.
Other than that it's perfect
Don't listen to these Hermanubis faggots

Remind me, only one fimbul is any good these days right?

>Waiting half a year for that shitty event
>5 days long
>Some shitty collab with enough content for 1 hour of farming stays for 2 weeks
God, I don't want to go full autism to get 2 flb fimbuls in 1.

2 minimum

No? Retard? Fuck off?

>Still no leechlists
>Will probably be asleep when it's finally released

Estulia is just a metaphor for heaven confirmed


no (You) for you
you fuck off

>le no u for u xDDD
Kill yourself you fucking imbecile.




>this scared to reply to other anons
you seem to have made a mistake faggot

host ubaka now

Vane firm manboobs are probably bigger than Fenrir non existent flat tits. wwww

Don't worry, at some point you'll have so much spare skill fodder you're either selling it or feeding it to the crew ship.

>ywn bury your face on his pecs
why live

All me.

Grand Order HL when?

What the fuck is this cuckshit?

Where is your baha? Also level your shit and uncap that xeno.


He doesn't need a Baha he has an Atma Sword in there in the bottom right corner

>ch65 story quests uses AP
Fucking really? I thought it costs 0AP for the first clear. What changed?

How far into story do you need to be to host za arutimetto? I want my Atma

It was always full cost, newfriend.

prease understand


But it wasn't for ch1-64.

They changed that ages ago so people could catch up. Once you get to a point it starts costing ap again.

Guys, where can find news about next event? Is Balance Girl an SR event (So, free skin) or an SSR?

>liked Phoebe before and happy to see more opportunities for future fan art
>people are using phoebe to shitpost though
mixed kind of feelings from this event rerun desu

Where the leech list la?

Garbage team, don't even think about joining ubaha if you are not going to help and will be shitposting with this bullshit.

blind or retarded

Ah, shit. I don't want to spend pots on this since I'm low.

I should start looking into slimeblasting but I don't have anyone that can deal plain damage.
I heard there was a slower method using mechanic. Is it just using Bomb Maneuver instead of Energy Maneuver?

Age is just a number

When the Yanks get back from work I guess

>He doesn't follows the rainbow meta
Go back to 2016

>finish Song yesterday
>do the 90yen for earth gacha today

how do i extended mastery
I also have azazel with 6 points in debuff

Dumb monsters

fuck off phoneposter

All right non-cuties, this is my first story event where my grid for the element is developed enough where I don't give a shit about the EX weapon or the summon. What takes priority instead? Tickets, grain or urn?

tfw use ssr Yoda+mechanic full charge bar to slime

>what is rainbow
>what is building multiple grids
I thought /gbfg/ had enough IQ to process very basic information

Please host normal baha


I don't have Yoda.

tickets grain steel brick and pots.

I just wanted the original source, why the average user of Veeky Forums always acts like an angry child for anything?

>He doesn't like big daddy

Yes to all

2 years later and I still want to fuck Phoebe.

check the last thread

pokerbot is instantly closing the bot after i open it and close the ''theres a new version'' pop-up, im using the 1.8.0 cracked version

Why not urn, outta curiousity? Pots and steel were always part of the plan, but thanks for reaffirming that I wasn't being a *total* shit this whole time.

How do I change Morphe's protrait to Phoebe? I'm not a shotacon Do I have to max them out first


Did you mean to reply to me?

Damn. Thanks.

>Can't pick between Monki or Sheep
Even though I'm saving a spark for Monki I don't know if Sheep will be back for a while, Send help.

You get them for raids that cost less AP than to farm the event. Unless you have an abundance to the point of not caring, farming the event to buy an urn is dumb. They also drop from NM.