Thread is actually dead edition
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Thread is actually dead edition
MEG's updated Pastebin:
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It actually died, jesus.
How did this happen?
The thread dying is supposed to be a joke, not a reality. pls don't let it happen again
Someone or someones didn't do their part, pic related.
Was too busy being an alcoholic last night to post bird women on the eightieth time we hit page 10
>Thread is actually dead edition
what a shitty thing to wake up to.
The fewer bird women, the better.
>ywn chill with your bone mask wearing tribal warrior bro
worst timeline
>Was too busy being an alcoholic
Same, I apologize /meg/. Shall not let that happen again.
Hopefully. I didn't think we'd start worrying about archives just yet.
Glad to hear it.
I'm playing ME3 now, will try to bump it
You're right, great things are better enjoyed in moderation.
Anybody read Schreier's article on Bioware and Anthem? Shit's fucked, yo.
Well, yeah. Up until recently, the devs attitude towards Anthem was "this game is fucked", as quote by Schreier. Now they're just getting to "developing this game is hard". And this is after it's been in development for 6 years now, since 2012. Release is March 21sth 2019, just like ME:A.
Also, expect the plug to be pulled on ToR soon. The entire Austin studio is being pulled to work on Anthem and DA4 development is also stopped for the time being. If Bioware makes it past Anthem, expect the next Dragon Age no sooner than 2022. ME, should it get another game, ever, at this pace, 2027.
4 eyes mean four places to shoot.
so beautiful
I liked Omega. Quite the shithole and a stark contrast to the much more pleasing Ilium. I really appreciated how fucked up it all was.
When did femtur cancer exactly begin?
The only thing I didn't like about Omega was how empty it felt. I know they had engine constraints, but it would've been great atmosphere had it been crowded and dirtier, almost like LA in Bladerunner.
Andromeda trailer
Crowded areas in general would have been great, would have actually made places feel active and alive.
Too bad we'll never get some cool areas or hub worlds in the future.
Well, you can blame consoles for that. The PS3, specifically.
Memes aside, I thought the Nexus in Andromeda did a good job of feeling alive compared to some of the hubs in the OT.
I wish if we got a remaster of the OT they'd populate the hubs more and make them look dirtier and more lived-in.
The wards in ME1 did a pretty good job of feeling alive too honestly, even if you couldn't really interact with anyone meandering around.
I thought 2 did a good job with Illium, place had a cool marketplace.
unironically would have liked a grumpy batarian squadmember
Sometimes I think it would've been cool to have Zaeed be a BT instead of just another human.
That would've been great, seems to me it might only have happened if he was not DLC though. Can't count on as many purchases of a BT compared to a human.
This telescopic close-up shows off the otherwise faint emission nebula IC 410. It also features two remarkable inhabitants of the cosmic pond of gas and dust below and left of center, the tadpoles of IC 410. Partly obscured by foreground dust, the nebula itself surrounds NGC 1893, a young galactic cluster of stars. Formed in the interstellar cloud a mere 4 million years ago, the intensely hot, bright cluster stars energize the glowing gas. Composed of denser cooler gas and dust, the tadpoles are around 10 light-years long and are likely sites of ongoing star formation. Sculpted by winds and radiation from the cluster stars, their heads are outlined by bright ridges of ionized gas while their tails trail away from the cluster's central region. IC 410 lies some 10,000 light-years away, toward the nebula-rich constellation Auriga.
Surreal, looks too comfy.
So what are you guys gonna do, when EA shuts down Bioware?
Shit. Didn't mean to reply to
play fallout
I tried.
Looks pretty close.
Replay their older games occasionally, I guess.
I should hope so, took way longer than I care to admit to get that close.
Move on. I'll remember the good times rather than the bad.
play the trilogy to relive the good and the bad memories again
I feel like Bioware is already dead, not because of Andromeda, but because Anthem just doesn't seem like the type of game they would have ever made 10-15 years ago. I liked Inquisition after hating DA2, so I'm holding out hope that 4 ends up good. But if Bioware's fate really does depend on Anthem I think it's a toss-up. Odds of it's success have gone up due to the huge bungling that Destiny 2 has had at least, but I wonder if the supposed 2019 release for Bioware will mean that it's biggest competitor will have had time to actually turn around the shitstorm like D1's The Taken King did. And I think they'll probably have competition from Borderlands 3 at that point.
If Bioware is on the chopping block, I just hope DA4 manages to make it out as unscathed as possible due to being far enough in development or whatever, but after Andromeda's development issues I don't have high hopes for that.
If they do die, their old games still exist, even if Mass Effect is still tainted for me by the ME3 ending, and I think other developers have risen up with quality RPGs, even if none of them are quite the same flavor as Bioware's style. At the very least I know I'm way more interested in what Cyperpunk 2077 might end up being than I am in Anthem, I've gained interest back into some JRPGs now that they seem to be innovating more, and I wish Obsidian would branch back out from only doing CRPGs.
