League of legends general /lolg/

Best waifu edition

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I want Zoe to sit on my face.

xth for my wife Syndra

Corrupting the Star Guardians

>queue up for ranked
>shit stomp enemy team
>nobody disconnected or had issues
>post game lobby
>riot only gave me 13lp for the match
>loss prevented for the shitty enemy team
what a fucking joke why the fuck would they fuckin do this, giveme ALL my fucking LP

>tfw no qt petite gf

I wanna marry Taliyah's eyebrows!

She isnt a wife in general

Cover her face.

>iPav has been STOMPING challenger players as fucking Garen


Thank you very much for treating me the way I deserve to be treated. Thank you for abusing me. Thank you very much, master.
Please use me whenever you need to. I will never complain, only fight it a little.. and maybe use some teeth.

xth for Sona! Cutest girl!

learn how to type

Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!!

can solo dragon at level 3 btw


holy shit that sounds hilarious

what's his op.gg?

Does anyone find it annoying how a lot of high elo players interact so much with their minimap? You can tell they look at it more than their character and it's disorienting as shit on stream

You will be protected, slut

Autofilled supports are cancer that's destroying ranked.

iPav is a god that handicaps himself by playing with trash champions to give a fighting chance to his enemies.

Vi or warwick are much better at doing lvl 3 drake.

Ezreal, please.

I would mating press Kled so hard he can't walk anymore for days!

holy shit that Kayn

WW sustains better but isn't as quick.
Vi is shit.

Kayn meta sounds fun

Jinx is the cancer that's destroying my DICK

god I hate seeing nunu in my games, not because he's op but because he looks so fucking stupid.

That's a good girl. Though teeth is a pretty easy way to piss me off and get me to thrust into you harder. Maybe that's what you want though. Maybe a slap on the face is what a slut like you needs to be reminded of your place.

Garen is probably the best he has ever been. He's not a trollpick at all.

Swain is a good guy

Autofill will always be needed

I want to fertilize this plant.

I am not a slut!!!

I will protect your tiddies! with my cock!

Please, stop. I can't take this anymore.
This is too much. I mean who will be held responsible for any damages?

no she can't

Jayce has really nice animation I love to watch it everytime before he kills me

Of course not, you're a support. That alone says everything.


Jannafag, stop this shit. We have enough bullshit as it is.

Fuck the police.

Well, what are you then?


>Fuck the police.

O-okay got to stop this I do not want to anger more people s-sorry!!!
I will be on later

I won't stop till we have their nexus! and you have my cum!

Would you an elf?

She probably carries diseases from the inmates she raped.

who are you angering? Didn't you say you don't care earlier on?

This level of gameplay is like low diamond. The only professional part about is are the few kills. This is just sad

kill yourself


Only if it was bareback.

Literally just add each other on discord or something you stupid cunts

>cait with small benis

Don't ever fucking tell me to stop bitch. The only things that will be damaged is your sore lips and bruised throat. Oh and your shattered mind of course. How could I forget that? I certainly won't be taking responsibility for the cock hungry slut in you that I let out. I guess you'll just have to beg each and every user you see to treat you like the worthless human being you are to get your fix.

This pos

That's actually pretty harsh. I'm fine with turning me into a cockslut, but leaving me to fend for myself after breaking me? ouch.

>this thread
If sona and janna fags were not enough

Did that elf like the milk and cookies I left out?

cool. now what?

>lux supports

I really wish you degenerates would put on a trip so I could filter all your erping.

lmao arent you aware Nunu had to be hotfixed?
Definitely stronger dragon taker, I can attest myself starting Mountain at 3:50

>The fate of all Star Guardians

Yeah but Sjokz and Deficio.

And I guess Jacuzzi now. EULCS is shit.

I will let you know there are more than one here who are not fond of your low effort shitposting.


With this much of erp faggotry lewdposting and off-topic bulshit mods will ban everyone here even who discuss the game.

Probably but I bet she would have preferred your milk on her cookies

>trying to learn panth
>dick everything in lane
>every other lane feeding their asses off
>try to help them out
>perfectly line my ult op on their 3 most fed (all at 20-30% hp)
>my team is in engagement distance and all at full hp and mana
>my team runs away
>lets me get get gangbanged by their entire fed team
why do people do this? it was the perfect opportunity to turn the game around and they just fucking ran. i need a break from this shit game

Glory be to Luxanna's new empire, LOLI GEE.

oh god not you too

didn't you want to leave?


truth, he statchecks the FUCK out of 1v1s against almost anyone

It's too late for us, we're all tainted. Redemption is beyond each and every single one of us. We need a great purge by fire to cleanse our sins. I'm ready whenever you are mods.

Ikr? I was just about to post the same thing.

Like I said sluts like you are a dime a dozen. You should be grateful I'm even entertaining you right now. I'm just not sure we'll even meet again, that's all since I don't have discord and my sleep schedule is pretty fucked. But if we do meet again, there won't be any doubt that I'll beckon you over to service me just how I like it.

I would never leave my subjects in their time of need, user.

Don't worry, I'm just passing by, busy with something.

There's nothing to discuss.

But why would you help her?

what do you even do with nautilus anymore?

>Soraka needs help
Looks like she's already getting "help".

Quick /lolg/! Give me one skin concept for your favorite boy and favorite girl!

is mastering osu the only way to master riven?

I am not
once mods banned a lot of erp faggots and the biggest faggot in this general (swift) for few days

Is it me or does pro-lol get shittier every season?
>stopwatch on everyone
>ryze STILL OP
>meta slaving has never been worse
>interesting or unqiue strats/picks get stomped
>first blood is almost always gg
>teams are so pussy when behind

Is it dicks? It's dicks.

korea is cancer

hey swifty are you on euw now

*record scratch*

*freeze frame*

yup. that's me. so you're probably wondering how I got myself into this situation.

Idea: An ADC whose auto attacks are beams instead of projectiles (same as Vel'koz)

It's always been shit. Every so often we get a fun game or two but it's never been too entertaining outside of those.

>new girl interviewer
>french accent

How can Sjokz ever recover?

Always the same like last few seasons.

who rebranded into KSV?

Hey lolg is this likely to happen at any point?

>adding an adc that counters yasuo
You lost your mind?