/ss13g/ - spessmen on the spess station: Cultstation13 Edition

Last Thread: Last time on /ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station:
>none of you a the thread, this is what you get
>supermatter crystal memes still
>Jere Stradford is a pure soul

>What is Space Station 13?

>New player guide

>BYOND client

>Pomf Serbian, main Veeky Forumsstation server

>Test server

>Public server list

>How do I connect to the servers?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"

Downgrade your BYOND version to byond.com/download/build/510/510.1347_byond.exe

>Veeky Forumsstation forum and logs + Discord circlejerk

>Map renders collection: updated sometimes

>Coderbus, here!
@rizon #coderbus @rizon #vgstation

>Cryo Autism

>Round Stats

>SS13 booru for all your SS13 images!

>How To Install BYOND: The Video Tutorial: The Movie


>OP Pastebin

Yup, a lot of people don't understand old med. Two guys doing cpr and a medbot can go a really, really long way. Gauze/oinment or kits heal a good deal on top of natural regen of brute/burn. You can microwave some donk pockets for 1 tricord a pop. Nutriment and milk will slowly heal brute damage, tea/life juice/orange juice slowly heal tox. Tomato juice poorly heals burn. Nutriment and iron from grinding metal sheets in a mortar replenish blood. Medbots provide tricord. You can amputate and replace fucked up limbs if you and a friend choked him out to prevent accruing damage first. Planks are trivial to get and you can ask silicons to usually get a roboarm/leg fast.

If you're not a silicon, you should have been a useful role. If you wont, get access or have the silicons help you by running the DA. They'll suck your dick for cells/upgrades. Think of solutions not complaints

>Walk to chem
>Make 29 spaceacillin which halts progression of the disease
>Viruloose has been banned so there's literally nothing stopping you from just giving yourself 30 tricord, 30 dex plus, 20 arithrazine, 10 radium while pocketing 30 antitox to prevent liver damage once you pop
>Either walk into or hack into viro and spin antibodies or parcel your blood out with antitoxin to cure others and consolidate antigens as needed
I watched you and it was literally your own fault.

It's not ideal but that's good enough. They can get their own alk and rye after.

Best RP. Does the scooter still inherit the vehicle accuracy penalty?

Why should they? They don't need it for anything. The stacking is only relevant when you're going on a school shooting where you need that additional heal/tick to survive sustained fire on your armor

>Hack into EVA and get a suit
>Hack into and get gloves
>Get cables and go wire solars
>Setup solars
>Go hack into and shut off a ton of APC's
>Runs smooth
>Hack 1(2) doors and recon an rwall
>Walk to cargo with an emitter people can't bitch about
>Cargo or silicon approve your order for AME shit
>Open that shit the mf up
>Everyone has power
>Hard mode: go grab an smes from solars. Remember, it outputs to the knot under it, and after completion you need to cut and mend then multitool the output cables to jiggle the create powernet proc
>Walk into the SME room, setup the 6 min sme meme engine, wire to grid and never look at it again
>Get your sci access as usual or just be a scientist who always bitches anyway
>(Ab)use your mining access to quickly get diamonds for a ddrill and 5 rares for stock parts
>See that there's no power
>Task some nerd with making pacman, superpacman, and smes boards
>Go mine plasma and uranium like a motherfucker. 200 and 30 is a good starter bump. Clown roid is fucking baller for this.
>Get the generators and smes hooked up. The generators N E E D tier 3 parts. The lower efficiencies are garbage for solo runs
>Cut, mend, pulse the cables to mend powernet for the smes output
>Fire up the generators and configure the charge and output
>Tell people and silicons to turn useless shit off to lower your workload
>Go mine more plasma and uranium
>Eventually chuck some diamond in a mrspackman to charge the smes up for a buffer
>Power the station for 5 hours ezpz
>Just crank charger your shit periodically
Power is such a flippin' joke

And power settings at tier 3 for the curious

MrSpacman – Super matter bin, super capacitor, ultra high powered micro laser
Power setting
SuperPacman – Super matter bin, super capacitor, ultra high powered micro laser
Power setting
Pacman – Super matter bin, super capacitor, ultra high powered micro laser
Capacity: 200 Sheets
Power setting Consumption - % Sheet
15,000W 2.00%
30,000W 5.00%
45,000W 7.00%
60,000W 10.00%

How do I get a Valkyrie skies gf?

play spires..... with her

Power the station. She'll find out who's responsible for the lights and succ ur genes

How do I get a (You) bf?

just gotta talk to me and be interesting to be honest, i love chatting.

