>4.2 Trailer
>Patch 4.18
>Patch 4.2 site(under construction)
>Job Guide
>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:
>Previous thread:
>4.2 Trailer
>Patch 4.18
>Patch 4.2 site(under construction)
>Job Guide
>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:
>Previous thread:
I love Poyo!
let's have fun and cool thread my Veeky Forums brethren, remember to keep it anonymous and not to post avatars or namedrop anyone.
it's pollo, and yes chicken is very delicious and cheap.
goodnight evfurrywan
did you see how mad that homo back there was guys
I'm about to have a meltdown that makes chernobyl look like a fucking joke
OwO the legend melties
Same, i'm nuclear
maybe a little less pink?
stop ban evade u pizza shit
The truth? The absolute fucking majority of the people here that say they also like guys, don't actually like guys. They just use other guys as an escapism mechanic to fuel their loneliness until they have attention or until an actual pussy starts appearing near them, so they just start orbiting them and fucking throw you into the ditch.
I would rather die alone than do anything with someone from /xivg/ again.
xD epic holy FUKKEN SHIT look at that ebin anonymouse shiteposting
WOW your mum must think ur bada$$ like joey get it lmeow wow epic dudes so cool and edgy
Is fatty all tuckered out?
please MELTY on ME
nth for literally unplayable
Bet you can't beat this splerg's meltdown:
I'm saying this as a friend...
It's time to stop posting...
do you guys see this queer having a meltdown right now
>monk poses involve shoving my own hand/arm into my head
Why is awful clipping like this allowed?
>terrible experiences with every FC I've ever been in
>always feel left out of cliques and ostracized
>try to start my own fc, get a house and everything
>can't get it off the ground because of balmung's lock and can't find members
>sell house for buckets of gil
>wander aimlessly trying to find a new fc
>go through 3 of them, find a fourth and tell them about my experiences
>"Yeah we'll never do that to you man"
>everything is going well
>they are struggling to get gil together before the patch to buy a house for the fc
>I donate 30m gil towards the place
>genuinely everyone is nice to me, don't always feel left out
>fc mates ask me if I want to join the rp they are in
>heck yeah!
>go to the rp, its them and some people from another fc
>as soon as the rp starts everyone starts treating me like a weirdo
>immediately ostracized
>everyone just says, "the stranger" instead of my character's name, even after I clearly introduced him
>they are playing truth or dare
>I get skipped
>I'm trying to just be light hearted and teasing about everything
>this one lala constantly takes anything I say to grave offense and gets physically violent each and every time
>I don't reciprocate, just try to play it cool
>first they pull my catboy's hair, then karate chop is neck, then try to beat him with a fucking hot poker, then try to grab his balls
>I never initiate or reciprocate, just cool it down each time
>lala just keeps escalating
>turn is skipped yet again
>now the lala is attacking me yet again just because my catboy won't apologize (for not doing anything in the first fucking place)
>its suddenly a "crashed party" because the lala just can't take a damn joke or can't take anyone not sucking up to her
>she literally forced someone to lick her fucking feet
>suddenly I'm the party crasher
>i just leave
Maybe I should have just thrown the gil away
whatever u say gayboi LOL
You'll never know just how it feels.
I didnt think it could be worse but theres fucking bots in ASStragalos now.
>playing a straight catboy
you brought this on yourself
go shove something up your ass and calm down lol
hahaha get a go at him cant w8 for more angry anime girl posts from the "gay"
What does it mean when you can't even make friends online?
> Chicken is very delicious.
Hey, relax.
It means you aren't playing a female avatar
>The truth? The absolute fucking majority of the people here that say they also like guys, don't actually like guys. They just use other guys as an escapism mechanic to fuel their loneliness until they have attention or until an actual pussy starts appearing near them, so they just start orbiting them and fucking throw you into the ditch.
i've had sex with two guys before, does that give me the bi pass
you're pathetic, senpai.
and they say the gay arent mentally ill LMAO
who is this and do you like catgirls
i'm just waiting for them to post again
it's fucking hilarious
I laughed, but this is true.
What are the assumed melds needed in prep for 4.2 again? Someone posted them a while back but I've forgotten them.
>plays a female character to get attention
>wtf hes only attracted to my character not me!!!
How stupid are you? lmao
elk and yes
noone you'd know and sorta
How's your Friday night going?
Poor cat hopefully things turn out for the better.
Who is this
W-we've got him right where we want him.
It was going pretty shitty until this gayboi showed up
his meltdowns are the highlight of the night
too funny
wish elk would fuck me
wish elk would stop samefagging
>cant even clear a8s in 2018
How bad are you
epig xDDDD
Upboat me on reddit and add me on discord btw
We're not friends. Pls don't lie.
I'm quite fine. I'm just making fun of spineless anonymous shitposters who think their posts matter. I'm quite fine cause I actually met someone that proposed to me and everything is just becoming better and better~
Honestly, unless you are willing to get into a serious relationship with a guy, I don't consider you bi.
Like, for example, trannies are a straight man's fetish and no "straight man" will actually marry one.
I have never hidden my gender and I fanta'd into a guy ~a year and a half into it.
That was fun I wanna do more
how much CA are you using?
Everything will be daijoubu.
its fucking here
I wanna do this neko
Imagine talking shit about people raiding but you're here compaing about not being able to beat the easiest raid boss of the history of the game. On Friday night no less.
Yeah, well, I cleared ur mum on release day.
>Upboat me on reddit and add me on discord btw
Thats not you, why falseflag?
big yikes
>We're not friends. Pls don't lie.
I'm everyone's friend for the next 7 minutes. Time to take a break matey.
Elk is Chemo
>Honestly, unless you are willing to get into a serious relationship with a guy, I don't consider you bi.
i don't really consider the other person's gender when I find their personality or appearance attractive, if that makes sense
i'd be willing to get into a serious relationship with anyone that I really, genuinely have feelings for and that's just kind of how I view it
DEL right now or else..
Ok pst
whats a good hentai with catboys in it
Stormshade The bandit preset if that's what you mean?
the one i'm drawing
they are straight though
Life is great and constantly moving up~ I just wish I hadn't wasted so many years~
Was the first person I saw in one of the discord servers I'm in. Nothing personal, since Abe is a nice person.
Thx I can put big yikes in u 2 bbyqtpiesxylldyxoxoluvu
Get lost.
Okay, fair enough. If you are actually being genuine and the I appreciate you for caring what your heart feels instead of lying to people to caring what society thinks above the person you like.
If you ever find someone you love, make sure they know how much you love and appreciate them.
The ones that have the yaoi tag.
Cause catbois are always gay.
of course it's a fucking catboy
you a girl
Anyone here on Cerberus wanna do some rp?
buying bf
perhaps if u had more personality u would get bf
Hi Putt
E variety?
This is really harshing my buzz desu
It can progress to that if you want, sure.
hi guy
why cant we just start at the good part..
get hit
i love you sera
>randomly hooking up with ERP not understanding the characters backstory you are fucking
Yawwwwwwwn I can just read erotic literature
Wondering why this DRK is using Sole Survivor on Neo Exdeath randomly.
Stop playing pretend online loser
Tfw actually miss Sera
She still baits overwatch retards or has she moved to even newer hunting grounds?
Well, I would want to get to know you first user
Besides, I'm not very good at erp and I would have very little time where I could erp compared to when I can RP in general
>tfw no trusty & reliable co-tank gf (goodfriend) or bf (bestfriend) or Bf (Boyfriend) to run through 4.2's new 8-man content and have fun with
What's this from and why does someone post something from it every day?
i am funny
tonberry comedy
wanna be my friend