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>Servers (choose what's the closest to your location for better ping)
- iTOS: Klaipeda (NA) Fedimian(EU) Silute(SA) Telsiai(SEA)

>/tosg/ Guilds info:
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cute (Merigolds and Majiene)
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Kotatsu (Colyo)

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CoffeeHouse (Capyba)

Lewd (Nanaumi)

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What do you think about Rune Caster?
Do you think any build with Rune Caster will be popular with the Wiz rework?

anyone got experience with RMT / buying silver? Which sites are good / aren't scams.

Fuck off retard

Work on your adventure journal

I dunno my man, maybe, tomorrow

Seagm is really good and never scammed me
I have been using them exclusively because they have decent prices and a nice interface to work with unlike chinese sites

Which class unlock voucher is the most valuable?




no you, I ain't earning 5k €/ month to grind virtual currency for myself.

Wait for the new Swordsman class and sell it for 50m first day.

I will, but after we get the armordillo.


Make me bitch.

Muay Thai will probably be worth a ton when it comes out during the first hours.

Right now though, probably Shinobi because the Shinobi changes are leaning everyone to get that class.

Muay Thai is shit though

Maybe but there will always be faggots that want to be the first anything.


and that class is not even good

it's not in the box. i got one from ktos and you can only choose appraiser, miko, rune and shinobi.

After they realize everyone's playing with naruto instead of rock lee, IMC will give it huge buffs.

How's Nak Muay unlock quest, btw?

Current Runecaster is shit. Post rework, Runecaster + Warlock will be decent, but not good enough to dethrone Elememe.

>spend 3 hours farming Uosis
>spend 8 hours overnight crafting it into SP pots
>list it all on the market for 8 million silver
>1 million silver costs 30 cents
>8 million silver costs $2.40 cents
>I spent hours for literal pennies.
Fucking hang me.

>I have money to waste
Good for you but at least waste on something decent instead of this trash heap

>play the game for hours
>have fun for hours
>don't care about RMTers or the time I "wasted" playing the game
Guess which game I'm not talking about.

has anyone tried a stupid barb fencer with masinios rapier?

No, but I saw a vid of a Barb Matador with Masinios Rapier. I think she had Corsair in her build too. Barb3Sair2Matador2, I think.

Oh! me me !

Its tostard the game, because there is no way you can have fun in this shitty grinding simulator with braindead enemies, zero difficulty, no challenges or endgame whatsoever and non-existant pvp.

So the only thing you can do is mindless grind trash to get better at mindlessly grinding trash, but you can also circumvent all that by just buying silver instead at such low rates that you can only question yourself why you ever grinded in the first place when 500$ is more than enough to secure you more than a months worth of no-life grinding of boring trash.


Appraiser. All these ninjafags are liars.


stop replying to urself and fuck off we are full

can you play this with a controller?
how dead is it on EU?

>can you play this with a controller?
Controller is comfy, but not recommended for some classes.
>how dead is it on EU?
Very ded. Silute, Klai and Telsiai are the most alive servers.

can I play on NA if I download it from Steam then?

not true, currently it's silute > powergap > klai = fedi > telsiai = varena > orsha

> - 107
f-fuck off we're full

EU has the same population as NA.
They are both dead.

check your ping ingame by spamming //ping one or two dozen times

no, FPS: 60.00(12.00ms) is not your ping

most classes are fine with a 1xx or 2xx ping

what should I play then
Closers general is kill by the looks of it

>EU has the same population as NA.
How much of a desperate feditard do you have to be to keep spreading such misinfo with a straight face

not him but someone checked iournal numbers a few days ago

See Difference is nothing.

NA 7984, Fedimian 4928. The difference is huge.

>adding Orsha
Fuck off, don't even share the market, much less the more important parts of the games.

fake numbers

it's important because you share instances


>fake numbers
How much of a desperate nacuck do you have to be to keep spreading such misinfo with a straight face

I'm sure 3 months old numbers are more important than numbers from 6 days ago.

>are more important
nobody said that, retard

60 fps translates to 16.66 ms, 12 ms would be 83.33 fps.

Anyways, how to make money on this game?

>with more than 100 AJ points.
It's useless. You need to count people with at least 2k points or something. I have more than 5k points by literally just logging in and do absolutely nothing except some challenge mods every once in a while.

If you just want to "win" the game what you do is get like 5 alts and run the 300+saalus on them for a few months, then make a super farming character like a SR3 and kill shit in the 350 HG with an amazing pistol that you bought for money from your dailies.

