Best girl. Lissandra is a cunt edition
/lolg/ - League of Legends General
Breeding champion when?
[beside dracozyra/spoiler]
I want to impregnate Sarah Fortune
I want Zoe to sit on my face.
xth for my wife Syndra
xth for Bard
>get 4 man botted 3 times
>still manage to outfarm enemy jhin and be useful in teamfights while he sits in the back missing his ult every fight
I want to impregnate Kled!
I legitimately though that image was veigar at first glance.
>tfw no qt petite gf
You can't impregnate boys, silly!
Who /comfy/ here?
anyone wanna play a game with me, im on euw. IGN: koolstofmonoxide
warning im drunk and sad
Fucking rapist, Kled doesn't want to be impregnated degenerate.
who the fuck eats pizza in 2018 you disgusting slob
I want to impregnate (reverse) shyvana!
I will forcefully remove Lulu's uterus and shove it deep inside Kled's asshole. Then I will impregnate Kled!
Rate my idea to fix League of Legends
>every account starts the game with a generic, easy-mode champ for each role: Garen, Udyr, Annie, Sivir, Soraka
>every 5 levels up to 25 you get to unlock 1 each of Cho'Gath, Lee Sin, Ryze, Tristana, and Alistar
>one free champ of your choice when you hit 30
>this drastically lowers the number of champions required to draft as players reach level 30
>ensures increased skin sales for these champions, Spirit Guard Udyr being the main point
>guarantees no one ever has the "i don't own any supp on this account" excuse
>keeps people playing since they have easy to achieve goals that are never far away from each other and the grind never gets old before you hit the "real game"
>Lee Sin
Why are they all so bad?
Gotta have that diet drink to balance out all that greasy shit.
>tfw no elf jinx to forcefully mate press
>Kled doesn't want to be impregnated
Then explain why he's pregnant with my child and gonna give birth next month?
They all pick Ryze and stall instead of play the game.
new thread so i'll swing again. the support item changes have fucked with my ability to play tank troll "steal all my adc's cs with consume" support nunu. i used to go coin into raptor cloak, sightstone, and glacial shroud for early armor, HP, and mobility to survive laning phase with a pristine 0/0 KDA while my starved adc dies repeatedly. but with the new itemization changes, raptor cloak is useless, sightstone isn't a thing, and the coin line SUCKS for tankiness.
i will not use relic shield or change champs, as that would defeat the purpose of being able to steal my adc's cs.
any suggestions? set aside the fact that nunu is actually considered a good/broken pick or instabanned right now. i need a way to feel tanky and invincible again early on while still masquerading as a "support" and still taking coin (for bonus income on top of my Q). been considering bramble vest.
can you 3d print LoL's map?
I want to hold hands with Janna user!
Zoe is Disgusting
Spellbook Janna with Cosmic Insight, CDR boots and exhaust/ignite is absolutely disgusting. You can't engage on them, nor can you gank them because exhaust/ignite are always up and janna is already near ungankable. Mid/Late she can swap ignite for Flash if she needs it.
Which one? there are many janna anons
Explain this image for me, lolg.
>not imagining yourself being put to sleep and then waking up completely sissified, wearing her Cyber Pop black thigh-high socks every time she sleeps you and one-shots you
bad taste, anons
It was bound to happen eventually, user. They can't always be the best
Severe, serious autism. That's the only answer. These people have put themselves into an enviroment where they can avoid any normal, worthwhile human interaction, and have slowly degraded themselves into a useless tool of a person, posting about their imaginary waifus or their tightness and whatnot. These things distract them from their dreadful, pathetic existence, so they take comfort in it, and latch onto it, like a parasite. Posting the same shit over and over and over again, the routine of it all soothing the gnawing insanity of their twisted, aching mind. They are barricaded away from the real world and real events, therefore they cannot realize the severity of their corruption, and they keep going on, and on, and on. They either need to sort their shit out as soon as possible, or kill themselves.
They're falling apart.
Map skins for lol would be neat. I'd totally buy a rainy-themed one.
redpill me on jax jungle
For impregnation reasons, that's why.
That pizza looks bad. Seriously look for a better place to order from. Also
Does it affect him in any way?
Is grandpas yaoi better than normal yaoi? Is it still yaoi?
Speaking from personal experience?
With this one
I can hold hands with you too if you want.
How does it make you feel that, barring Thresh, every CertainlyT champion has destroyed the game entirely at one point and twist the balancing just by existing (Kalista)
no. it sucks. he's not really in-meta to begin with, and on top of that, he doesn't need to be saddled with the lower gold income that is typical of jungling. jax's only way to get fed to carry status is as a jayce-tier "get out of my lane bro" top laner, and he's not very good at that right now, either.
just ask /OUR GUY/ hashinshin. or is he reddit's guy? oh wait, the overlap between /lolg/ and reddit is nearly perfect.
