Pissing off crybaby user edition
/smgen/ smite general
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Keeping thread alive till someone wakes up
nice thread smitetards
This place is slower than fucking /eagg/
How is that possible
I can see you are as mad as ever Lil baby
When will we get a hyper utility god so I can build him with all the utility items
>crit three times in a row by artemis (who hasn't even built crit
Can we just fucking delete crit from the game?
What resources should be in the OP?
She gets passive crit
Look for them yourself it's not that hard
Why does this game take so long to launch after hitting play, if it launches at all?
Is your pc a toaster? Mines a toaster and it does that, I always figured it was my pc.
Sup Smitefags, sad Paragon refugee here. Wil probably switch to Smite. I've played a bit of it in the past, but never that much. I have basically 3 questions:
-Does Smite has some sort of anti-caster/anti-mage god or a a damage dealer focused on long range pokes and finishers? In Paragon Bellica and Grim.Exe or Wraith filled these niches and they were my favourite to play us
-How to make good builds in Smite? What should I know about that? And how do I learn to modify my builds on the fly depending on enemy team builds and situation in the match? How should I do that? I realise this is a vital skill I should learn, but thanks to Paragon's deck building I was never really forced to
-Is the game even in a relatively good state right now with somewhat bright future? I don't want to get into it only for it to die in a year *again*
Thanks for answers in advice
do they think Ulr is ok or what? fucker is broken
>long range pokes and finishers
I haven't played every god but ullr has a lot of long range poke and a combo that will a lot of gods if you hit every shot and your auto attacks.
>counter building
See people with one defense item each? Go flat penetration. Two or more? Go percent pen. See a lot of life steal? Go anti heal. See a lot of health items? Go qin's sais or soul reaver. Counter building isn't very hard, you just have to think a bit.
>state of game
It's in a pretty good state, season 5 is starting soon and there's a new map with some meta changing things happening. It looks extremely promising but if you're worried then don't spend any money because hirez won't do what epic did and refund anything.
She gets 15% crit if she hits anything three times, it's her passive
Smite guru, smite.gg, link to pts or a link to how to access to the pts, link to the latest patch notes, smite wiki link
They saw that amc needed a nerf but left ullr alone. They are either dumb and think he's fine or death and blind.
Ulr is melee, isn't he? I meant more of a "sniper" god, blasting fuckers from really afar, but thanks for suggestion anyway, I remember playing him once or twice and he was pretty fun.
The counter building tips sound pretty sensible for the beginning, thank you.
Oh, wait, never mind, I confused Ulr with Tyr
Anybody got a list of the best gods that can carry a whole team?
Ullr can be, he's a stance switcher with two skills with long range poke and he's extremely strong right now with an 80% ban rate in ranked. Agni is a mage with one skill with long range poke and it's ult but it's fine to use to poke because he gets 3 ult charges that regen over time so you can stack one or two and use the rest to poke. I recommend trying them both out in bot matches.
If you're being fed, almost any god but if you're trying to carry then I assume you're not being fed. Thanatos, ullr, amc, ravana, odin, kali, da ji, freya, cu chuliann, anhur, and he bo are all able to carry if you're good and the enemy team isn't too ahead. Some of those depend on how good the other team is. If you're trying to carry your silver games then every single one of those should be fine but it gets tricky in higher ranks when people know the counters to gods. Only one I'm not sure about is amc because he's getting nerfed in the next season but I think he'll still be a good option.
Season 5 inc.
I really want to fertilize Terra’s eggs with my seed
Is that normal?
Why does it seem that half the big names in Smite are either getting into shit or are assholes? I've never seen it to this extent with any other game.
Nope. My PC is upper mid-range or so. Smite just inexplicably gives me more issues than anything else I play, including games I'd assume are considerably more taxing.
how is this balanced
He had to dump his whole kit including a relic and the proc of a 45 second cool down item on a squishy who was out of position to start with. It's reasonably balanced
>anti-caster/anti-mage god
Nox, has a really effective silence and her ult reduce damage dealt by the target so she's the closest of an anti-caster god.
>damage dealer focused on long range pokes and finishers
Thoth, Ah Puch, Zeus and Ullr.
>How to make good builds in Smite?
Smite guru and Smite.gg both have the popular items used by gods. You also have video on youtube, DukeSloth, EmilZy,Fineokay al have video talking about S5 build and most smite pro have video of them playing so you can watch their build but most of them don't explain why they build like that so it's not all taht useful. Also you will naturally learn that by playing the game and trying new thing.
>Is the game even in a relatively good state right now with somewhat bright future?
Season 5 will start soon and it seems that a lot of player really like it, Hi-Rez also has reworked the smite pro league to be more professional, and it seems that a lot of Paragon players are switching to Smite so there is an influx of new player.
Ullr needs base damage reductions and a meta with Support in Duo Lane.
