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blizzard world is out btw


I want to bully Genji until he cries!

I want to bury my face against the nape of Moira's neck and hold her tight against me, and I want to intertwine her soul with mine in fruitless emotional blunder.

I want to marry Tracer!


first for reaper is a pedophile

I love my wife Sombra!

Have you ever heard of the tragedy of Doctor Angela Ziegler? It is an old German legend.

>the higher SR you go the less fun this game is

Here comes T.Racer!

Start throwing, set yourself free.

>playing Dva in comp
>won 1 match, lost 7 matches
>fucking, I play DPS now
>2 wins as Tracer, 1 win as Mccree and 1 win as Genji

Really makes you think

Just like Sombra and Widow, they're friends when people aren't looking

>really want a titty monster hero
>the next hero will be a dude from pooland
It hurts

D.va is the ez carry hero
you're just bad lmao

>create a defense hero centered around setting traps to hold chokes
>doesn't get used a lot so you turn him into an offense hero
Just why.


>the next hero will be a dude from Poland
yes please

What else would you expect from game devs who bend over for tumblr?

>*shitposts aggressively mid combat*

>no brown fit girl hero designed by real xxiii

Why live

>the next hero will be a dude from pooland
How do you know?

>*clips through glass*


Want to save the OW league? For at least one player of each team to go Mei. Only Mei's delicious THICC-ness can save that shitfest.

dumb meifag


Some indian VA dropping hints on twitter

What is with gay people and Overwatch? Seriously. What is making them flock to this game like its Steven Universe?

thats one smoll tracer!

Tumblr. No, really.

So season 6, my high was 3316.
Stopped playing around season 7 but still did my placements, got placed at 2851.
Just finished my season 8 placements (6W/1D/3L) and it placed me at 2485.

I don't understand. That's probably the best I've ever done in placements, why is it dropping me so much lower? I thought they stopped doing that "place you lower so you feel like you're achieving something when you climb" thing.

Any desire I felt to play has been completely erased.

Can literally all Overwatch characters be boiled down to any combination of weapons for the different classes of TF2?

For example:

>medic with kritzkrieg

>medic with crossbow

>mascot for the game proudly displayed as being gay
Gee I wonder why?

Holy fuck. I was just thinking the same thing.

I even tried playing QP to maybe loosen up but for some reason its just so boring to me.

I want to keep playing but the more serious the game gets the less fun it is.

What do I do?

chad hazmat suit hero that shoots toxic goo spray for area denial when!?

>game proudly displayed as being gay
Except that's just in one comic.

Out of every single piece of media this game, which is A LOT, the only bit that shows Tracer being homo is in one comic.

That can't be enough for the gays to magnetize to this.

>proudly displayed
>one comic panel where she kisses another girl

got you fampai

How hard it is to perform well with:

my aiming sucks,so thats why i kinda chose heroes to require to be on the face of the others or AOE damage

Here comes Lena Oxton!

>no u
literally retarded
>u mad?
t. meme breather with no argument
I am, but the fact still stands that a good tracer takes out a good mercy. her ult ressing needs nerfing but apart from that she's not op at all. if you guys need to complain about someone, complain about junkrat.

>Demo with quickiebomb/iron bomber

>Engineer but less useful

Sorry, I was more referring to the articles that were written about her being gay and all of tumblr weeping about how progressive and proud they felt that a gay character was on the box art for the game.

i think you underestimate just how thirsty and desperate the fags are. just take all their ships for example. mccree and hanzo had a voice interaction once? now they rabidly insist that it must be made canon, to the point where they chimped out at a playful tweet by the official overwatch twitter account when mchanzo was brought up. as soon as the comic came out, all the gays knew about it, and they made quite a big deal about it. if you're a fag that plays video games, you know about tracer.

Would be a good suggestion if there was any trace of her homosexuality in the game.

As far as the game goes, she's straight.

Maybe throw in a line where she compliments Widowmaker's ass or something.


are you seriously this buttblasted that you have to bring this shit in from the other thread? just fuck off you fucking idiots.

gays will latch onto any notable figure with the slightest whiff of gayness and put them on a pedestal, like milk and oliver sipple

>ana will never bear your children
It hurts so much

wow she is so cute. that's how could Tracer looks like in real life

>n-no u
Yup, it's confirmed. You're retarded.

damn this roastie is getting upset that she was called out for being shit with the easiest hero in the game.

