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You fucking cunts let the last one die
it's Friday my dudes
and nobody is playing tanks ((
IS-4 buff when?
Will Ital autoreloader be OP?
dpm buff would be nice
has less dpm than type 59 in single fire
has less dpm than t69 in autoloader
the tier10 autoloading OTO mitebgudtho
>Object 257 has 40mm side armour now.
What the fuck is this shit? It is rubbish now.
If they removed the roof weakspot it'd do a lot for the tank.
lmao never
tbqhfamalam I'd dig turret roof weakspot removal and/or FUCKING GUN HANDLING BUFF
You can pen it, unless you're driving meds or western heavies, where nothing changes. is of balance))))))
Spaghetto might be nice for 3 man platoons. Go together, wither down enemies, clip 1 enemy because lul still autoloaders, repeat.
>You can pen it, unless you're driving meds or western heavies, where nothing changes. is of balance))))))
But I don't want anyone to pen me. What the FUCK, FUCKING JEWS MAN.
get a vkp then you shitlord
> scorp g with gold pens your cupola
>*shoots back at scorp with a 630 alpha HE shell*
Redpill me on the Italian tanks, /wotg/.
too early to tell
tactically flexible in theory
>in the video announcing the Italian tech tree WG aren't even trying to hide the fact that they are made-up tanks
I think I'm going to be too much of a brainlet for that reloading mechanic.
>play tier 8 premiums
>80% of game are tier 10 where you either get curbstomped without doing shit or do 1800 damage and win
That's why I like my Super P
Quit playing the cdc you shitter
Honestly it’s going to be one intimidating tank to fight against as compared to something like a lorr since it can just space out shells then when you try to head on fight it it’ll just dump the clip into you
it's just a diceroll desu, if you're grinding credits and manage to farm some tier tens while they're shooting other things it's nice but the same tier battles are usually more fruitful
maybe its because 90% of the people here are literally yellow scrubs?
dead game?
it's actually good looking, I was worried italian tanks would look like shit.
Are there any tanks where the HE shell ISN'T a shit choice and is an actually viable option to swap shell types between AP - Gold - HE depending on the circumstances?
It's literally always a viable choice if you know what your shooting at
don't tell me you're one of those guys that shoots AP at arty
>type 4
i wish it was the case but HE shells have such low penetrations it doesn't go through paper tanks like 50 100 and 30p's and i just explode on them for a measly 100-200 damage shot instead of a 300 damage shot with AP.
don't tell me you're one of those guys that shoots HE anywhere towards the front of a tank
also the 50/100 is not a paper tank, try the French lights for paper tanks.
its not
>130mm pen with 50m armor all around and +1 MM at tier 4
get gud you shitter
The Conway or 4005 as with food their ap hits weakspots on tier 10
>needs 100% gold to not be useless
>slow as fuck, never reaches top speed
>not terrible
top kek
>being too cheap to spam gold in DW2
DW2 is Obj.140 when compared to VK30.01H in "Tier-for-tier" performance, they can give VK 170 pen at tier 5 it's still gonna be a piece of shit because lol 50mm frontal armor lol dead engine against any caliber shell lol kv1s is more mobile with godlike armor
>can fuck up anything at a corner or a ridge
>most scariest tank it can see is a KV1
Oh no, soo hard to play pls buff wgaymin, +1 MM isnt enough to get my shitter ass through those ~12k exp
What exactly makes the Object 705 A, not the best Tier X heavy tank?
>low dpm, shit pen, slow
being the king of sidescrapping only gets you so far
not even cw material cuz it gets raped by type 5s
*gun handling is lacking aswell
IDK, I've been diddling around with it on the test server. It feels like it's idiot proof, I've been knocking out aces like nobody's business.
Getting a combined dmg/blocked/spotting/tracking over 10k isn't even difficult. So long as you're hiding the LFP, nothing pens.
I will say the DPM isn't great, but how often are you going to be shooting as soon as you reload? The gunhandling is meh/Russian, so I haven't really had much issue with it. The pen doesn't provide that much of a problem for me either, as I just wait and get something I can pen. I've been running 14 AP/14 HEAT/2 HE and most of the time I'll have 9-10 HEAT remaining.
what kind of metric is that?
its really good at sidescrappying, thats it
if a maus decides to acually push its fucked
Not hit but most tanks are fucked if a Maus pushes them assuming they aren't a HEAT loaded Jageroo or 268.
well you can just go away if you arent a slow superheavy, or trade 1 for 1 if you are a type 5
705a with its shitty pen will lose that encounter tho
705 A ain't that slow, it's right around an IS-7 in terms of mobility, top speed isn't as good.
>it's right around an IS-7 in terms of mobilit
is7 is really fast "now", only real heavy that is faster is 5a
and is7 even overtakes it if you go downhill like on el haluf
artillery fucking shits
its like a centurion with a T-54 turret
anyone know the context?
anything with HESH
>Dakillzor[FAME] crys like a kid in LIVE STREAM
isnt that like every time?
he is an legit autist what more context do you need?
Looks like a Soy boy Numale
new awoo is fake and gay
Reminder that trees cut is the most important stat. Only pussyfoot unicunts are scared of being detected.
Awoo the name anyway is used for a new clan only recruiting from what I hear
Unicunts and up
the more trees cut, the more of a chad you are.
Literal aspergers
it's another exciting game on highway
Didn’t you hear my dude arty got nerfed so now instead of hitting for 1000 and missing the rest now they just hit for 600 every shot totally got nerfed
We found one of the awoo faggots
No I meant thats what the deal is with awoo, vallanor literally has aspergers
hate that side
nice damage bot ;^)
He isnt wrong
>pasta tanks announced
>let the general die
sasuga wotards, not like I expected any tank related discussion here anyways
there's not much to talk about, progetto a cute, loader rack mechanic is interesting, as it stands the tank is mediocre as a regular medium and mediocre as an autoloader, we're still months away from knowing what its final stats are going to be let alone being able to buy it
its not even like the announcement of pasta tanks is that big news since they announced over the holidays that there would be two new tech trees this year and poles and pasta are the only logical fits
>instead of hitting for 1000 and missing the rest now they just hit for 600 every shot
I've been trying to explain this to other people on console but they're convinced that the coming "nerf" will fix arty. They also don't realize that arty won't be able to OHK the equally broken WTF-100 and 275 pen deathstars anymore.
How much armor does the WT have in it's turret on console, since the Arty can still penetrate paper tanks with HE.
Yeah, it's not like there are tons of potential tank destroyers or other mediums to talk about, let's focus on the borderline fantasy tak made by WG.
This thread is a joke.
I don't know but a .50 cal can autopen it so not much. It'll still be penned no matter what but none of the higher tier arties will have the alpha to instakill it.
Quick rundown on e-drama ?
So will the Defender be worth picking up or is the new Italian spaghetti tank gonna be the new "buy this while it's OP as fuck" tier 8 prem?
Yes. The Italian is at least 3 months away.
>This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on harassment and bullying.
literally who and why?
Don't know my own damn self, just saw the video and figured I'd download it, minutes later its gone so there's gotta be plenty of butthurt behind it
What are the top 3 tier 10 TD's for FUN
tds are shit and not fun
closest to fun with tds is deathstar/shitbarn or jpe
all of those have HUGE alpha but also long reloads which makes you dependent on team "mates", which isnt "fun" more often than not
I hope AW manages to squeeze some more ideas out of WG before it dies
git gud
>shitpost without even starting a discussion
You're the real joke user.