Double Jungle is the meta forming in Season 5 and Ullr does every other Hunter's Level 5 Rank 1 Ultimate damage with a full combo at level 2.
Mage's Blessing just drives that through the roof.
Let's not talk about S5 Deathbringer either.
Thank you for answers and recommendations. As for long range "sniper" gods thing, looking through the list now Chiron actually seems to be more or less what I was looking for
Oh yeah forgot about him because he's on the lower end of hunters. Not bad though, he has a cc cleanse I think which is pretty sweet and his ult is pretty good if you can lead and hit it.
I don't know what they were thinking with death bringer, there is no reason to go rage or malice now. I've been watching streams and double jungle seems the way to go which I kind of like. Ullr is already banned 80% of the time across all ranks, hirez needs to pay attention because stats show he's too strong and the player base obviously think he's too strong.
Ullr was alongside Vamana for lowest pick rate for an extremely long time. With the meta changes and buffs, he's overperforming.
If Duo Lane had an actual DUO in it, he'd drop off in favor of better team-fight oriented gods, but the Smite community is addicted to snowball, so there he still is, rolling over his lane as the game around him refuses to change out of his favor.
Low pick rate because he's banned all of the time
Did you not play Season 3? Or even Season 4 before solo-hunter meta?
Ullr was shit. His presence used to be a detriment to his team.
just fucking nerf his mana he's the only stance switch god that can actually spam 10rotations of abilities at base mana
Freya has a cute butt.
Which goddess has the cutest butt?
Is this where I shitpost?
Nemesis. That junk in the trunk really shows with her jeans skin
>guy picks cabrakan
>go ullr and stun him every time he tried to blink and ult
Don't bully Cabrakan
god time flies now
>no mercy
Loki deserves it as always
>Neith attends class with her granddaughter
>play clash as Xing Tian
>look at my opponents relics
>4 aegis and one meditation
That always put a smile on my face.
B-but she's one of Serqet's favorite designers!
jungle season 5 build guide alert. Always start with assassin's blessing and beads of course. Chalice of the oracle also highly recommended at level 1.
Thor: Warrior's Tabi / The Crusher / Transcendence / Heartseeker / Mantle of Discord / Jotuun's Wrath. Fit Beatstick in anywhere if they have a lot of healing. Aegis normally, ankh if they have a lot of healing.
Nemesis: Talaria's Boots / Breasplate of Valour / Stone Cutting Sword / Qin's Sais / Mantle of Discord / The Executioner, or another defensive item. If the enemy is heavily magic biased, this build won't be very good, it works best when the enemy is 3 physical and their guardian has medium to low damage. Talaria's Boots / Jotuun's / Spirit Robe / Qin's / Discord / Stone Cutting Sword will work if the enemy is magically biased, especially if spirit robe's passive is good against them. If Sprit Rove is sub-optimal, urchin is good, just make sure youll be able to stack it. Secondary actives are shield of thorns, ankh, sprint, or horrific emblem.
Ao Kuang: Shoes of the Magi / Spear of the Magus / Typhon's Fan / Polynomicon / Mantle of Discord or Breasplate of Valour / Soul Reaver. Swapping Typhon's and Soul Reaver for Thoth and Book of the Dead can work very well but it has a much more awkward power curve.
Kali: Talaria Boots / Qin's Sais / Fatalis / The Executioner / Deathbringer or Odysseus' Bow / Relic Dagger. Stone cutting sword is way overrated on Kali, all of those items give her way better DPS, and Relic Dagger is key, as she can't really do anything in lategame teamfights without her relics and ult up. Yould build Jotuun's instead because her ult is the most important of the three though.
That's all I've tested so far.
>Neith has the yuri tounge
clash should get a rehauls.
bigger mid jungle and a side jungle each.
Windows defender. Make Smite and all hirez folders just in case an exception
>meta with Support in Duo Lane.
in S4 the only way duo can work is if mid can survive a 2v1 (or solo if jungle decides to help mid) and you push adc lane so hard that you clears a good amount of jungle monsters.
So Ganesha is the one that can fit the goal of a duo support damn well for a first few waves since his one buffs ally damage and hits hard BUT no mid god can thrive vs a 2v1 mid since they are outpushed/can be killed and solo 2v1 you will lose you solo side buffs.
>scylla dog looking at rat
Chaac will never be good.
>guy goes four defense items
>does 1/3 of my health with his 1
>i go all attack with two pen items
>do barely half of his health with my 1+ult
okay haven't played much but mages seem like shit
did you get %pen?
you need % pen with that they are paper.
defense in this game is useless past the mid game but it's needed for the utility auras and item effects that boost team prowess or decreases enemy team ttk..
Lets palya game.
Pick Kuzenbo solo and try to see how long you can go without feeling frustration
kuzenbo's kit is so fucking boring i wouldn't pick him even if his balance wasn't god awful
It doesn't make sense.
