Back from the Dead Edition
Back from the Dead Edition
Im so tired of timers in strikes, im a slow person, but have to rush and make mistakes?
Yesterday, ive fell off from second platform when tried to get on the third in heroic strike with Fallens on Mercury and instead of diyng i just took a lot of damage so ive lost a whole minute to getting back again, im done, im so done!
why'd you fags bring this back to life
also goddamn levelling is slow as fuck, I just wanna use my big dick titan again, fuck you goddamn space turtles destroying my tower and exotics
Dune Marchers or Stand Asides?
Dune Marchers is a joke, as much as Transversive Steps
Wow, that sucks. At least I get shards from fucking everywhere, so it's not as bad as spending coins.
>also goddamn levelling is slow as fuck
sweruosly? i hit cap level in 1 day ezpz .. no fucking way it's slow.
Looking at the wiki, aside from Stand Asides, are Synthoceps and Skullfort the only worthwhile exotics for Strikers since they removed Helm of Inmost Light?
Pretty much.
I don't know why I expected things to be the same as D1 when I got this shit on sale.
I just don't know how you manage to fuck things up this bad when you're essentially on the same engine; if anything, the only things they needed to work on were the base armors and drops from planets, and leave the exotics alone
He probably meant 335.
It can be painful if powerful engrams keep giving you the same shit.
Add Mars to D2 and Europa.
why the fuck doesnt arc soul work with the stag helmet?
post em
Dunemarchers are one of the only worthwhile exotics. A buff to sprint speed lets you get places faster. The mk. 44 only gives overshield while sprinting and if sprinting from full health so it's useless. You can run 0 exotics if you like. Titan doesn't have a must use exotic like hunter or warlock
Once you go lion rampant you never go back
This. I can't play without it, my jump is just too shit
I get it, but the dependancy people form with it is also real and one day we may actually get a noteworthy titan exotic.
hallowfire heart is really hard to remove once you get used to the ability recharge
>3 years experience
>Trials of the Nine tanked hard
>Teheee guys what would you like to see in Trials?
Fuck this company. They had winning formula but decided to change it.
If you run no exotic, your "Must-use" is Aeon Safe, since it gives an extra stat point.
The secret of the dumb timer is that it is all psychological. There is absolutely no need to rush. Just go through the strike methodically and you'll be fine.
I am not even sure why they nerfed them. It isn't as though they were op in d1.
When Bungol were making Destiny 2 what they did was they looked at 1 and singled out everything that was fun and found a way to make it not fun.
How to fix Trials:
>Make it Elimination or just the bomb shit, no Survival
>Make the guns worth using
>Make the armors look good and have good perks
>Make the Flawless armor and guns look good
>make it so that only those who get flawless can access the Spire
boom, Trials as a gamemode is fixed.
But they buffed Ophidians for some reason. Besides the dumb warlock thing where the gauntlet appearance only goes to the elbows.
Have they brought boons back? Or whatever those things were called that gave you a mulligan if you got assraped on one round. Dedicated servers for crucible would be good too. For Honor is adding them almost a year later.
Nah, they didn't bring boons back. They should bring back the "one loss doesn't count" though.
But little Joffery won't get the new Armor and Weapons, we don't want that. Everyone is a winner in our game.
They need to fix PvP before they think about adding better rewards. When IB rolls our those few hundred who still play will again complain how shit the PvP is. Give back my wombocombo shadestep REEEE!
New Trials weapons are actually good apart from Kneepads perk. Almost if Crucible Team never tested this perk, maybe if the handholding meta changes they became more viable. 6 months and not a single Crucible patch. Autorifles have way too much range. Where's that new engine that was suppose to make patching easier? Another lie.
Generic Warlock No.53857389: Red Edition, coming through.
>"one loss doesn't count"
Just played the bomb gametype for the first time
Why, exactly, are there more than three rounds of this shit? The game is tortuous enough as it is
Cause game is fun fun fun
Bring it back.
>back from dead edition
>implying this game isn't still dead
Wake me up when DLC2 swings around.
so with the latest stuff is namless midnight + uriels gift the bext combo still? I'm using the warcliff's coil should i be looking for another power weapon?
I have been kicked out of multiple different Trials games because of Bungies shit servers. If they are not going to fix that issue, they should just give me the 1 free loss.
Aeon safe has an extra stat point?? Still probably worthless since one of those points is probably mobility
You would literally only have diamond players then after a few weeks. What's wrong with trials and PvP in general is the team shooting emphasis and gun balance. There is no better loadout for PvP regardless of game mode or map than antiope-d and darkest before. That is the PC meta. Nothing team shoots better than those guns and they win most 1v1's with their fast ttk as well. The other major problem with trials is the abysmall population. During peak hours you have hardly anyone playing and you can go against the same team again and again and again.