>eating an entire pizza alone
Lose some weight faggot
No, i never quite got to the low, low abyss of waifuposting. I have recovered since then, so that's good.
I don't care.
>barring Thresh
yes we wouldn't want anyone to include Thresh on that list of overtuned busted broken meta-hogging champs
>Pantheon is cancer
>Don't nerf him
>Don't update him
>Change an entire game mechanic to deal with him
Oh,nevermind i am another one!
>barring Thresh
Thresh broke the game more than Darius/Zyra/Yasuo could every hope to. Don't delude yourself into believing otherwise.
Why are all Janna mains so much of sluts?
Let me impregnate you.
Pantheon gets shit on by every tank possible and every non brain dead bruiser that just bought dorans shield and picked resolve with free armor and second wind. Literally you cannot poke that down with Panth and you get outscalled like shit you are. Only noobs complained about pantheon in preseason.
Like its astounding how many game design majors who have never had a job didn't get his job instead.
>barring thresh
As a thresh main myself, you'd have to be delusional to believe thresh isn't broken as fuck. Lantern alone is hilariously OP.
Make one change to a champion to make them playable in another role without being broken
>short dress
>black stockings
>crossed legs
>french accent
Good god I want to fuck this nuSjokz
He's very happy about it!
The only good grandpa yaoi is grandpa yaoi with yordles.
If >muh team doe is a meme, what do I do when my support and I do fine but two out of the 3 lanes are 0/5 each at 10 and the jungler keeps trying to save them only to die?
Give Ivern a passive and he would be the best support in the game.
Play a position that matters.
He also did Graves rework, morde rework, caitlyn rework.
His only "success" was Warwick and he was confirmed to be HEAVILY LEASHED on the entire project.
Kayn gets orbs off lane minions.
If you were doing "fine" those other laners scores wouldn't matter. gitgud
You can't just take the ramblings of one autist and try to force it as copypasta. Funny copypastas are always composed ironically by someone with the intent to entertain. It doesn't work in the reverse.
riot is too jewy to ever do something like this
>believes that there is a 'proper' use for copypastas and wants to enforce that
>calls other people autistic
realize that the following two situations are not mutually exclusive:
>muh team is a bullshit meme excuse
>a modest percentage of games will be unwinnable for you because everything goes to hell -- this will also happen to your opponents sometimes
holy fucking shit laure valee
>black stockings
>literally my favorite style of "fuck me" high heeled pumps
sjokz with fully exposed, crossed legs too. thank god someone in EU LCS has learned that sex sells and started marketing it. how many broadcasts i have watched where i keep flipping through the video looking for a 2-second glimpse of their legs / outfits... now it's right in front of us
How do i master the art of not dying ?
pls respond
don't be bad
Don't die.
>play Janna
>cc every faggot that wants to kill you
I like birds
and how do i achieve that
pretty much anything other than “give everyone every champ for free and just make money off cosmetic items” is pay-to-win jewry in my book
i dont even really care about pay-to-win necissarily, i dont mind paying for a video game i enjoy, but dont tell me its “free to play :)” when in practice it isnt at all. Jewing me is fine just dont lie to me about it.
Look at your map.
Don't push when you don't know where anyone is.
>lethality Vi
>tank to low bronze 5 mmr
>play leblanc with defensive summoner spells and rush guardian angel every single game
>amass hundreds of games without a single death and achieve 15 minutes of reddit fame when someone discovers your match history
some guy in china did this
don't pretend you didn't know about it either, as if 100% of you don't browse reddit
How did Lucian gain so much HP? No, he did not have Fleet Footwork
the only time I ever go to reddit is when I have to look up something and it's one of the first links.
Alistar's roar
triumph + alistar
>need chests for gemstones
>dont get a chest for an S on champs i play anymore
>not interested in any other champions
>top 5 composed of orgs that have been around for years and are extremely recognizable and two classic well konwn teams under new names
>the world champions in first place
inb4 a dozen denialist "i'm not really a redditor i just check it once every few minu-- er weeks if i really need something, i'm a true 4chinner" posts
all with reddit spacing of course
is Teemo still good as anything but countering tryn
>league nendoroid
>it's Ahri
I'm not even asking for some useless obscure champion. Why the weeb bait? Why not Ashe or Lux?
Do I still get an emote for buying the Summoner Icons for a team?
But I'm telling the truth.
>barring thresh
thresh was, is, and remains incredibly overloaded to the point that yasuo is childs play
He's good at getting raped in the ass by the enemy top laner.