Doing DG300 runs for fast silver (660k/day), Saalus for small silver and some blessed shards (~120k/day and ~150k/shard depending on the server), Challenge Mode and HG340 for stuff. There are other ways too, but I'm not gonna tell ya about my secret spots teehee~.

They share dungeon queues, faggot. That's the only place where population matters. For the market you don't want high population, you want a high percentage of whales.

>That's the only place where population matters
You do ET solo?
You do Challenge mode and the Raid solo?
You grind for exp in Hunting Grounds solo?
Fuck off.

>For the market you don't want high population, you want a high percentage of whales
Oh boy you're absolutely retarded.
An high percentage of whales means market inflated to skyhigh except shitty premium stuff no one gives a fuck about.

So for a guy with little time like me it would be running dungeons and that's it?

>You do ET solo?
>You do Challenge mode and the Raid solo?
You don't have a guild? You only need 4 other people to do all your shitty dailies.

>You grind for exp in Hunting Grounds solo?
Hahaha what no I just spam the dungeon + cms until I'm 360 class 15.

Pretty much. You eventually hit a point where farming HG is more efficient but it takes a REALLY long time to hit that point and bots have ruined other aspects of the field grinding economy.

>So for a guy with little time like me it would be not playing MMOs

>You don't have a guild?
Oh, guilds are cross server now?
>doing the 300 at 350+
Yeah I'm done replying to you.

>So for a guy with little time like me it would be not playing badly designed MMOs

Most mmos are made to spend much time on.

>You do ET solo?
>You do Challenge mode and the Raid solo?
>You grind for exp in Hunting Grounds solo?
Not him, but why would you do those with random people? Doing ET in public parties is very stressing. CM and Raid too. HG is best done with guildmates or friends, since you can share the loot with your bros at the end of a grind session.

DG and Saalus. That would take you 20~30 minutes per day (not counting the queue time tho). After that, you can do Challenge Mode and/or Raid. CM takes 30~40min for all 5 stages (7 stages next week, maybe) and Raid is up to 8~20 minutes, depending on your party.

MMOs are designed to be timesinks.

>Oh, guilds are cross server now?
The point is that shitty dailies isn't an argument. You can do it with 3-5 people. You don't need a high population for that.
>doing the 300 at 350+

Yes this is the fastest way to reach the level cap. Even more so if you have tomes and a high team level.

Good MMOs cater to everyone.
Bad MMOs cater to whales (scams, gatcha, mindless grind).

but there will be retards posting "LMAO this casual shit mmo dos not XD" so i wrote "most"

>but why would you do those with random people?
You don't.
That's Orsha's population doesn't matter.

>You don't.
>That's Orsha's population doesn't matter.
Learn to read fediratrded esl.
What matters are queue times in dungeons. You do your dailies with 3 or 4 people from your guild so your ET/cm/raid argument is invalid.

and just as i wrote my post..
>cater to everyone
fucking no. casual BR shitters fucked this game up way to much. fuck off niggers

just took a day off tos to try poe
the game isn't cute at all ffs
but it runs so much better and is so much funner than tos
also it is alive gem not ded gem!
good bye forever DEDEST tostards!

>casual BR shitters
Yet Silute is the most alive server, while americans and europeans just go "wahh why does this game has so much grind" and stop playing.

>you play the vast majority of the games without queues
>buh m-muh dungeons
If my argument is invalid yours is completely retarded.

>also it is alive gem not ded gem!
>you never meet people since 99% of the game is instances
>but is alive!
What's the point?

Well, you can play ToS at 60fps if you play it like a single game too (unless you're Sorc, fuck that black smoke). I wonder if PoE would run so well if it was a multiplayer game.

PoE runs like ass in multiplayer and some skills are still really unoptimized like Ice Storm. On launch lightning arrow builds would absolutely fuck peoples fps in parties too.

>wahh why does this game has so much grind
It's a sign of a bad game design. Not because of the amount of grind but because the devs can't mask the bad things about it. They need to learn how to make grindy progression not frustrating or boring.

You do ET with random pugs? You do challenge modes and raids with pugs? What's the matter, you can't make any friends? Why would you grind hunting grounds for exp? You do in fact grind hunting grounds for items solo.

>An high percentage of whales means market inflated to skyhigh except shitty premium stuff no one gives a fuck about.
Holy shit, you're dumb. Premium items are the only really important things on the market unless you like buying 110 cubes and still not getting anything. High prices mean more profits from selling.

>What's the point?
Trading? Partying, if you really want to.

>They need to learn how to make grindy progression not frustrating or boring.
They won't do this because it's not in their interest because corean mmo trash designed for cashgrab fuck you pay Kim for more TP to buy dog to eat.

