>General Resources:
>WoW Token Price:
>Blood of Sargeras to gold:
US: rodent.io
EU: rodent.io
>General Resources:
>WoW Token Price:
>Blood of Sargeras to gold:
US: rodent.io
EU: rodent.io
what did blizzard mean by these animations?
Space Goats are disgusting.
retard OP
best girl
best leader
This new scaled zones can suck my fucking dick
Seriously, STV has turned into complete fucking cancer since not only does 110 gankers go there, people lvl 45+ go there as well
And I can't even bring my faggot ass main and gank back since hey, probably not even the same phase as them.
>we are more likely to get some midget furry shits as a playable race before ogres
just kill me, I don't want to see it happen
>Don't know what to play yet again
how's balance druid
Da Zandalari be for da Horde now, mon.
Do you play as a soyorc? If so, why?
it's good and let's say its fun.
>Playing as orc during MoP vs playing as orc right now
such a fucking shame
>play at max level in any zone
>never find opposite faction
>decide to level alts
>meet nothing but opposite faction
Blizzard needs to stop adding furries.
Anyone in a good Horde guild?
>haha cuck cuck XD haha!!
>2017 and onward
>haha soy soy boy XD haha!!
I wish you retards would kill yourselves
its ok because they are cute and will add to teh short stacks of wow
>rep requirements can be done on any faction
>quest chain achievements can be done on any faction
>to unlock the allied races however you need a character at 110 on the faction you wish to unlock the allied race for
For example you can have exalted rep with nightfallen on a human, good suramaritan (is account wide already) on a dwarf, and be able to complete the scenario on an orc at lv 110.
This is according to wowhead so it may be subject to change
Play Disc Priest, it's one of the best healing specs in the history of WoW
sauce on that sylvanas image
>Play on a PvP server
>Complain about gankers
Are you really that retarded?
t. soy boy
Goblins and Gnomes exist.
Blizzard needs to add more furries
>Tigermen allied race for worgen when
>Vulpera allied race for goblin when
>Snakemen allied race for (whomst) when
>He plays a soyorc
Just one thing, they require insurrection now instead of good suramaritan.
>being this assblasted
just stop lad
Alliance getting furry and horde getting pigs?
Thanks for the correction, didn't know that myself
>main only one faction? dont worry goy just buy a boost
>start seeing cool BFA shit, hyped to play rising
>log in and remember you are in a retarded spaceship on Argus
>log on my horde toon for just a second
>hearth to ogrimmar
> youtube.com
you forgot you need a 110 on the server you plan on making the allied races on
I want to fuck her feet.
>you need to buy bfa to unlock them
>bfa include a boost
>It's explicitly stated that the horde willy befriend the vulpera and become their allies
>Alliance still ask if they are getting vulpera
>[File Deleted]
Also this, so if you want to roll on a fresh server make a DK and level it to 70, then make a DH and rush to 110.
i wish pezado made a thread
yes and now we ALSO have literal little foxy ladies. I just wish their arms weren't so long so it wasn't so obvious that they're goblin based
I don't
>[File deleted]
my work is complete
Frostwolves Edition when?
I can't wait to be a Loa worshipping all powerful priest
They need to scrap them. We got enough furries already.
you can already do that you monkey, darkspear priests do this
> [ File Deleted ]
I unironically miss WoD /wowg/ WoD moreso
today i will remind them...
end yourself kid
sorry man, I only hate ugly furries, cute ones or cool ones can stay
we muslem board now bikini clad females BANNED from vg i mean only wowg
>RP is dead
All furries are ugly. Jania needs to purge furries just like with the Blood Elves.
Has there been an update on classic servers yet?
imagine being this autistic
wait for bfa
ur mom is a classic server
>this is what was deleted
lol whats happening to this board
anyone got a stat calculator for characters? I need to know how much movement speed 424 is going to give me at 101
this is the best warcraft soundtrack since Vanilla holy shit
The team couldn't decide whether or not to do some changes to the game, therefore it was cancelled.
What the heck do I do until then if the only mmo I enjoy is WoW?
But wrath, MOP and WOD all had better soundtracks than Vanilla
>p*zado sperging out again because no one likes him or his draenei spam
You play on Gummy's, like the rest of us.
>draeneifag's face right now
This actually sounds believable.
It is so stupid, only a company like Blizzard would actually do that.
Sex with Tyrande!
Notice a pussy.
>>this is what was deleted
something that the mods deleted because the person who posted it is a ban evader, and it's against the rules to evade bans or repost things the mods have deleted?
It's your call, I'm not gonna respond to you from now on so if the thread is ruined like last thread it's all your fault
Snakemen will never be playable since helms won't fit them.
why does she look like she just shat herself in this pic?
I know they are going to just be endless raid fodder, but i'd give my left nut for a subrace of these dudes
Or they can just scrap them.
>have a geared out 950 mage
>farming Argus for Unsullied gear for my Druid & Monk
no way this applies to the only relevant non degenerate allied races, zandalari n dark iron, as they're never neutral
If that's the artist I think it is, she probably did.
Holy shit this opinion is my own and is therefor correct.
NTR needs to happen.
they do it on purpose
90% of the tokens I get on my DK are unsullied plate
they don't actually want you catching up alts, thats why you can't buy the tokens with argunite
Dark Iron and Zandalari requirements are not known
>tfw no Skeletal Forsaken allied race
>triggering china
I know but logically speaking this does not apply to these 2 as they're not a neutral faction both sides quest for
Dang it man.
Think at this rate I'm just gonna level a priest so these tokens don't go to waste.
undercity has completely fallen!
>Alliance Scenario:
The Third Fleet: Meet with Genn Greymane inside Brill.
Clearing the Way: Siege Towers Defended
Clearing the Way: Defeat the Azerite War Machine
Breach the Wall: Keep Undercity's forces at bay with King Anduin until the trebuchets breach the wall.
Blighted Grounds: Evacuate wounded soldiers before they are infected by plague gas.
The Light is Fading: Fall back with King Anduin Wrynn.
The Winds of Change: Find Jaina at the walls of Lordaeron.
What Lies Beyond:
The Great Eagle:
Pressing Onward:
Abomination Wonderland: Assault Lordaeron City
She's Getting Away!: Pursue Sylvanas in the Gyrocopter.
The High Overlord.: Defeat High Overlord Saurfang.
The Dark Lady: Pursue Sylvanas.
>Horde Scenario:
Under Siege: Find Saurfang.
Spies in Our Midst: Secure the Mage District.
To the Heart!: Follow Saurfang to the Heart of the City
Evacuate the Heart of the City: Evacuate the Remainder of Undercity
To Battle!: Use the Portal to meet with Sylvanas Windrunner.
Push Them Back: Break their front line
Defend the Azerite War Machine: Defend the Azerite War Machine
Our Secret Weapon: Use blight on Alliance forces to drive them away.
Like Wildfire: The Alliance have breached the wall. Meet with Nathanos Blightcaller to intercept them at a crucial chokepoint.
Holding Them Back: Intercept the Alliance with Nathanos Blightcaller.
The King Piece: Defeat King Anduin Wrynn and his Allies.
Cry Havoc: Sylvanas has called for the retreat.
The Dark Lady: Rendezvous with Sylvanas in the keep.
>undercity has completely fallen!
did you miss the blizzcon?