Your first loss in trials does not count. Tickets don't start until you win.
Whoa wtf bungie?
Trials AR is a good PvE weapon; Hand Cannon is excellent, but it would be better if it was a kinetic; Scout Rifle is a much better nameless midnight it's superb; Darkest Before the pulse rifle is the best PvP weapon in the game by a good measure.
Allegedly DDoS happens during trials matches, but I've never seen it. For me trials is the most stable game mode. It's the only mode I've never d/c'd in while every other mode its happened countless times.
Oh man, i really need that feature when the servers shit themselves on game 5
Jeez what platform do you play on?
i honestly miss the general and the game
>people keep sending you invites to trials
>tfw you sit comfily in your corner of some sewer watching your turret mow down mobs while cluster bombs chase down the survivors
Division might have shit gunplay compared to D2, but damn, having buids is too fun.
>that retard who tries to shoot everything around the corner with hard light
i started a new character on D1 on ps3. why is it so fun compared to d2? the art and music is much better
Guy on /k/ made Hakke Patches.
yeah. its a good system. backwards compatible with ps2 and 1 games. also online is FREE
well i sure as fuck wasnt going to pay a $60 sub fee to play this old game lol get real
I really like Hakke...
That Titan is top operator, m8
Let it die.
I just got Sins of the past (power rocketlauncher with clusterbombs) should i replace the wardcliff coil? if so what should i replace nameless midnight with or replace uriel's gift?
What kind of question is that? Just use what you like.
People use sins because it reloads while stowed. That's it's real advantage.
thanks. i guess i'm still hunting for antiope-d still but don't know if i should swap out nameless then.
I'm still hunting for an antiope as well. You can really use whatever loadout you want for PvE though.
The Ghost said to me: You are a dead thing made by a dead power in the shape of the dead. All you will ever do is bump. You do not belong here. This is a place of life.
>Not lion ramparts with strafe jump
I haven't played for over a week. Am I finally free?
join me on ps3
Only have D1 on ps4 and no active ps+. I'm not spending more money on this series.
wait wait wait you have to pay a sub for console Destiny?
It's a multiplayer game, needs ps+/xbox gold
ps3 had free multiplayer. xbox360/1 and ps4 have subscription fees. I let my ps+ expire and went back to psfree
omg the console memes are real. No wonder this game died. Here I was thinking dlc was a rip.
what has the fee to do with the dead game?
>paying a fee to play D2
it just isn't worth it.
xbox live has had a subscription since its inception. Are you pretending to be retarded?
no shit
why ask the fucking question if you are going to reply no shit. Dumbass redditor.
youre paying the fee to play online games
d2 doesnt have a fee
You have to pay a fee to play D2 online on PC too, though. You pay two fees to play console D2 online.
user please stop going full retard just so you can get some (you)'s
what question. I think you have posters mixed up, retard.
>its the smart ass redditor again
Kys you cancerous shit stop fishin for (you)s.
>tfw play D2 sub free on pc anytime I want
D2 on pc is on a fee free platform.
D2 on console is not.
Do u undastandu?
This is why the game died they released it on console first.
>playing d2 singleplayer
how sad and lonely can you be?
>grimoire is considered folklore
Holy shit, they saying Grimoire is not canon and can retcon it how they want, thats why they deleted it from the site, grimoire is not existing for them anymore, Destiny is now dumbed down Michael Bay movie the game.
>paying to play games online
The absolute state of consolecucks...
umm another bug bungo
welp its star wars all over again. Abandon ship.
>>grimoire is considered folklore
>Holy shit, they saying Grimoire is not canon and can retcon it how they want, thats why they deleted it from the site,
>>grimoire is considered folklore
maximum cuck.
oh destiny how low will you go?
those stories weren't inclusive enough, so changes had to be made.
Might as well, I don't expect consistency. Look at what happened to Vance, he was a level headed, mysterious individual who claimed to have been a guardian a some point, dealing out some of the most sought out weapons in the game, to a fucking joke.
>Saint-14's paeans don't exist anymore
>Thorn and Last Word don't exist
>The story of those two were a fable
>>everything in D1 doesn't matter aside from main quests and DLC, no, you can't ask about the exo wanderer
>>Saint-14's paeans don't exist anymore
"He walked out into the demon light, but at the end he was brighter"
Fuck Destiny and its future, at least we managed to get a bad fucking ass character out of this whole ordeal.