Fate/Grand Order General - /fgog/

Previous: >[Setsubun Drinking Banquet Picture Scroll: Kiraku Hundred-Story Pagoda]

Starts 24/1, ends 31/1 12:59, Kintoki, Raikou and Shuten are on rotating rateup, Ibaraki and Tomoe are always on rateup.
24: All 3
25: Kintoki and Shuten
26: Shuten and Raikou
27: Kintoki and Raikou
28: Kintoki
29: Shuten
30: Raikou
31 to 3/3: All 3
4: Kintoki
5: Shuten
6: Raikou
7: All 3

Whenever you use a servant, they become fatigued and cannot be used again for 4 hours. Use the hot spring and they can rest 5 at a time and recover their stamina in half the time. You cannot use supports.

Survey, if you complete it you get 3 tickets: news.fate-go.jp/2018/questionnaire_3rd/

January 2018 Monthly Mats
>Octuplet Twin Crystals
>Unlucky Bone
>Yggdrasil Seed

>Part 2 prologue


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: November 29)
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>NP Comparison

>Servant/CE list and datamine

Other urls found in this thread:


>this is kadowaki mai roll
and people tell me this shit is not rigged


bit disappointed with the mat rewards of the quests. Gimme five stakes, not one.

When’s new event ?

Who will be cursed with this

Ty Mr and Mrs Mud

I think da vinci wants something, but I do not know what...


I love original curry.

GudaGuda 3 when ?


Want to pegging you with her huge futa dick?

Sometimes I'm awestruck by people's love for their waifu.

How would you fix Quick?

Okita-san is cute!

First card bonus needs to be doubled at least to be worth it.
Quick cards start at 30% crit chance before absorbing stars.

>being pegged by a loli
I wouldn't mind desu

It’s time to play “name the doujin” again.




>eight captchas in six minutes for one post
I hate recaptcha. When is legacy coming back?

Paul is cute. I grailed her too.

>210 quartz
>No Tomoe
>No Banana
Can I just swap them for multiple Tomoe please

>Stheno's instakill manages to proc

Who /Apex/ here?

So with floor 90~100 being multiple class, does it go back to single class past floor 100?


I just wanna say I'm sorry for rolling Abagail Abbyfag. Because I have her the xniggerfag starts witchunting Abagail now. I'm so sorry. I feel so helpless that I can't do anything to stop him. I'm also sorry every user who's reading this for rolling the servant you like and I'm also sorry for the user who's name I put on my game. I'm so fucking sorry.


Link sad panda you fucking faggot

Fuck off, LWND

Mr and Mrs Reddit's Trip to the onsen

does it start giving you EXP again after some point?

Which lower level servant has been your MVP so far, /fgog/? 120 floors later, and Shakespeare has been in the onsen more times than not for me.


>ochinchin doko da

Arash, Medusa, Medea and Cu have yet to leave the onsen once.

Inshun, Benkei, Mozart

even by me?

Fuck me running Shuten just keeps stunning my entire fucking team.

Say something nice about her please

Definitely Mozart, his third skill is the best.

This fuccboi

155 here, no.
Spartacus, Lu Bu, Arash, Bunyan, Medusa

I have now failed to roll for Shuten 4 times since she was first released. Kill me

She is so disgusting I don't feel like killing her. Can you imagine how she'd grimace when dying?

been enjoying Dr Evil. If only he didn't need bones for his last Ascension

I actually think her motivation is fine


What Servants other than Demiya would be good at basketball?

When was the last time Okita had a rate up?

I wouldn't mind rolling her unless it was some other caster's rate up.

Man, 10/10 all three skills is still wild to me, I barely have mats to hit my 80/90 ascensions,
let alone getting my skills beyond level 4. I just reached London, trying to get my Musashi to 80, and Jeane Alter to 70.

I really like Ishida



Around last Nerofest


>dat NP
>dem cooldowns
I just can't see the appeal.

Fuck off alexander you irremediable cuck. Stop using Misora as your scapegoat for your shitposting

Who ?

Don't worry user, it's not your fault. If anyone is to blame it's the shitposters. Enjoy your Abby, she's great.


>you'll never help him have a last all out war with iskandar
He seems pretty chill for a berserker.

yeah shakes is definitely up there for me too, i'm actually having >fun using various servants and their combinations

also using bedi and taiga for this event makes me wish i had np5 for both of them

But you do that in his interlude or not?

Tomoe may not be a beloved but she sure did work against her, her crit down skill actually felt useful

>Tomoecucks and Abbyniggers
What fresh hell have I walked into?

When are we getting this as a costume for Benkei

Who are you and why should we care?

I don't believe you. There's no way Bryn could be useful.

Just don't wake up next time, nigga

>kept on failing to get Raikou in any rateup of her


ask a question to nasu and takeuchi for the next Q&A for HF 1 BDbox.


That's Misora

no np2 raikou for me

Fuck off Misora

Fucking Misora ruining another character.

>“China will begin regulating all smartphone games in China. Games which have scantily clad characters or possess attributes that are considered counter to public morals such as gambling and bribery will be uniformly prohibited, from this point on we will be monitoring the contents of such smartphone games.”


>totally not Miyamoto's

The ‘great’ thing about regulations in China is that there’s always a mid-level official you can pay off.

You are just like fucking Reddit at this point. You ruin absolutely everything you touch
Just fuck off for good already

RIP Azur Lane.

Have you ever seen a smile that healing?

This is from the side novel that came with the 2nd drama CD right?



No, because no one smiles at me

Beat me to it

Nakahara has come a long way she truly is our girl.

What setup did you guys use against Shuten on level 100?

He's got a knack for those.

When Valkyrie is finally released I hope she gets a meme Ride NP

Mashu, Illya and BB with the Atlas mystic code.

Redman does it better

mashu and mecha liz but i had to cs revive

Thank you, I've been fascinated by what happened Salem for a very long time and I was happy that it made it's way into Fate and I rolled Abby.

Is there even anything she's good for?