His kit suggests that by virtue of getting hit on his 2 you can shit out endless kappa but it doesn't uz kappas die if a new one is thrown.
his 1 has is just lackluster and his kit hinges on it. shit cc shit damage and only slows ON INITIAL HIT.
his 3 loses to every charge with hard cc on it (herc's 1 lost to Tyr's 1 now it beat it).
His ult should be 50 seconds.
in PTS i went solo KuZ. Went 5-1-14 and we lost. PAst all the kills farmed on tyr and great gank's from jungle I had nothing to bring to the late game
reminds me of original Nox: A rushed character released as filler content (Ao Kuang was being delayed so china could have him first). At the very least his kit doesnt' fucking counter itself like Nox's did.
a-at least she's good now right?
>spammable projectile that silences
>ultimate that requires affected enemies to cast abilities to deal damage
>passive that's literally chaac's, except it procs on ability cast instead of basic attack hit
>a morgana shield that only block one skill and doesn't even fit her kit
the only combo it had was her generic aoe damage skill doing bonus damage to people marked by her silence or ultimate.
Building survivability on gods like serqet who already have great survivability is fun
They tried to make her an antimage mage by loading her with things that would annoy a mage (silences, skill that punishes you for using skills, a shield that nullifies 1 attack) but didn't really think beyond that.
she Is pretty good now. I still think she is just Scylla 2.0 (a root skillshot coupled with a delayed aoe explosion, a movement skill that makes you immune for the duration)
>due to having better basics and stronger creeps, hunters are better at clearing in the early game and thus make better mids than mages
>due to insanity that is Typhon's Fang Freya, a mage, appears to be one of the strongest ADCs
makes you think
Freya has been able to adc and jungle for a long time, user
Before they removed hastened fatalis from the game and most fatalis effect from god kits magical ADC were top pick.
even He Bo was a first pick/ban jungler at some point. the entire purpose of the season 5 update is to allow gods to fulfill more that just one role.
Hello everybody!
>my team
>four meds and two deathbringer first item
>their team
>3 blinks and bluestone start
>not playing on the pts
Hello user
>forced to play against the same aids dive comp 3 times in a row
can we please give premades their own que?
I think guardians do way too much damage to squishies so many of them can 100-0 a mage with only 1(one) damage item, it's ridiculous
>complaining about guardian damage in meme modes
>when said meme mode favors carriers anyway
it's all modes that guardians can annihilate damage dealers
I had ob and divine ruin. It was a chaac and I was poseidon. He threw his axe and fucked my shit.
well good thing S5 is there to fix this, i will miss being basically unkillable tho
just whirpool for a billion damage LUL
gonna have to give some context some gods and builds destroy def unless youre just shitposting
just building every defense item in the game won't make you unkillable. No one has been able to eat 5 kits since the end of season 2.
How much protections are you building? If I remember correctly, each protection unit absorbs more damage than the last.
They're meant to counter mages. That's a feature. Most of the time thru don't even do that.
>Chaac 1
>doing 1/3 of someone HP after level 10
>At the very least his kit doesnt' fucking counter itself like Nox's did.
Late Original Nox pre-nerfs was actually pretty damn good. even with the silence it didn't clash because it still stripped control on top of her being able to use with in any flexible way in her skill rotation and interrupting channel's/ leaps.
Not really. Way to single target focused and her kit has no flexibiltiy in how it's applied.
On her best iteration her ult stunned anyone hit at the end of it's duration and was shot out hard+70 range and it also penetrated through gods. she didn't have a leash requirement and she slot 5 seconds off the CD after every enemy cast.
>passive that's literally chaac's, except it procs on ability cast instead of basic attack hit
That was changed into her current passive but in peak kit it was 4% so at max stats with a 3 second skill it was 16% damage mitigation so yeah with max passive stacks and her 1 she can tank a Ra ult only receiving 5% original damage..
>a morgana shield that only block one skill and doesn't even fit her kit
It let her tank mage harassment quite easy with an 80% damage mitigation. Also knock up immune and cleansed slows+roots
in her peak old kit she made a good appearance at the world cup. What killed her was that her ult had a big start up nerf from 0.25 second to 1second.
>Late Original Nox pre-nerfs was actually pretty damn good
The only good thing about that Nox was a nuke on a very short cooldown on her 3, all of her other abilities were worthless.
Jesus Christ done down those line breaks, your post is painful to read.
I miss when Nox would say CONSUMEEEEEEEEEE
>The only good thing about that Nox was a nuke on a very short cooldown on her 3, all of her other abilities were worthless.
You say that yet in WC she did splendid? If she was only a 1 hit wonder why did she get a damage nerf first then a big ass ult nerf after?
>why did she get a damage nerf first
Are you dumb?
They nerfed her 3 because it was OP as fuck, it was He Bo's 1 tier but ranged.