League of Legends General - /lolg/



I want Zoe to sit on my face.

It is Hello there, actually, my b.

This is also acceptable.

I want Luxanna to rule my Empire.

That only works if she's seen the prequels you dip.
And if she has then of course she's gf material.

spent way too much time texting girls on the ol flip phones.

you could ALWAYS tell their moods based on the number of y's in hey

youre walking on glass if you get a 'hey' with no exclamations or anything

kids are logging into league having "fun" in ranked
time to NOT play

I know this story.

>tfw no qt petite gf

Now it's emojis. If you get a text from a girl without emojis you're hecking up.

I want to play ranked but honestly I don't want to deal with the grind again when I finish placements
wat do

>get supp
>your adc is shit
>now you are irrelevant

>it's just normal so let me troll pick a champ to feed my ass off just norms xD

I want Lux to rule my dick

whats wrong with this?
It is just a normal

>Get support
>Your ADC is shit
>Win because you're Tahm Kench

jinx buffs were a mistake

Based Riot!

Don't ever reply to me.

Where do I play to get better so I don't shit the bed when I play ranked? I sure like trying to play games where my team is feeding their asses off and I have no ghost of a chance of winning because le xD

and if you actually get talking to her, and you guys dont meet yet but like, send pics n shit, look for the one thats reluctant to send anything too lewd.

not in a cocktease way, but in a 'i want to get to know you more first' way

she is more than likely not ruined yet and is wife material

>auto fill support
>Pick random shit cuz i dont care
>Lose game

Why do you think you have no chance? Even the most fed teams shit the bed sometimes.
If you can dodge a wrench homie you can dodge a ball

Judging by this thread alone, this is the most popular change theyve made in a long, LONG time and I hope it goes through and the community praise convinces them to keep on that route.
The Kalista gutting is on the right track, too.
Now give her a new fucking ult and remove the 0.9x auto scaling

Were you the Sivir in my last game with the Taric support where we just ran it down mid after winning the fight near the tower? That game was complete clown shoes. God damn I hate laning against Taric

You fucking retards have no idea what you're talking about.

1 clone per R level, can swap with one instantaneously, instantaneously destroying every clone (no explosion).

Maybe change E. At this point, he's clearly powercreeped as an assassin, so they should work on his other aspect- being a slippery pain in the ass that blows up when caught. His Q, W and R help that. Possibly use his E to make his counter jungling more oppressive, so he becomes another piece of shit buff stealer or just general annoyance to cross the jungle while he's splitting.


Literally nothing has changed there is still 0 reasons to pick her when twitch exists

? tk is one is one of those who suffers the most for having a shitty adc

she outdamages twitch late


One of the biggest things an ADC can do to help their team is not die. If you can do that then you're already halfway there. Plus it's just as likely that the enemy botlane is retarded too.

Because I know from experience. I've given my botlane back to back triples and they didn't even get damage on the turret. Let fucking alone when they pick Shaco support for le funnnnnnn

>decide now is a good time to start my placements
>get 4 placed players on my team
>all of them are bronze
>two of them were bronze last season
>the other two were silver
>we're fighting against five silver ranked players
>3 of which were plat last season and the other two gold


>draven soraka lane
this is gonna be fun I can tell already

>didnt face the nightmare that was 65% item CDR icey freeze rune shaco with frostbelt, zzrot, and banner

Should I start playing Yasuo support and if so which income should I take? I figure probably relic for the cs?

Why not?
I have way more games played on Luxy-loo through multiple accounts on multiple regions that start at end of season 1.
I'm not good, but I am autistic.

But I'm really good at theorycrafting about lore!?

You shouldn't play Yasuo period. Shit at least pick Pantheon or Jarvan if you want to cheese bot.

>team flaming me for not ganking
>their lanes are always pushed all the way up

Swift derail is preventing any serious game discussion.

Can you even micro the sex king's clones? They need to make that a possibility. And if it hasn't changed since I last played him, also make it so his clone is also orbited by the buffs when he has them.

you're wasting resources on a walking dung, and using your W on him will probably get you and him killed

>I've given my botlane back to back triples
Then why didnt you take the kills yourself and then run it down mid and shitstomp anyone in your way by 3v1ing with you + herald + midlaner and anyone with enough of a brain to follow

I haven't dropped a herald and not gotten at LEAST two inner turrets dropped (usually top shoves their lane, or helps push mid and Bot lane AFKs until the tower drops.) every single time

Didn't mean to quote you

Which Leona skin is best Leona skin????

>Discussing lore is derailing.
Go back to sucking massive dick like you're used to, you faggot-in-denial.

Purge Luxfags when?


>And if it hasn't changed since I last played him, also make it so his clone is also orbited by the buffs when he has them.
Clones mimic the buff icons of their caster.
This means Wukong's W and LeBlanc's old passive/R get the buffs even if they do literally nothing, too.

>can you micro them
Have you played Annie, at some point?
Same thing.


Passive : Shaco's basic attacks against targets below 50% maximum health deal 6 / 8 / 10% of target's maximum health bonus magic damage.


ACTIVE: Shaco throws his spinning blades forward, dealing physical damage to all enemies they pass through, reduced to 60% against units beyond the first. Active clone also throw a knife towards the target point.

FIRST CAST: Shaco's clone dashes forward, remaining in place for 5 seconds and being able to mimic knife and clone Slash. Shaco restores mana whenever Clone lands a mimicked ability on the same target he does.
SECOND CAST: While within 1300 units of each other, Shaco and his clone blink to their respective locations, swapping places.