Start talking about the game in the thread and eventually you will find one instead of making weird shitposts about it

>no Scrubbers
One job

They're there, linked to the insulated pipes.

>he uses insulated pipes
I bet you believe layer manifolds actually work, too! LOL

>tfw everything you knew about pipes is a lie, starting with gas pumps vs volume pumps

What will it be next?

Why did it blow up then?
No gas in the HE?

There is literally nothing wrong with using insulated pipes though

>walk into bar
>battle of lil slugger starts playing

The piping to release the hot gas didn't have a pump or HE pipes to cool it down faster. As a result it led to a very slow delamination process which sped up at the end once the temperatures actually began soaring.

I was dead due to radiation because I forgot I should have been wearing a radsuit rather than an engineering suit, so I couldn't fix the mistake.

>walk into whats left of the bar
>battle of lil slugger faintly playing

Pretend to be her, I'll get bored eventually and move on to the next conquest.

There's nothing wrong with layer manifolds, either. That's the joke.

Honestly, that's the worst part about the SME. You're fine 99% of the time because the prebuit design protects you from yourself. Then you eat shit on a custom

>walk into bar
>Touch Fluffy Tail by Ken Ashcorp is playing

SME is simple once you actually take the time to test and understand the pipes involved. Prebuilt protects you from yourself, but it also shields you from learning how the stuff involved really works.

Experimenting as derelict MoMMI is the best way to get a grip on custom builds in relative safety with little risk.

No, I just mean not irradiating yourself then dying immediately cause SOMEBODY decided fuck antitoxin, just become completely exsanguinated in 40 seconds

Antitox doesn't help if you go to 1 tile distance or some shit is thrown into the shard, you need arithrazine for a chance of survival

I want to die

It used to give you enough time to come out of the coma and go unfuck your shit

I knew it was going to be a problem to be honest. I had the RCD so I could make more space cooling area for the other pipe, but I didn't because I was antag.

Why ?

>walk into the bridge to get a cup of gin
>space hurt by space johnny cash starts playing

Then stop talking about it and get to it.


forced meme

>walk into the thread
>203048917's mixtape starts playing

ask me anything

>take my daily pill
>2525 starts playing

>walk into atmos
>mime breaks his vows and calls me an autist

>mime breaks his vows and speaks in front of captain
>captain pulls out laser gun, shoots the mime in the head until his face melts
>butchers the mime and then gibs him

They removed it, and then they readded it once pomf left the discord

>deadsay is nothing but the mime bitching about valid hunters
that salt goes well with everything

And then removed it again, it's (deleted) right now

>Be Bartender
>Be making the booze, chilling out
>Booze-O-Matic starts firing bottles like a madman
>Ask common radio for help
>Security is the first to respond
>Proceed to piledive the Booze-O-matic with tasers and kicks
>HoS intervene by bring in barricades, effectively arresting the Booze-O-Matic

>user is still shitposting about his metagrudge

>tfw you never get through to retards that they should just not play mime if they don't want play as a mime

>walk into the bar
>some gayims are ERPing with a pda under admin radar

>HoS is smoking a cigarette
>booze-o-matic launches vodka at him
>he lights on fire
>he dies

>tfw both of the diona nymphs you grow get traitored and one of them ends up greytide implanting you for a shuttle battle

Holy shit!

>vend machines categorized as syndicate terrorists
>admins give sentience to all the vend machines
>they either escape, die fighting or submit to be slaves to the humans

>back when people were fiddling with the splash code for chemical transfer
>officer comes out of medbay, he was just roughed up and needed to eat an iron pill
>orders a Vodka
>bartender supplies it
>the vendomat launches a wine bottle at him, it cracks open and his body bubbles
>officer didn't even notice

>wips out egun and husks him

>The event that made the vendors spit shit used to animate them into a hostile mob
>It was disabled because people are casuals

>get stunned
>magically know someone is a "ling"
"""""""medium RP""""""

It's a very uncommon stun type

>magically knowing antag abilities

just say

No mention of antags so it doesn't pop up in people's highlight strings to grab attention

People use the terms for antags for a specific reason you know; why do you think that one guy that seamingly doesn't hear anything being talked about on common suddenly rushes to the scene when an antag type is mentioned

You are the reason why this server is so fucking shit.

