/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

Previous: >[Chocolate Lady's Commotion Valentine's 2018]
Event Period: 2018-01-25 - 02-03 23:59 UTC

>New Interludes
New Interludes for Atalante, Scáthach, Tamamo-no-Mae, and Frankenstein

>Nero Bride's Trial
2018-01-25 07:00 - 02-03 23:59 UTC

>Valentine's Pickup Summon (Daily)
5* Nero Claudius (Bride) [Limited] and all 5* Female Servants per day
Only Female Servants will appear in the Rate up

Stop asking when what class is on rateup and read the fucking guide

Check FateGO.USA on facebook for preliminary announcements and Campaign Milestones


Daily Quests: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
Drop rates(Click at NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA

Rate ups in JP FGO: imgur.com/w6VAowU
Upcoming event materials: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V2iDoN2HjafZ8Ube6Jgi0woIibY-Di3YxLMZdJ6quTA/edit#gid=585071742
Servant Planner: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CfEa5k-sB5btC8905kZKPfRC07IokKM1sXnoXo6-YQo/edit#gid=537592975




Is Leonidas the real Mathman?

Nothing is fair. And that's fair.
Except that's not fair either.

let it go comrade

>took sumanai's wife and doesn't even remember doing so
Pretty fun new interlude.

>another tamameme dab thread
Why does she attracts so many shitposters? Or is it just the same guy?

A-atleast Hans comes to me. I needed nerobride.


>give them and me a taste

What did she mean by this

Is she still OK with anal at least?

Liz will destroy this Mathman too.

Didn't know you could drop the CE from the event itself. What's even the point of buying then?

You can only answer to this post if you got both Neros in your Chaldea.

what did it say

Dumb question: how do you get chocolate coins for Jeanne?

Who are the servants who either rushed to your side or have come repeatedly to you, to show their loyalty? Emiya and Herc came early and often and Okita and Vlad jumped to my side and Waver came to me as my second 5* in the paid Gacha, so they must be my truest servants.

We dont have the same luck as you user.

Are you illiterate?


I want white days so I can enjoy husbandos blushing

Herc, Smart Cat and Carmilla

And Jannu. My first two SSR drops were Jannu x2.

what node is this?

>don't have them both
>answer anyway

Would you like her to be your teacher?

>being a lucklet
Don't tell me you're a POORFAG too user! Maybe if you spend some money you'll be able to get your dumb harlot of a wife!

>somebody equipped the gacha CE on a Jeanne
>this increases the ALL coin drops by +3
>not all the coin drops, but just the drops of the ALL coins
Speaking of nearly worthless decisions.


$144 spent
10 4-Star Event CEs
3 5-Star Event CEs
Spooked by one Artemis
No UmuBride

I got Okita with my first non-tutorial roll (started just before gudaguda began)
Today I meme ticket'd Umu Bride, then rolled and got her again
I think the first 3* I NP5'd is Meduseful

W-who sub 10 CEs h-here? Ha ha...



Pls send friend request Scott, need all those nice event CEs

Or someone else if you have a lot of event CEs for most or all classes or a Jannu with +5? I'm not even sure what s good for the event, only did scathachs interlude before going to bed



In JP Carmilla was my first gold servant.
Then in NA I grabbed her in the early choose a 4* event, because she was my first.
Then got her to NP4 in Halloween.
She's cute and reliable and I've come to like her a lot.

Assassin/Caster/Rider/Berserker 35 AP.
I'm too weak to beat the 40 AP one.

~120 Quartz. 2 4* Event CE's 2 5* Even CE's. Jack.

140 Quartz + 8 tickets
3 4* event CEs
8 3* CEs
0 5* CEs
No Bride
Spooked by Liz

Maybe there's a reason why Herc is the only gold servant I have


Umu Bride in the first ten roll.

I fucking love hags

>100 Quartz and handful of tickets
>don't care much for Umu(Blanco) so never planned on rolling for her, only want Hayai Jii-san
>realize since he's so far away I could actually use Umu(Blanco)
Roll against unlikely odds or keep hoarding for Ozzy/Gramps?

guys I still have 70 rolls saved. Should I go all in for bride NP2

I just want bride, I don't care about other servants it's just not fair bros

1 ticket

You have courage and valor though user. You'd have killed yourself if you didn't. Herc respects that. A brother who will watch your back in battle.

