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painfully unfunny
I posted this in the last thread but I want a fucking explanation:
i'm convinced the AI in EU4 straight up cheats constantly
Just had a battle against austria as russia, equal morale, equal discipline, had a 30 line of infantry in front of a 30 line of arty, they only had a 24 stack of plain arty out in the open, easy win right? haha nope, they were taking normal damage despite my general blowing his out by 2 pips in fire & shock and my arty flanking his shit in when my front line died, still lost the fucking battle
this shit is so fucking random, i follow every combat rule to the T and still get BTFO by meme AI
>roll high trad generals
>only fight in advantageous terrain, don't cross rivers or take bad fort fights
>be sure your units with good flanking range are placed on the edge of your combat width
>don't exceed your combat width
>have a full line of arty behind your troops
They do, thd devs confirmed it multiple times.
turks are cute
AI outright cheats intermittenly, why do you act like if it was some kind of secret? first thing you should know when playing MP is that AI absolutely ignores forts for example
not fond of this meme
Hitlermod is cute....
Fucking brilliant, painfully unfunny posters are back
No AFPG is b-baka
painfully unfunny
I'm not sure about actual cheats but I know for a fact they disregard the zone of control whenever they want.
Who's this? Another failed WW1 general? I don't know much about them outside of Veeky Forums memes.
ok for a moment I thought this wasn't /gsg/ and prepared the willies
but eh
Enver paşa killer of Arm*Nians
Why did the Germans lie when they were killing in Namibia?
Also, why are the giraffes so angry?
All right
3rd try should have a better chance of succeeding
Im gonna wait til Russia get into a war tho, if they let the commie win again
They didn't kill anyone in Southwest Africa though, it was the natives who started shit and got pushed out. Who knew they would die in the desert?
But Armenians are white christians and Turks are brown Muslims, wouldn't he be really uncool?
>unironically using retarded meme letters from a joke language
Turks are yellow and based and even then they are whiter than Arm*Nians
Even with gassy mountains you won't beat Russia's 100 brigades.
i agree we should use old turkic runes again
Get help.
last thread
any good christian who read the old testament?
speaking of colonization, does anybody have that pic that shows what are the best places for colonization in africa?
The places where whites can live?
yeah, it shows places like namibia and south africa as the best ones because of the fertile lands and others that arent because of malaria
Yeah Im counting on Germany, they broke their alliance.
How the fuck are the lakes not colonizable who the fuck made this
If those places were uninhabitable how the hell did they get colonised?
WHY WON'T EU4 launch for me? When I try launching it the menu never appears and then crashes before it does appear. I've unsubscribed from all mods, deleted everything from the mod folder, deleted all my save games and screenshots, I've uninstalled and reinstalled the game, I've verified the game cache, and STILL NOTHING WORKS. I haven't played EU4 in several months now because it won't launch, I was waiting for it to fix itself over time but it won't and I really want to play the game again. There's no help online either. Please fucking help me.
No using turkic runes would be based though
It's probably because those places have too many natives.
It doesn't mean uninhabitable, it means those places are full of savage negroids who it would be expensive and troublesome to subdue
Are there any good movies about the colonization of Africa, late Victorian era? Obviously Zulu, is Khartoum any good?
were the brits and germans the only ones who hit the jackpot with south africa?
It means permanent future settlement
Russia pls
>sperm slovakia
every time
Has anyone ever done a greater Slovakia game?
Those borders are your fault user, you should have switched to Russia and see how much of the Turks you could annex
Post more Byzantiums
Are some American Blacks genuinely this retarded or is this some elaborate ruse?
There's no whole lot of Asians in the video either, and we're talking a game which has Malinese, Zulu and Ethiopian civilizations but I guess this kind of people doesn't even play this kind of games.
Fucking brilliant, the Fucking brilliant posters are back
He got his entire army stackwiped 2-3 weeks into the war, which he provoked solely with his actions.
Eu4 baby playing VicII for the first time.
they are the most delusion race alive
I fucking Africans and their pan-African retardation
I can only hope the Arabs and Berbers hate them more than I do since these Niggers tend to claim their history specifically.
I want to play something like East vs West.
Should I look into mods for HoI3 or HoI4?
no you just cry
>I fucking Africans
Ha, race traitor.
>I fucking Africans
>I fucking Africans
fucking @ africans rn
wonder if alex and gigau have an unspoken rivalry
i need a tsundere fan fic now
poo n_____
what's the rest /gsg/?
n(one of your business)
Whats someone fun to play in Vicky 2? Playing Austria and Prussia seems exhausting with all the sphere shit
>I fucking Africans
>play CK2
>make an empire
>instantly become bored
hmm they really didn't put a lot of thought into this. Make Empire, Empire survives in some form or another even with abysmal rulers
Alternate flag dude need you bb xox
You don't have to become an empire
>wooah wtf why is the game suddenly boring
The main issue in the era (still, really) is disease.
Equatorial heat + wet (mosquitoes)local diseases would wipe out non natives,
It's like the Caribbean where a King would send 5k troops and lose 4k to disease within the year
Also I think this is the desired map
>you will never again be a preteen byzaboo restoring the Themes in EU2 and MTW1
Yes im old fuck you
>still no economy management in CK2
>the most in depth thing you can do to manage an empire's economy is build a city or town inside a castle
Does oil appear in Lybia and Manchuria at the end of the game?
i'm pretty sure there's some oil there
maybe you should be able to spend some money to try to find it
Oops, meant for
AGCEEP was half my entire freetime in school.
What game?
whats in east africa?
gold I think and isnt it one of the most fertile places in africa?
Reminder that Huey Long did nothing wrong
what did he even want to do in the first place? and the only thing he did wrong was not getting more bodyguards
Keep meaning to do an AUS game on DH KR
any tips? I guess building industry in the south will help
AFPG, estás aqui?
espero que no...
>top kekkers I didn't reply to anyone!
painfully unfunny
Fucking amazing post
estaba haciendo una pregunta, a quem vos querías que yo respondete?
isnt reddit sick of stalearis?
yanki pelotudo nunca le vuelvas a responder a mi post
No. Half assed shit like "it could be better" or "it falls a bit short late game" isn't being sick of it.