Best Jinx Skin Edition
Best Jinx Skin Edition
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Star Guardians belong to The Void.
>tfw no qt petite gf
2nd for poppy
Waifupussy poll:
You have to give the sauce on this one bucko.
PLM really is a gift to this world
I want to fertilize this plant.
>get invaded lvl 3 by Nidalee
>both her Shen and Vlad rotate instantly to save her dumbass from dying
>Nasus and akali arent even shoved in lane they jsut didnt wana come help
Solo queing as jg is actually impossible I can see why this is tied with top/support for least played
Star Guardian Pussy is specially designed to extract the maximum amount of Void Cum/Eggs.
>no sheep pussy
>Just dodge the queue if you get a shit team
>Just carry the game if you get a shit team
That's what I do. Then I take a screenshot of 1 hour queue timer and mail it to Riot asking them why I'm being punished for refusing to play with people who go "I FEED NOW" in champ select.
Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!!
hope you lose your next promo game if you disrespect your supp
I find the quality never matches the few early images posted before patreon
Ezreal best waifu
>champ select
>support is greeting everyone
>talking a lot
>being friendly
>trying to organize team comp and tactics
t-thanks for the free loss rito
I only said star guardian because my waifu will be a star guardian someday
Why is the shit Riven who gets crushed in her lane always on my team? Statistically there should be a higher chance of her being on the other team since I don't play her.
What if it's a Lulu support?
What am I in for?
yeah but youre not accounting for the fact that you cant crush rivens noob
Of course I do that!
I even let him take the kills if the ADC isn't nearby!
Listen to your supp!!!
Support knows better!!!! Especially the cheerful positive ones!
All of them!
Hunger Gays
>the enemy Riven gets fed and kills everyone
Great job cute skarner main!!!
I played a support game where I used Janna ult to reposition the enemy adc right next to my jungler
Where is my respect?
Touching dicks.
The only thing supports know is how to suck a dick.
>nobody cute to play league with........
Thats right, unless you are willing to dish out some cash for one of those Twitch whores.
Umm pretty sure someone honored you!!
Twitch whores aren't cute. There's plenty of cuties on /soc/ to play League with tho.
>cute girls instead of cute boys
/soc/ is full of attention whores though
I got no honor, only elo and assists
Where is the respect!? Where is it!?
If I get someone desperate enough to be on /soc/ that means I'M desperate and I'm not desperate.
Yeah, that's how it works. You give them attention, they send you pics of their cute girlcocks and then you play League together.
Umm uhh that never happens to me weird maybe you flamed someone?...
I always get 2-3 honors rarely 1!!!!!
>someone on enemy team gets fed and being cocky
>tell them someone else on their team is carrying
>get baited hard and they keep trash talking until post game lobby
ah sad people
xth for 0/5/2 caitlyn blames the jungler because I was busy trying to get the Malzahar fed.
Malz ended 3/7.
>always check all my teammates' in before game
>if any of them are in promos or placements, immediately run it down mid
Anybody else here making sure that only those who deserve to rank up do?
So are you acknowledging that she was right? that you wasted your time going mid that could have been well spent bot? cait has very good kill pressure in ganks and is also a gank magnet for the enemy,
What is wrong with you not in the sense as I feel bad for the other players but why put in the effort instead of just afking and watching anime?
What goes through your mind as you continually click pathing for the next 20mins?
>implying it's right to gank any lane other than top
>never get more than 1 honor anymore
Getting honor 5 last season was easy but it's gonna take forever this time. And it's not just because I specifically get honored less it's people in general are skipping past the screen without honoring anyone
Hope you like sloppy seconds.
Silvers like this should be banned from posting or doscussing strats at the very least
hey guys what are some good champs to onetrick for climbing in gold elo
>what goes through your mind?
flame from my teammates. Their delicious salty tears as I say nothing but sabotage their game is what makes it worth staying. Also going AFK causes leaverbuster and has less of an impact than feeding.
You only deserve to rank up if you can win a 4v5 is what you're saying?
>ganking worthless lanes
>ganking for people who are probably fucking bad
top lane cucks have been pretty delusional ever since this patch dropped. what gives?
Against the Varus and support sitting under their turret?