EA will fuck Anthem up with microtransaction hell. They're just as greedy as Bungivision if not more so.
DA4 will be probably be cancelled once Anthem flops. BioWare will be dissolved and the employees that stay will be shuffled off to other EA studios.
We'll never play games as good as DA:O or ME1 again.
Yeah, I have no faith after what happened with Battlefront 2 and stuff with Visceral, if I even did to begin with. If they can't keep their shit together on something as big as Star Wars, I don't see them treating Anthem well. The only thing that might help them is that there isn't an Anthem 1 for them to have ruined previously fine elements to make microtransactions more appealing like Destiny 2 managed to do.
At least Dragon Age fans have something to possibly look forward to if Bioware isn't executed after Anthem.
I'll never see another Mass Effect again no matter what happens to Bioware. This is the worst timeline.
I still think that the IP has value. Yeah Andromeda was shit from a dog's anus but BioWare made 2 really good ME games in the past. If they're still around in 5-7 years we might see another game set in that universe.
Maybe a ME game where you can play as Andraste
Yeah, it's kind of lose-lose. If Anthem bombs, Bioware dies. If Anthem does well, the former Mass Effect team is probably going to be stuck on the new series until it is run into the ground. I don't think ME would ever be farmed out to a side studio again, unless Bioware is dead. Maybe if Bioware Austin is put in charge of Anthem for some reason, after TORtanic is finally killed.
kys you cunt
>Thread is actually dead edition
>tfw /meg/ will be added to the memorial wall soon
Well that's depressing.
It won't die user, trust me.
I hope.
Someone make that discord soon I guess.
Nope, we'll be fine for a while yet.
So what is Anthem supposed to be?
Is it a MP only with jetpacks?
When Andromeda came out I thought the jump jtes(?) would ruin it,but that part was ok
It's a Destiny clone.
makes sense....i mean when....why would you not be all up in that type of situation when it comes to stuff.
I don't know what Destiny is so here is a pic.
Legion's vibrating onahole
C-SEC Noire when?
people keep saying that like it's a bad thing, but I've never played, nor heard of "Destiny" until people started saying Anthem was it's clone
this idea could potentially save mass effect and bioware
if it were done right
but we both know bioware would fuck it up
What the fuck is this I hear about /meg/ dying before post limit?
dead thread for dead franchise
is andromeda MP even still alive
Guess what's gonna happen to you if you don't delete your post right fucking now.
What? Bioware will make an even shittier game?
Actually, they might, since they're going all in with Anthem, so it'll either save them or doom them. But I was implying that I would turn your face into present-day Khar'shan if you didn't delet.
Mass Effect is dead. Bury it. Consider this mercy.
The last thread made 500+ replies at least.
Better than dying before 100 or 200 posts.
I'm not a big fan of Tali, I always saw her as shep's naive little sister. but every time I see this wallpaper I feel.... calm
Ashley is pretty amazing
something just dawned on me.
since i've only ever romanced Jack, that kinda means i didn't romance anyone in me3 and I've never seen any of those lovey dovey scenes in me3.
Is Ryder canonically biotic no matter what, or is it that SAM can make anyone biotic somehow?
Time to rectify that, user
im missing out, no doubt about it, but... it wouldn't feel right
I feel you on that one. I've played through this trilogy a bunch of times but only ever romanced Ash.
if Jack wasn't there i'd've stuck with Ash. in fact the first time I played me2 romancing jack was a last minute thing
Post your Shepards
A always play as Sheploo.
seeing renegade femshep always makes me kinda sad. dont know why as i never played as her
Her heart is broken so she gives no fucks
Those glowing eyes are rad as fuck though
Why do some spiral galaxies have a ring around the center? Spiral galaxy NGC 1398 not only has a ring of pearly stars, gas and dust around its center, but a bar of stars and gas across its center, and spiral arms that appear like ribbons farther out. The featured image was taken with ESO's Very Large Telescope at the Paranal Observatory in Chile and resolves this grand spiral in impressive detail. NGC 1398 lies about 65 million light years distant, meaning the light we see today left this galaxy when dinosaurs were disappearing from the Earth. The photogenic galaxy is visible with a small telescope toward the constellation of the Furnace (Fornax). The ring near the center is likely an expanding density wave of star formation, caused either by a gravitational encounter with another galaxy, or by the galaxy's own gravitational asymmetries.
What? I'm not very good with character creators.
I see that. Why not just play default MaleShep?
Because autistic self-inserts. Would you rather I post my Ryder? He's the same exact character.
why do people do that?
When I first played ME2, I romanced Miranda. Second playthrough went for Samara, got shot down. I thought Jack was too crazy, so I'd try Tali instead. Somehow that didn't happen and I saw Jack coming up to my room, before the Suicide Mission. I can't say no to those eyes, user. I tried, but I can't. Even with that stupid visor on.
He's my preferred character to roleplay, and making him into an idealized form of myself helps with that. I can roleplay other characters, so it's not an issue.
Calm down 6
>making him into an idealized form of myself
I'll never understand people like you