ACTIVE: Shaco and his Clone slash, dealing physical damage to surrounding enemies. Enemies hit by a Clone Slash are slowed for 1.5 seconds.

FIRST CAST: Shaco becomes untargetable for 0.75 seconds while dashing behind the target enemy champion, marking them on arrival, becoming ghosted for 3 seconds, and spawning a Clone at the cast location which lasts for 6 seconds. Death Mark can be reactivated after 0.5 seconds of Shaco's reappearance.

For the next 3 seconds, the mark stores a percentage of all physical and magic damage Shaco deals to the target, detonating at the end of the duration to deal physical damage.

I know all the best lewdposts to make anons hard.

Maybe in an extended teamfight but if late game twitch can just press R and instantly delete her before she can burst him without proccing passive. Then he can just clean up everyone else

>banned for avatarfagging
>meanwhile luxfags

I still don't know why Dawnbringer Riven and Empress Lux were put in a picture together but my penis is okay with it

Did you cum today, user? If not, I can help!

Underrated post

>swift posts
>nobody spergs out
>thread goes on as usual
>swift posts
>people sperg out and spam the thread with rage
>thread is derailed

Hes breaking rules

Faggots who get triggered by Swift or try to erp with him are 10 times worse than him talking about his waifu.

unfortunately it was an extended teamfight, i was ful build too

but it was a 4v5 so maybe that was most of it

No way, as tahm you can just ignore your adc while you kill their adc

>Put a gigantic pile of shit in the middle of the house
>If you ignore it it will go away

You faggots and your conformist shit

How do I know you won't steal my soul

Technically namefagging isnt really against the rules, and Swift doesn't actually break rules. You're just a faggot

>if i take another bigger shit it will solve the problem


Soul stealing is just a meme, user. Don't worry about it.

>people are discussing a topic
>a faggot starts spamming discussion unrelated to the topic
>discussion is now divided

>Doran's shield + Second Wind

They won't nerf this until they make that new mastery in the resolve tree and thats ok with me

He posts about Lux who is League related. If you don't like his posts do what the rest of us are doing and just scroll past. No need to get bootyblasted and derail threads with your e-drama.

should i pick up nocturne

i got eternum as loot

Why should I trust you?
That butt is tempting me though...

Anyone tried Swain on PBE yet? How is his damage? From what i see he is probably better as a full damage champ now for maximum spamable Q. W looks useless as fuck except for maybe follow up and E will probably never hit in lane if your opponent has half a brain. His lanning phase looks like it is even weaker than before

I got one better!
>be support
>your adc is shit
> "this bot lane!!"

you can do her in the ass without getting your soul stolen

Besides, you need a vagoo to steal a soul so you're safe with me. ;)

>15-55 lowers to 5-25

Scaling wasnt effected and nunu doesnt build 1000 AP anyway, but ... perhaps they should've, I dont know, nerfed the 40% AP thing instead?

you don't have a vagoo?
not interested anymore

>E will probably never hit in lane
If the Swain casts it at melee range, yeah.
Have you ever played Graves, or Draven, or Ahri?
It's pretty easy to land.
>full damage
I'd put some more tanky stuff on him. GLP into Spirit Visage against another AP is pretty strong, or RoA + Zhonyas and then Void Staff.
I insist Rocket Belt is one of his best items, but GLP rush is also strong.

Are you at least gold I? My answer is the opposite of yours

>supports in charge of controling botlane
>adc gets blamed if the lane goes to shit
i love it

It's one of the rare times a picture is both adorable and sexy

>he wants to fugg a soul stealing vagoo

What is the point of Flex queue? right now I only use it to practice with champs that I don't feel comfortable playing in solo queue

no I just want to fugg a magical foxpussy

5/4/3 stacks

Now, another thing that I noticed for anyone that cares about Demacian magic.
If you look at ancient magic, like for example, Vastayn, it reacts in a same way, it's also an extension of the user instead of a manifestation of mana.
Also, Ezreal's glove, which is an ancient artifact from Shurima, works the same way.
This in a way proves that, even though Demacia is younger than Noxus, Demacian blood is much older.
Demcian pure bloods can probably be linked back to times before the runewars, when Mord was high king.

The fact that Riven is holding up bunny ears behind Luxanna's head is amazing and I love every pixel of it.

I'm discussing lore, you're the ones talking about an internet celebrity on lolg.
Sorry anons, but you're hypocrites.

The skin can't come fast enough, I haven't had an urge to give Riot money since SG.


I didn't mean give as in actively done it but I've lead to it happening. Both times full health neither time anything

>making him a zed clone
Fuck off.


>I only use it to practice with champs that I don't feel comfortable playing in solo queue
That's not a bad idea, atleast then you won't get so many retarded meme builds someone saw on a youtube vid

Magical fox dick is better.

Thats literally Zed's kit, user. It's a joke.

It's the best feeling user

Not a luxfag but I really like her in this picture she just looks so small, cute and precious I want to wrap my arms around her and hold her dainty little body close to me

I think they gave Lux the most adorable face she has in any splash, and then a tight outfit and miniskirt to boot

Shaco is a cancer champion and everyone who disagrees is a retard


>I'll trace Senjougahara but will make it shit.

this looks like grade-A SHIT


She looks like she's holding the door

your face looks like grade d MEATPASTE

tfw "awaiting level 2" was ruined by riot's decision to change leona's hud icon zoom for some idiot reason