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Every post below me is reddit.
In FE16 you will be able to S rank your actual real mom and give her grandkids. Do not get hype for this game.
>there are people RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW who have not beat GHB yet
Literally second Easiest GHB of my life.
>got friend requested by this thing
Remember to regularly mating press, hug and love your Lyon's to avoid the worst happening!
Every post above me is reddit,
Brave Cumilla!
can someone explain
a) #10 female
b) #10 male
how did they get there?
why is reddit so mad about the poll anyways
>eiricucks post shit art.
Marrrrrsu! Please don't get cucked by Ephraim! IS, please consolodate his votes!
>Giving a shit about reddit and what their posters think
Post YFW
old FE fans rallying behind Leif because he's not in the game yet
>reddit's Hardin.
Why in the actual fuck are you double niggers so obsessed with reddit.
>cucked by THE WALL
Where the FUCK are all the Ninianfags at? Get fucked.
>Hurr we won a voting gauntlet, nuFE BTFO Rah XD
They're actually estatic, though. Go take a look. They're very exited about Celica.
because she's shit
because Reinhardt gave FE5 exposure, people went and tried it and they want to support the game's lord
This shitposting is much worse than the usual.
Trip back on.
a) Everyone moved on to the new titty monster Loki and completely forgot about Tharja's existence.
b) Probably just carried by Reinhardt.
>"isnt this the guy of the elincia cum edits"
Also lyon's animation holy shit
>Owain is only #12.
this one is actually pretty tough
Because /feg/ is filled to the brim with fat neckbeards who have nothing better to do than shitpost
Gone from the face of the earth, nice to see them btfo
love me some artificial difficulty
>Talking to yourself
supreme gentleman
Stupid girl, fucking good for nothing.
>Lyon's GHB has reinforcements
Wew lad, can't wait to either A. hear people complete all 3 modes and bitch about no real content, or B. get pissy over actually providing difficulty
are these reinforcements random?
>first it was a green tome cav
>now it's cav archer and flying lancer
Well that was fun
>Reddit's Alm
Triggered ninianshitter?
>all this draw back/lunge/hit and run/savage blow
were they trying to make the most obnoxious GHB ever or something
I got +Res -Def Myrrh. Can i use her alongside Ninian even though Myrrh got -Def IV? And what build should i use?
>regular GHB
>wah, too easy
>GHB eith reinforcements
>wahh artificial difficulty
Fucking enlighten me on how you would make a stage difficult
bg ez, Roy did everything.
>implying alm isn't reddit's marth
>This mad his shit waifu got btfo.
Even that brown bitch with three lines of dialogue outranked her.
>anti-cav weapons
Someone redpill me on how this could actually be considered "artificial" difficulty
>We're they trying to give an actual challenge?
Ah! She’s so proud of me!
People are awful at Heroes and don't realize that "easy" maps cater to them. More news at 11.
Haven't you realized it yet, user? Everyone is reddit. All of them.
Fire Emblem is a reddit series.
>did infernal first try with cavalrykeks and a dancer
Nocontent Emblem
Post your infernal Lyon GHB clear team
Not bad, pretty fun
I prefer celica over shitmilla anyday
>people said GHBs are too easy! what should we do?
>uh well what if we uh added uh reinforcements to the uh map
>okay anything else?
>uh well uh we could uh also uh add more uh reinforcements and uh some uh more reinforcments
>be a complete sucker for literally any competent brother/sister relationship in a story
>love at FEH announcement that our lords are a pair of siblings who seem close to each other
>literally nothing done with that premise and those characters that appeals to me
>no development for their sibling relationship
>nothing even remotely heartwarming between them
>might as well be casual coworkers for all the story cares
>even the latest story chapter dumps Sharena to highlight Alfonse and Fjorm
Reminder that the winners of CYL 3 will be from FE Switch. Just look at how much better Celica and Alm did.
>Leiffag so desperate he's trying to rally people on reddit
It's embarrassing if anything.
That image was posted here, wasn't it?
So I'm just starting FE9 after finishing 8. Any supports you guys recommend me going for? I really liked pairing people together for endings.
Also I read in 9, you don't have to keep people on top of eachother and spam end turn to build supports, they just have to be in the same map, so that's nice.
5 starred.
His voice actor did a good job.
Two turn clearing LOL
I hope they introduce some anti-dragon tech soon. Nowi fucking destroys the map if you send her to the left, there's nothing that threatens her on that side.
is Fate a reddit series too?
regret, drawing, etc
seething femuifag i see
>THIS mad over something that eveb calvaryfags can do better at
Fucking wew lad
Post Femui build.
Interesting pic. Thanks for the reference user.
>had to pot
Rolled a +spd -res NY Taco, is there any salvaging him since -res seems really bad for him?
One shotted it. Not even worth posting the usual screenshot because that was such a joke. At least drive res is really good.
>from 354th to 5th
It really is amazing what being meta can do for a character's popularity.
Now +2 him.
Fjorm's his sister now.
This makes absolutely no sense.
She killed everything apart from a weakened green manakete
>doesn't run desperation on elincia with hone fliers buff
>doesn't run firesweep tana
you deserved it
>(m)sophia with max +2 merges
Is lyon wasted barracks space?
Say hello to your FE5 lord.
Holy shit, Celica animation is really slow.
>every post is made out of anger
Fucking wew lad. Shit was so easy I was shitposting before I even finished it.