
Tell me about their history.

Where do they come from and what do they do?

they have a pretty cool flag, but what does it mean?

Also, a song i stumbled upon in my discord group (which became the cause of this thread)

They sound very alien to me, and the music sounds medieval but european, almost irish.

Other urls found in this thread:

They were probably thracians remains who were pushed there

this doesn't make sense culturally, the thracians were a plains horse people, the albanians are mountainous people with little to no horse culture.

Albanians are the worst people


thracians used light infantry and spear armed tribesmen


Thats literally it, there entire identity is based on WEWUZism and some loser who got defeated by the Ottomans

Well theres Muhammad Ali Pasha who was pretty much the most Important Albanian in history but they don't seem to care about him because they are desperate about being European

Albania intrigues me id like to go back packing there.

Just spent some time reading about skanderbeg and muhammad ali pasha, they were both literally great people apparently, why have i not heard of them before?

Enjoy being raped and murdered.

>they don't even have a real culture
I never take the opinions of someone who says this about anybody seriously because it's literally impossible for a society to not have culture. just something you can say that betrays ignorance or a lack of education.

Don't believe any memes, they are not Turks; I'm certainly not an expert in the subject by any means, they are not Turks. Nor are they of any relation to the Albania of the Caucasus region (or Scotland). They are indigenous to the region, more so than Slavs, but I don't think it can be said with any certainly what tribe they descend from, although Illyrians are a good candidate. They have a lot of Latin loan words in their language, albeit with some pretty far out phonological shifts. They have enough Latin, Greek, and Gothic loan words that they cannot be recent, and there is no record of a massive migration of Asians into that region before the Ottomans.

Their music is very interesting, very weird, a lot like Epirot music, lots of pentatonics, and cadences where the the interval of a major second falls to a unison. They also have this one thing where they sing like goats:

I wish I knew more about these people. Shame they are subject to so much propaganda. It doesn't help that Kosovars and the diaspora in Europe are utter dickheads.

> the albanians are mountainous people
Some Albanians retreated to the mountains after Ottoman conquests, most stayed where they were.
> some loser who got defeated by the Ottomans
Literally died of old age because the Ottomans couldn't touch him.
Albania is isolationist, you won't hear much about her.

The Zerg swarm

You are right, but good luck trying to prove that point to Veeky Forums. Albanians were part of the Roman province of Illyria and they are same people since then with maybe some changes at the coast. But they were virtually ignored by every major civilization that came across them (because of its geography) except Turks.

It's funny that I've come across this thread on my first Veeky Forums visit.

I'm an Albanian immigrant living in England. I left at the age of five and have visited it a handful of times and I'm ashamed to say I haven't really cared to learn about the place so I cant tell you very much in the way of origins, national identity or even the people really (I suck balls at speaking the language). At a glance the country seems hopeless and unkempt. The infrastructure is appalling and improves at a glacial pace. Institutional integrity is feigned in the form of cheap and comical slapdash cosmetics that do little to hide the hideous and public welts of corruption. The majority of the few natives I've met are simplistic and short fused (as am I, must be genetic) and I think sentiments of social responsibility are scarce among them.

With all that said I have met a few who are erudite and impassioned in the face of it all and it does give me hope. I do certainly see a building blocks to what could be a better society in these people. Mind you all these observations are contained to northern Albania which I understand to be inbred and hick ridden. I don't even know what sort of progress might be going on in Tirana for example. I'm afraid all I can offer is the perspective of a vaguely attached visitor.

I can't deny that this hurts to read and that it isn't partly based in truth but it seems overly hateful and short sighted.

There is a fair bit of natural beauty and all in all the place seems like a hell of a case study so go for it pal. Just don't visit the beaches.

I'm the one who said Albanian diaspora were dickheads. I'm not taking it back, but it's cool to see an Albanian who is level headed, and I hope the best for you. I have heard that most of the bad Albanians are gypsies anyway, and I have never known any them to be good, bless them all. Kosovars actually seem to be among the kindest people around (due to besa I guess), but they treat their minorities like shit and ruined a once prosperous city, it's a lot like South Africa.

I know more about Southern Albania than North, I have assumed that most of the progress is in the South, as there are more cities. The coastal and mountain regions seem to have a lot more Islamic influence (feel free to correct me if I am wrong), and while that isn't an intrinsically bad thing, it makes them more vulnerable to the takfiri, especially considering that Saudi money is always welcomed into poor countries.

I'm from Kosovo.
>but they treat their minorities like shit
Minorities in Kosovo got veto rights and are represented by a star on the flag. Gypsies can get employed as long as they act normal, too.
>ruined a once prosperous city
What city are you talking about?

Doesn't mean much, perhaps the government intends well (lmao), but since independence, non-Kosovars have been oppressed, to the point many have left for that reason. This is especially true of Serbs, who are the rightful inheritors of Kosovo. While I support the American intervention against Serbia, there was no real pretense for this in Kosovo, it was merely to make a pro-America pro-Israel colony, and to weaken the Serbs.

Gypsies are an exception to this of course, but Gypsies would prosper in Kosovo regardless of affirmative action.

And Kosovo is shit, there is a reason everyone is leaving it en masse.

That post does not exist in the same plane of existence as reality and facts. It's beyond biased. God bless.




You a Serb?

The funny thing is that this was written by another balkanite making it completely discardable

What's your thoughts on Enver "Albanian Jesus" Hoxha?

>Person: Sir we are an irrelevant, piss-poor, isolated Africa-tier country on the brink of collapse. What are your plans to fix this?

>Hoxha: idk lol kill the revisionists and build more bunkers :D