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>Heroes FAQ and Links
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Xander will marry Veronica!
This way?
Have you guys beaten the 3+4 Lunatic CC yet? If so, what teams did you use?
Are the Askr shitters made up units for FEH?
+Def -Spd ATiki is perfect, right?
I got one sitting in my barracks.
Get that cocksucker away from my wife.
That way!
Only some kind of disgusting lolicon pedophile would dream of violating myrrh's virgin body.
Who would even think about bringing this innocent dragon girl home and telling her to kneel down as you take off your trousers and firmly plant the first penis she's ever seen across her face. Only a true sicko would get pleasure from seeing her once curious face go red as she goes into heat from the intoxicating smell of your cock as she tells you her chest is starting to feel funny. And to even think about helping such a young girl strip down from her elegant robes to reveal her flat childish chest, is frankly revolting. She asks you sheepishly what to do next as you guide her cold delicate hands to your now fully erect shaft, walking through the motions of how to pleasure a man. After some time of bumbling your cock around she is able to handle it with to small hands as she asks if you feel good from this. No one but a truly detestable person would at this point demand she put her small mouth to your throbbing member and start to lick it. Imagine the cruel sight of seeing myrrh start licking your penis as her eyes widen at the first taste of your precum as you then tell her to suck on the whole thing. You move your hand to the back of her head as she puts you penis inside her warm wet mouth. She's so inexperienced and childlike that she puts to much of it down her throat at once as she gags on the sheer size of you. What kind of person would gain pleasure from seeing her move her head back and forth with tears now streaming down her face from gagging just earlier. A person with bad intentions at this point would pull Myrrh's small head fully around their throbbing member releasing the fruit's of her effort deep down her throat as she recoils back coughing and gagging at the bitter taste of your thick cum.
Siegbert edit with Veronica hair color when
Post damage reports from today's banner.
>Got all the units
>With shit IVs but also within 100 orbs
Guys, if Fjorm was given free in story mode, and Gunnthrá as of now can only be roll'd for, what if the next legendary heroes are given as Tempest Trial reward and GHB?
are they going to be jewish and do a valentines banner or are we good until easter for seasonal events?
>didn't get Ryo'd
>eyes still look like he got Ryo'd
+spd/-def Eirika was my second red orb.
I called it after that, and I'll save the rest of my orbs for whatever comes later. She was the only one off the banner I really wanted, anyways.
>50 orbs
>+Spd -Def Myrrh and another shitty Ryoma
I guess I technically did okay but I'm not very happy.
Well any of the new units realistically be demoted?
I did the free summon and got Reposition fodder
>120 orbs~
>-Atk +Res BIke
Great fodder, but not getting any focus units is disappointing all the same.
Jannu a shit.
Team 1: Elincia, Cherche, Ninian, Healer
Team 2: Reinhardt, Brave Lyn, 2 Dancers
Team 3: Xander, Cecilia, Camus, Clarine
I honestly thought he was Ryo'd
In 140 i got hinoka, grey and siegbert
Grey and siegbert are both +atk -def/res
>ISIS keeps on giving me red orbs instead of green orbs
>Pity rate broken by cav Eirika
>used all of my damned orbs for Myrrh and all I got was a shitty Eirika
every unit is a made up unit
Atleast he looks good.
If Sothe got demoted then Lady Lel's got a really good chance.
So I'm not the only one that thought that before reading the name of the illustrator
/feg tacticians, please help me build my flier team. I have a att/hp NY Camilla for red, a spd/res Minerva for green, my newly accquired res/def Airzura and the last slot has to be some blue.
For this slot I would have to either promote a res/hp Catria which sounds kinda shitty at first but could reach some decent mixed bulk, especially with flier buffs, OR my def/hp Cordelia which has fairly useless IVs but still a neutral 35/35 offensive spread at 5*.
sophia is cute
>and then Lyon woke up
Free summoned Eirika because there was no green then sniped Myrrh in about 30 orbs. Both +res but not gonna complain since I still saving orbs.
>meets his first human male
>wants him as a brother, gets friendzoned hard
>meets the summoner
>wants his dick from the get-go
Handsome young man
What does Naglfar Animations look like ?