>I wonder if PoE would run so well if it was a multiplayer game.
PoE can display much more things on screen without dropping frames.

No MMO can possibly cater to everyone. Catering to whales is catering to people who don't have time. Refusing to cater to whales means requiring time instead of money unless you want to have nothing to do.

>Premium items are the only really important things on the market
The only important premium item are diamond anvils.
>High prices mean more profits from selling
Yeah, and getting fucked in the ass when buying.

MMO doesn't mean life simulator. You need to stop playing garbage korean games.
MMO simply means what it means, massively multiplayer online game.

That doesn't answer my question. Can you form a 5-man party in PoE and not suffer from fps drops? If there's no one else in the screen, ToS runs just fine. The problem about the game's performance is that the shitty engine doesn't support more than a few players at the same time in the screen.

>Can you form a 5-man party in PoE and not suffer from fps drops?
Of course that's what I'm saying. You need a really heavy scene to make the game NOT run at 60 fps.
It's not perfect, but the threshold for "shitty performance" is much higher.

Who cares about performance when the game literally has nothing to do?

You can only do challenge mode if you put lots of money into a char or are a support slut begging for someone who did so to carry you

If you have more than 1 or 2 chars, they are only delegated to saalus and dungeon slaves which is just mindless boring chores

The game balance started to be completely shit after transcendence was introduced because now the game designers balance around people having high transcend

So eventually you just end up doing saalus and dungeons on all your shitty chars which is barely playing the game at all because you might as well hit targets in Highlander masters training room it makes no difference due to the retarded non existent difficulty of Saalus and Dungeon

And why the fuck is there no 340 dungeon or something?

>Who cares about performance when the game literally has nothing to do?
Fixing performance issues should be a priority. It makes things much more enjoyable. Even sitting in town and dualing would feel much better.


Thanks reddit, really made me think.

>on launch
on launch I had to type a command to resync my client every 3 minutes but that was 6 millions years ago

>PoE runs like ass in multiplayer and some skills are still really unoptimized
lets all move to that one, please i beg you, move to my other game

>You can only do challenge mode if you put lots of money into a char or are a support slut begging for someone who did so to carry you
What? You only need lots of investment if you wanna solo CM. With the weapons given during popomon event, you can do CM in a party just fine. At least I can.
>If you have more than 1 or 2 chars, they are only delegated to saalus and dungeon slaves which is just mindless boring chores
I stopped playing that way since we got the R9 update. I have 15 characters and I just do what I want. You don't need to play with all your characters everyday, just play a bit with 3 or 4 characters, then play with other characters the next day.
>The game balance started to be completely shit after transcendence was introduced because now the game designers balance around people having high transcend
Yeah, but trans is a lot cheaper compared to when it was introduced. Farming blessed shards is a lot easier nowadays too. Well, transcending your weapon to stage 5 isn't that hard or time consuming, and the current content isn't challenging enough to go past that. Anyway, Transcendence is the worst thing in this game. It's sad IMC's never gonna remove it from the game though.
>And why the fuck is there no 340 dungeon or something?
Because you're supposed to grind at the HG and doing CM.

What does any of that have to do with life simulators or korean games? You're acting like MMOs are single player games. They aren't. Massively multiplayer means massively multiplayer, not the solo mobile game shit you're asking for.

You're full of shit
you do no damage past stage 3 without having like T5 or something
You're just getting carried at that point.

>transcending your weapon to stage 5 isn't that hard or time consuming
Just kill yourself my dude

>dungeons suck
>why are there not more dungeons
tostards please

>Transcendence is the worst thing in this game
That's not fucking anvils.

>PoE runs like ass in multiplayer
Thing is, it doesn't. It doesn't always run at 60 fps, but it's not like in ToS where it's "60 fps alone in town, 30 fps with 5 people and 10 fps with 10 people".
It has some badly optimized things but it's nothing out of ordinary or perf-killing. And suboptimal spell effects do get fixed constantly.
Now compare it to ToS where IMC doesn't even want to acknowledge graphics and network issues. They barely even acknowledge the AMD bugs.

>You're just getting carried at that point.
Pretty much.
And in any case, you need good gear if you don't want to spend 8 minutes per stage.
And now imagine how it'll be once they add even more stages.

Exactly my point
You cant do the only semi-interesting content in the game on your builds because you need to equip literally all of them with some high level gear or you are completely useless

Why should I even make any chars if all my alts end up being completely useless chore-slaves
because the game has no interesting content to play on them
Fucking disgusting

So what? Doing them while relying on a party is still doing them.