And I tried to gank but bot I was always top side when the support is like DUDE HELLO?? and the ganks I did take, I got a kill out of them or a flash.
Tried to push their turret, got ? spammed.
Took dragon after begging bot to start it, got ? spammed.
Gangplank thought shoving the Gnar under his turret the instant I ping from Blue buff was the proper move and I lost that gank top and then got counterganked by Camille.
What site you use to make these?
I would MATING PRESS every single one of your champions with the force of a thousand suns
especially jhin
That's technically a 4v6, boyo. And yes, that's what I'm saying. Carry my feeding ass or lose the game and don't rank up.
Say something nice about my wife Karma!
Umm try to be positive all the time even if you were losing!!!!
I am drowning in honors because of that!!!
google search lol wallpaper maker
more like only jhin
the artist is merunyaa, you can find the full image on e621 or check out their patron
Bitch's kit sucks.
Doing gods work user
Why are you calling my wife "yours"
fuck off she is my wife
Should I always build two crit items as a Fleet Footwork ADC unless the situation calls for a Last Whisper item (HP stacking tanks/healsluts)?
Whenever I see someone sucking everyones dick endlessly I just mute them and then don't honor them.
If you want honors you slut you need to exclusively service MY cock and my cock only.
If I was a Noxian soldier invading Ionia, I'd take her as a War Bride.
What songs do you play on repeat while playing league?
I wish she was BLACK.
maybe you just had a shit team?
but im not gonna lie tho, there's only so much you can say to people on vg when they blogpost cause no there's no info that we can actually look at aside from what you're saying.
The jungler's job is to spread global advantage to the team (aside from being smitebot). In general, your top laner is the first guy capable of helping you spread global advantage when he gets ahead. Even mid lane assassins can't impact the game as well as a top laner. Getting any scaling champ, any ADC, or any support ahead is just going to lead to literally nothing, or that guy throwing. And the reason this patch has made us "delusional" is that lane bullies like pantheon are no longer capable of denying exp in lane. So come top because we can no longer solo lose lane.
What?!?! No I do not spam the chat it just makes it worse I tell them to not lose hope and we can win when bad things happpens!
And nooo!!!!! No! I am not a slut!!!
How vulgar!
>Support rolls Comet Sona
I wish I could shove these minigun bayonets up your boosted e-girl ass you stupid bitch
Red Velvet - Perfect Velvet album.
I hate junglers like you more than I will ever hate a feeding top or bot. What you are doing is way worse.
I wanna CUDDLE and PROTECT Lulu!
It changes often but this was the latest:
Which champ would be the best to go camping with?
I never played sona but what's wrong with that!?!
Some support mains lost hope in adcs that they won't wait for them to poke if the adc won't poke I will!!!
Oh, shit... your waifu just got permanently GENDERBENT!
Do you still love them?
>tfw I was literally just listening to perfect 10 for 3 hours as I played
my nigga
>skinny cute trap
oh yes
>r63 flat-chested soraka
Oh nooooes...
The harder you try and deny it the more I know you want me to dominate you and force my cock down your throat. Don't worry I wont be harsh, as long as you play well, you can service my dick as long as you want.
Sona really went all out on that Nidalee cosplay
If you have to ask then you need to kill yourself. First off you shouldn't be picking Sona at all. Second if you ARE going to pick Sona at least have the decency to go Aery you fucking cretin. And then if you're going to play Sona DON'T STAND BEHIND ME ALL GAME AND DO NOTHING. Thresh, Blitzcrank, and Sona are my personal trifecta of supports that I fucking never want on my team.
A tank main who doesn't play Maokai. What an interesting find.
I want to cuddle with Vi!
She's cute!
Fuck the police.
Your main
Your rank
Have you gotten laid at least once
3 porn tags
Your ideal 6 items in-game
do you put bread in the fridge
>team gets outscaled every game I play
tanks that do damage are cancer
>do you put bread in the fridge
I'm sorry but this question is far too personal for me to answer
Singed needs a new ult.
>buying skins that don't change how any of the abilities look
Why do people waste their money on that trash?
Probably Caitlyn, been bouncing around between ADC's trying to find one I like.
Silver 2.
Yeah but she was a fat Asian so it's arguable if that really counts.
Impregnation, NTR, clueless_husband.
I don't eat bread.