>hot characters
>devs tease that there are more lgbt characters in the roster
>poster child is a lesbo
>character roster is full of diversity
>approachable, comic-y colorful artstyle
>characters are basically blank slates and people can do whatever they want with them cuz lore comes so infrequently

yeah i wonder why its popular with people who dont see themselves in media, or arent catered to by the media

thats a boy boyo

>widowmaker being OP is okay because timothy the silver has 20% winrate with her :)

>if you're a fag that plays video games, you know about tracer
>mfw I didn't know she was supposedly gay until I came to these threads
That means I'm not gay!

I want to FUCK Ana and make her stupid half breed leaf daughter watch

>I am.
Clearly not.
>but the fact still stands that a good tracer takes out a good mercy.
This can maybe happen in bronze where you play.
>her ult ressing needs nerfing but apart from that she's not op at all.
>if you guys need to complain about someone, complain about junkrat.
Junkrat is his own issue. Mercy is still easy as fuck.


>wanting to racemix
Stop drinking the jewish koolaid


She mentions her gf in game.

Nothing dumb about it. The Ni Haos alonre will increase viewership by a good 65%.

>widowmaker will never be nerfed cause she's considered a throwpick by shitters

Is it bad that out of all the Anas there, the actual cat with the eyepatch is the one I want to fuck the most?

>tfw fags create disgusting art of your favorite childhood cartoon

Pharah can't watch because she is choking on my dick

>not wanting to """racemix""" with a beautiful, smart and very skilled caucasian lady
spotted the amerishart

>tfw throwing my way to bronze SR
It's a blast, really. I've instalocked torb, attack or defense, for the last 30 games or so. My torb game has improved, but not enough to win consistently. The report system on console is shit, fortunately. Haven't been banned yet.
I have not been preferring my teammates, will start doing that today.

It gets fun for me the higher I climb. I derive joy from shitting on gm gengus and tracers.

I wonder who could be behind this post.

>got banned after 5 games of instalocking torb
How the fuck do you not get banned

>tfw you saved that image to your computer and posted it

also that was drawn by a woman

Please respond

shoot feet
hold m1 in the general direction of the enemy, if a nigga gets close grenade+mine him
just don't bother if you're above diamond

You are a very deranged invidual. Seek medical help and/or conversion therapy

>saved that image to your computer and posted it

Note the filename I just googled it.

Regardless who drew it it's still disgusting. I bet she's a whale too.

>that image

TF2 lewd art is so fucking disgusting


Why do you google gay fanart m8? Sounds pretty gay.

And Overwatch is any better?


why? whats wrong with reaper?

Are you playing on PC or console? As far as I know, it's a lot harder to get banned on console.

>ywn teasingly yank a neko d.vas buttplug tail

why even exist

is there a name for the art style that instantly gives away that the artist is from tumblr?

Not McHanzo though


It's all in the nose. Every piece of Tumblr art has the same nose for some weird ass reason.

>Need to be right in someone's face to do damage
>No way to initiate a fight
>Wraith is predictable
>shadow step is a fucking joke
>ult countered by alot of things

>blizzard world patch comes out
>zero balance changes just fucking new skins new map and one bugfix

And to think they want overwatch to become king of esports

oh look its this fag again still mad he was born a mongrel and now lashes out at his own kind

Why do you guys have to make it so obvious that you're throwing? You could literally pick anyone and play like a retard, turning the game into 5v6, or if you're really effective, 5v7

why not just play something else?

>Stun mechanics
>Insta kill mechanics
>10+ auto aim/no aim required heroes
>Click Q simultaneously with ur team to win
>eSPORTS ready

>more mercy mains
i can unironically confirm when I dropped to bronze it was actually full of grils, not all played mercy unfortunately

>nigger is instaban
nope it isn't, maybe if you say nigger multiple games and multiple times in a game in a row, but I've literally been racist af in the general chat a couple of times and nothing happened

>only a hand full of heroes
>get banned for picking one of them

>new map
>no free loot box in arcade for trying new map

thanks blizzard

Most throwers do it as a 'fuck you' to the team.

Sounds petty.