happy Lulu edition
previously, on lolg:
happy Lulu edition
previously, on lolg:
Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!
yes even if it was lulu do not bully the lulu!!!
curse bronzord i don't want vayne top
xth for Guqin Sona! Even if her golden chroma looks bad!
xth for my wife Syndra
Where the fuck is nidalee's golden chroma
i wish i was a semen demon. . .
Yes, I'm also a cock loving man whore.
>no support duo to bully me for being too smug and overconfident
So how i get lvl fast i just want to unlock normal draft as fast as possible
swain new ap botlaner riven remover gg
So who's ready to see CLG and TSM lose again?
Just do bots and push a lane as a team.
Hello there.
my boy
>maximum fast
double exp boosts, per win and time boost, bots 3v3 while making sure to go 15 minutes game minimum
>fast but slightly less boring
aram with double exp boosts
or just grind arams/3v3 bots without boosts
if you go double exp boosts dont expect to have much champs when you do get 30 it goes extremely fast.
This is now a noxus thread.
The Noxian army needs you!
Where'd you find that picture of me
lulu is made for bullying
sometimes she secretly even enjoys it a tiny bit
>Yasuo and Riven died
>Bitching is starting
Fascism done right. Fuck the kikes.
I wonder...
The Noxian army out claiming slaves again?
wow there buddy...
are you a cute twink user? wanna erp?
I want to grab Kled with one hand and use him as a fleshlight!
i hope they dont make noxus the generic evil guys too much
i liked their spartan philosphy, it makes them have more depth
they arent evil perse, they just seek to become stronger, in anyway possible, wether that is via strength, wisdom, or magic, as long as you are good at it
i like that
Post em
Rate em
Be nice
0/5 There's no saving you
>Cleansing this game with Morde and Swain
Doing gods work user
2/6 warwick and vi are cool
Begone, slut.
>the fps kind
>not the network kind
this skin should be disabled while swain is on the map
Any ahriposters around at this time?
get a name so i can filter you thanks
how the fuck does a game like this shape up with no dodge?
this fucking yasuo i swear
ahriposters are always busy sucking dick so probably not
Yeah. This user is 10 times worse than waifu and loliposters -_-
Of course
>i hope they dont make noxus the generic evil guys too much
You mean like they've always been?
>they arent evil perse
Yes they fucking are. Under what definition of evil doesn't "invade other countries unprovoked regardless of whether they are dangerous or not and enslave everyone and send the children to serve with the army and use the rest to either be sent to the mines or melted down into pools of blood to awaken a giant zombie to murder thousands of people" fall?
>i liked their spartan philosphy
They don't have a spartan philosophy, if you want spartans you should look to the rakkor. Noxus is ruled by a decadent, vain aristocracy who send the lower classes to zerg rush everyone else while spreading the ideal of "might makes right" so they'll keep killing each other while at it and never be a threat to themselves. Legit the only ones in Noxus who could pass as having a spartan philosophy are Darius and Riven. And even Riven realized Noxus is just a shitpile and the ideal of strength is just bullshit to justify atrocity after atrocity, even to their own soldiers. Everyone else you're just projecting your own ideals into as they continue to shit down your throat.
Called it.
>dodging pbe
ive spent more time filling out these fucking captchas than playing this game
Correct, the faggot is name fagging without actually name fagging so theres no way to get rid of it
I agree, I vastly prefer YOUR thought-provoking contributions to these threads
>they arent evil perse, they just seek to become stronger, in anyway possible
one of the ways of being stronger is making others weaker
like genociding the ionians
that's evil user
fuck off cunt
Oh, didn't realize. was too busy being in absolute disbelief
shut up cunt
you sure did
>they arent evil perse, they just seek to become stronger, in anyway possible
> they just seek to become stronger
>in anyway possible
That's pretty much the definition of evil, user.
I mean, I'm sure there's time in between to say hi, buddy.
Should have known!
What if it was jhin who killed shen's father
If Swain is right about his intentions to fight a great darkness he is somewhat justified.
The end justifies the means
not one, but TWO shards of a champion that i already own and have never played in my life
Keeping the meme alive.
So is new Swain still the one who resurrected Sion or not?
I guess what Im trying to say is they have decent motives, that make them somewhat understandable, and not just, theyre evil just because.
And although it is evil to genocide Ionian(can you really blame them though with yasuo and the edgebirbs?)
they have some sort of values
i should start streaming pbe just for the sake of showing the chatbox
what do you think?
im a total faggot that doesnt use facecam or mic because thats dumb and i dont have music playlists or a bot to keep people entertained
Black rose ressurected Sion
pbe is a weird place
people get more angry over a loss there than in some ranked games on the live server
Nah. Best to have snippets of them.
>decent motives
You're missing the point of Noxus if you think they aren't anything but genre fantasy evil
I fucking respect Mordekaiser's "I'm evil because it's fucking fun" philosophy than Noxus' shitty ass "HURR DURR WE'RE FREE (oh wait, I serve in the noxian army because I was enslaved as a child)" philosophy more.
Noxus' "values" are pretty much the apex of hypocrisy.
im bad at doing that but i can try
>gp's oranges are on a 22s cooldown and they heal+cleanse
>my shitty short movespeed steroid is on a 24s cooldown
Need more Ahri skins for more Ahri art honestly.
Who is the most mechanically challenging toplaner?
fiora and yasuo
I thought the entire point of the noxus lore reworks was to make them less "theyre bad becoz bad" and I think they succeeded at that.
Thresh is pure evil. Hecarim, and this guy
although it suits them, thresh being a corrupted sadist and all. Fuck i love the shadowisles lore.
what counters shen support?
a different, better shen support on the opposing team
or poke.
You could also create a collage of them to show off to the community of how toxic it is in PBE.
Karthus and Yorick are good guys tho
Shen is only useful for engaging and slowing and cheesing a level 2 kill. Shen support always takes ignite.
Janna can nado him and his dash is like 25 second cooldown where he is 0 threat, double ranged harass him, then slow him if he tries anything without his dash, repeat. Unwinnable for the shen if you play it right.
A good Thresh flay.
Other than Ripost timing and knowledge, what makes her so difficult? Obviously, she needs good positioning to get her passive off.
Right back to where it belongs
Can ahri survive the DRAGONCOCK?
She has to aim in teamfights as a melee character
It's not that she's particularly hard, it's that almost every other champ is easy.
What does the noxian army need Sona for?
did they retcon karthus lore of being a poor street rat that became obsessed with death? pls no
time to start learning morg, cheers
Well, shes getting six skins this year, so just hold on another few weeks ;)
Poppy? I mean you also block dashes and get passive resistances from your passive on your w.
reserves of fat
Swain's bedchamber
calcium supply for their soldiers
Competitive died that fast?
Pic related
What do you do if Shen flash taunts your ad though