You did get your new wife, right user?

2 4* CEs
1 5*CE
got Atalanta, Artemis and Jeanne



7 tickets
30 quarts

no brides nor SSR. saving for dantes or loli oni

don't, it's a trap

How did this become that?

60 Quartz, 8 meme tickets
1 5* Event CE
1 4* Event CE
Spooked by Liz

I can't complain too much since I literally had no good Lancers besides Cu, but I'm more just pissed that the tickets gave me absolutely NOTHING of value. Like Jesus, you could have at least dropped an event CE. Not 5 3* CEs and 3 Euryales.

This dork came to me on my very first SQ roll

no ;_;

Keep hoarding.

I already have a waifu and she's vastly better than Umu.

The Saint

Nero is everyone's wife.

I was happy about NP2 Book

Slutfoxfags are mental

80$ spent
7 4* event CE's
1 5* CE
Got Nursery Rhyme, 3rd Tamamo Cat, and Umu Bride.
I would have been sick to my fucking stomach if I had spent that money and not got her, oh well, I won't end up like that youtube fag that spent 400 quartz and got 1 4* servant.

Liz and Carmilla are not like what they were in real life.

>want Shuten/Mommy
>only ay 90 quartz
>tempted to roll on Jack/Tamamo days since I failed to get them
what do?

You are good civilization

Took me 400 for NP2, user. You'll be squeezed dry of quartz.


Please focus on what's important

NP3 Tesla

SSR Liz when?

First and only 10-roll I ever did got me NP2 Gil.

>cleared all the missions up to and including the Rec. Lv 50 ones
>got a total of 133 chocolates, if I were to convert all the class ones I currently have into raw/cooking chocolate
>first Mash shop CE costs 400
This event is cancer.

Save it for shuten and mum. Ill be with you bro

No gold servants as expected



Okottenai yo

Siegfried and Saber Alter at NP4 each. Tamamo and MHX with their first ticket, Waver with one of the monthly tickets back in August and Tesla with the first 10-roll of his rate-up

>tfw mind of steel

This is reward for Alter Valentin Chocolate

>it's a "bring a +5 assassin coin supbut every enemy is not an assassin" episode

>want to grind this shitty event but also have real world responsibilities
You win this round, NEETs

>reached level 100
a-am I not a latelet anymore?

>painted toenails

Fuck, I wish that was more common.

Speaking of which, question for anons who rolled Umu today. Why do you think she answered your call?

shit. almost forgot about boxing saint.

When will we get her?

>10 Roll for nero bride with my friends and girl friend after work dinner
>Gold saber card pops out
>shouts "its my fucking bride"
>D eon trap shows up
>friends laughing, GF looking at me strangely
my funds isn't damaged, my mental state is.

How the fuck do you not have the time to spend your AP twice a day?

Uhm sauce?

>30 quartz
>11 tickets
>2 4*CEs
>Martha, a second D'eon and Fran
>no Nero bride

A ten roll and 4 tickets:
1 copy of all the event CEs
A D'Eon who super success'd twice when I was leveling them up I didn't have enough pieces to continue ascending

Pretty good

13 tickets
4 3*CE's
2 4*CE's
2 Jing Ke
2 Kiyo
2 Boudica
1 Jack

I know the idea is to farm specific currencies during class rate-ups, and that the first day is basically a wash due to but it's still going to be inexcusably grindy if you don't fish the gatcha for 4* and 5* drop-rate CEs.

And I don't have great servants or CEs. Farming the harder missions is going to be torture.

7/10 bait, could be more subtle

>roll 45 quartz and 2 tickets
>get my first Kscope but no bride
>every servant i got was 3* and i already had np5
oh well

>tfw no waifu so instead of being able to settle for waifu's Valentine CE I want to get as many as possible
This hurts me

Do you not shit?

I threw 120 quartz at regular Nero rateup during Saber Wars and only got a trannylier d'ewwno spook
It's only fitting I'd NP2 Bride after that bullshit

I already hate this event, can we just skip to KnK now?