So user

so user,

This is a very nice restaurant and what a nice aventador you have? Are you an entrepreneur, financier, lawyer or doctor? You must be well connected with an impressive social circle, my ex-boyfriend would take me to his Harvard MBA alumni events. What school did you go to?

What's it like dating a girl with a fuzzy arm?

y-you too

>come on beauty, let me show you my yacht

>mentions ex-boyfriend within moments of meeting her?

Hey babe, take a look at my XBY wallet.

she wet

Praise Kek!

Shuddup! I like the fuz!

I didn't pay you to talk..

wanna see my dick rise all day long like ETH?

Your dick only rises when fat greasy NEETs pile into you?

just like eth

Crypto School of Millionaires

yeah well, let's not talk about that right now

>tfw you'll get rich listening to a bunch of neets on an anime inspired imageboard

what a life

21 Bitcoin Elite School

Just tell her you're a full time cryptocurrency trader and watch drop to her knees.

your mom

I made some smart investments you know bae

I've bought meme coins I've heard about on Taiwanese basket sewing forum.

>mfw in my country the dollar exchange rate is 14-1

Baby, I invented the pumpkin spice latte.

Cryptocurrency financier, m'lady.

1) That's a Ferrari, not an Aventador
2) I'm retired
3) I got kicked out of school

4) Are you done with the dumb questions?

*staring at her tits*

"I'm sorry, did you say something?"

UCSD. Smoked a lot of weed so it took me this long to get into med school at some no name primary care doctor mill in the Southwest

>you will never go on a date with a woman that beautiful and annoy her while taking pics of her as she sips her water

somehow the waiter is the cryptocuck

monteith, eth

two cups balanced

coffee places are usually the entry point that accept btc

liquid content, receptacle same colour as the bottle

waiter comes out of the bottle creating meme coins

btc supply gradually fades just like the bottle

btc was created, the whole underlying structure is greater than the valuation

balancing act of integrating the benefit of crypto within the greater structure, without the alcohol

implying implications

>my ex-boyfriend