Also how is the chibi I'm all about aesthetic.
Wait Sothe got demoted? I didn't know that. I've been gone too long. Thanks user.
Like father like son
When will I be able to roll for Micaiah again?
>100 orbs
>+Atk/-Spd Myrrh
>+Spd/-HP Eirika
>+Res/-Spd Lady lel
Still have 110 left over for anniversary so pretty good I'd say.
Also this is my planned build, but I'm waiting until tomorrow to grind her up.
>15 orbs
reposition and desesperation fodder
Yep. I built her up to +5 even and never regretted it.
T1:Xander, Brave Bow Lyn, Rein, Axura
T2:Julia, Linde, Airzura, Eldigan
>Spent ~32 orbs
>+Def/-Res Lute
Is this the elephant in the room? I'll say it, this guy looks RYO'd as fuck.
same as every other chain """""""challenge"""""
rein xander camus cav healer
+Atk with def refine is better.
Legendary Banner
4 orbs
3* Barst
4* Cecilia
won't roll anymore until we know what's on Lego banner or February/Anniversary banner
Posting best waifu from best FE.
>Spent a little over 50 orbs
>-hp/+atk Myrrh
Feels grand.
>tfw no dorothy
>tfw no neimi
>tfw faye is 5* locked
at this rate i’ll never make a 5*+10 village archer girl team with my rebecca
These are the people who will tell others to just use their 'insert a variety of OP units here' because it's obviously that easy to pull them
>220 orbs
>5.5% Rate
>Not a single 5*
Nah, it looks similar but Ryo's faces are worse than that.
Trip back on
It's not her specifically, but looks damn well close enough. He looks good, but still borderline-Ryo.
Cant complain desu
*Outsmarts you*
This artist has been influenced by Ryo. Ryo's infection can spread to other artists.
if one thing doesn't work , lets try it another way
>~180 orbs
>2 Eiricavs, one to fodder off Swift Sparrow, the other one is +atk
>neutral Roy
>Catria with meh IVs
>a fucking furyboi
>some other decent fodder
I'm satisfied.
it's Ryo if Ryo improved her drawing
Looks like Ryo if Ryo was actually good desu
>spent 95 orbs
>+spd/-def Lel, +spd/-res loli, +hp/-res Eirika
>92 orbs remain for future banners
Pretty blessed my friend.
Her thighs look soft as silk
I want to hold and massage her hands
Only at low merges imo. +def with def refine will eventually be able to still one shot Naga users while also tanking stuff like Regnal Astra from +10 Ayra.
Inigo / Rein / BK / Tana for first half and flier emblem for the second half
Surtr missions are really fun and I want to see more
But you reach a 5.5% pityrate in only 120 orbs, user. 150 if you're only pulling a single orb per session.
You cannot fight destiny
600 orbs sniping greens
Amelia +HP -RES
L'Archel +DEF -HP
EirikaCav Neutral
Hector +ATK -SPD
Sonya +HP -ATK
and 4 Myrrh
So does this count for the Celica hotglue user
>600 orbs
*grrs your path*
Please remember to vote for Julia!!
I want to get FUCKED by Surtr!
posted in the old thread just when it died
100 orbs
5* Abel
5* Karel
5* Seth
gonna save the rest of my orbs until we know what the anniversary stuff will be
>that one really nice roll the game gives you with great IVs & a great character & everything in a sea of Barte & Sophia
What’s her name, bros?
Because my main arena team is Dragons and I was saving until a new dragon came out my other dragons are 3-4* anyway so I don't need to use orbs much
which was like 3 months of saving, now I'm saving again until Myrrh is on a banner again and repeating until +10
>5 5* in 100 orbs
Pretty damn good rates. That's an average of 1 5* per full session, which is a 20% rate instead of the advertised 3%+3%
Why do barafags have the worst taste?
Don't know about Naglfar animation
Alphonse grr-ing was so cute. Like he was a cat.
>blew all my orbs on New Year's and failing to get Micaiah and Zelgius
>only had 20 orbs today
>three red orbs
>Furyboi, Chrom, Olivia