NT trains everyone to recognise enemies of the corporation

>medium rp
Lmao, what year is it? We're low. Stop living in the past

>low RP
vgstation doesn't have RP

RP is autistic lmao

You're right.
Now only if the administration thought that
>tfw Min give you brain damage for saying lmao
>these niggers really expect you to press the custom emote key and then type "laugh" when it can do the same thing with 5 key presses instead of 7

>tfw there really are people who think like this

>every server is either autistic 12 hour long round HIGH RP or tgstation tier breaking the fourth wall memespouting

>me laughs
is almost exactly the same number of keypresses as
>say lmao
even if you use hotkeys, the difference is still two keypresses, how fucking lazy are you

It's part of your briefing. Grow up. Next thing you'll say is but how did we know vampires hate garlic.

lazy enough that I put warm plasma in the singulo

but how did he even know I shot him with a lethal .357 magnum revolver three times in the head like wow cowboy gun nut much???

>SS14 discord declares war on thread
wew, guess they're done now
too bad they will return to proceed with Veeky Forums destruction

They just post in that channel anything that snarks at their ""game""
I'm in it a few times

>war on the thread
U wot?

ss14 is dumb and will never be finished
you fucks can't even do antag datums much less an entire remake

The largest destruction of Veeky Forums has come from pub shitters and tg/hippie refugees. There's nothing left to destroy.

Stop adding to the shitposting you twat

If you do it intentionally do it you're not going to be put in fag

there's nothing wrong with tgstation nerd

I am doing it intentionally but I am also 100% serious so I think they will add it

vgstation today is like the tgstation of 2016

tgstation today is a big fat meme

We have too many players who are useless outside of unga bunga me smash and shoot everything where shuttle me need antag me need valids

What does 'atomic' and 'unatomic' means in coding?

>antag datums is currently powered by one literallywho autist
>there's more results coming from them in 2 months than there has for 2 years

"Atomicity" is a practise in coding to only commit (ie, propose) one set of changes at the time.

In practise, it's mostly about not bundling together a bugfix (say, that stun batons can stun on harm intent) with a balance change (that stun baton deplete their stuns 3 times faster.)

People will bitch about atomicity mostly in that case because it's a sneaky and dishonest way to push a balance change. In theory Atomicity is not used for that, but mostly so that you can clearly see which commit/coder did what and blame accordingly.

when you have a lot of unrelated code in a single place - your code is unatomic

Valids are the only reason to play SS13 nerd. How autistic are you lol.

It means don't put a nerf to floor tiles and a buff to toolboxes in the same pull request.
Maintainers will close your shit and tell you to knock it off
Unless you're a maintainer who doesn't have to follow the rules and isn't held accountable in any way :^)
Floor tiles kills his aunt scootaloo, please understand

unatomic coding generally causes issues when you try to figure out what the fuck broke something so by limiting the scope of contributions to not have unrelated shit and using descriptive titles and descriptions things are quickly fixed.

post shifts you regret

Hey guys I was wondering how exactly milk works, I know that it fixes bones but how much does it take? Is it an OD amount like bicaridine, or is it just a chance to fix every tick?

Just drink milk and it'll make your bones strong and fix them.
Why are you asking so many questions?

It's a chance every tick, 2%

hey I was a cultist

why would you regret this

>and answer the bwoinks
There are way too many fucking admins.

I regret not knowing how to make better bombs that one round where the bombcap got removed and a tator used me to destroy the station. Didn't even cool the oxygen and the 6 bombs still caused a solid couple minutes of lag and ruined the whole station though.

Because I was shitcurity.

It doesn't fix your bones you giant fucking retard. Stop listening to people memeing at you. It's a 20% chance per tick to heal 1 brute. It's been this way literally for years despite the public code being available for people to look for reagent id matches

There's not too many, they're just all shit.

The only reason they admin is for their valids, they watch people about to fuck up with shit and dont intervene to tell them to stop, they just wait and go for the punishment.

Milk fixes bones, it's a 2% chance per tick.
You're being intentionally dumb.

milk cryo when?

No, it doesn't unless someone snuck it in since the last time I updated. Feel free to post the code and pr.

It's milk. It fixes bones.
Look at the code. Think harder.